When the trio of girls including Yamabuki Ai, Tobiichi Origami, Itsuka Shiori, Yatogami Toka, and even everyone on board the aerial battleship Fraxinus who secretly observed using micro drones discovered that the health room gatekeeper When they were turned away, they hurriedly searched to see if there was anywhere they could peek.

However, even if there is a small glass window on the door of the health room, it is difficult for everyone to see the situation inside through the glass, because Igarashi and Tokisaki Kurumi are standing just behind the curtain of the hospital bed, and their field of view is blind spot. The conversation that could barely be heard at first was now difficult to hear due to the obstruction of the door.

This situation gave rise to various speculations. The more daring ones, such as Yamabuki Ai, Itsuka Shiori and others, even speculated on what happened to Igarashi and Tokisaki Kurumi in the empty health room. Nothing to worry about, and his face turned red because of it.

Just when everyone was looking at each other in shock, and even starting to consider whether they should break in and prevent Tokisaki Kurumi from suddenly popping up to take advantage of Igarashi——

The door of the health room was pushed open from the inside.

Hey, everyone is here, what a coincidence.

Igarashi said with a smile as he looked at the girls hiding on both sides of the wall of the gate who had no time to escape.

Ahaha...what a coincidence...

Everyone except Igarashi and Tokisaki Kurumi looked embarrassed. They stiffly followed the excuses Igarashi gave them. At the same time, they secretly looked at the faces of Igarashi and Tokisaki Kurumi and wanted to Determine what happened to these two guys during the short and long time they spent in the health room.

However, nothing was found. The expressions of the two of them were normal, so normal that everyone following them suddenly felt that they were making random guesses about others and that they were dirty inside.

I also want to take Tokisaki-san to visit the canteen and confirm the location of the office of the homeroom teacher, Ms. Tsue Okamine. Do you want to follow me, or do you want to go home?

Well, it's getting late, so we'll leave first. Goodbye.

The trio of girls really couldn't find a reason to go together. At this moment, seeing that the stalking incident was suspected to have been exposed, they said goodbye to Igarashi in embarrassment and left in a hurry.

Itsuka Shiori originally wanted to say goodbye, but before she could say anything, her companions - Yatogami Tohka and Tobiichi Origami spoke first.


Anyway, Yatogami Tohka and Igarashi live together, and Tobiichi Origami also lives next door to Igarashi’s house. Now it’s okay to wait for Igarashi to go home with Kurumi Tokisaki after visiting the school. Makes sense.

At this thought, Wuhe Shizhi stopped talking. She was also Igarashi's neighbor.

So the original duo of Igarashi and Tokisaki Kurumi were suddenly joined by three more people.

Igarashi didn't feel sorry for losing the alone time with Kurumi Tokisaki. When he listened to Kurumi Tokisaki's heartbeat with a stethoscope, he saw the hidden fire in the elf girl's eyes. It was obvious that if Igarashi did this Tokisaki Kurumi would never settle for anything out of the ordinary, but would directly break out into a fight.

Igarashi won't do anything to force a beautiful girl. Anyway, she can't really get any benefits by continuing to spend time with Tokisaki Kurumi. It's better to let her go with a girl who really likes her.

As for the so-called secret relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend that Tokisaki Kurumi mentioned before, Igarashi didn't take it seriously at all.

Tokisaki Kurumi just wanted to get close to him. Maybe he wanted to see how the elves would survive after coming into contact with him. Maybe he found out that he had a lot of power in the DEM club and the AST force, and wanted to find out some information. Perhaps it was simply because I heard that I was the manager of the DATE agency and wanted to see if I had any hidden girls.

Not for any emotional reasons anyway.

After that, nothing special happened.

They walked through the corridor normally, recognized the office normally, and then in front of the closed canteen, Tokisaki Kurumi and Itsuka Shiori talked about the delicious bread and simple lunch boxes sold there...

Tokisaki Kurumi behaved like a qualified transfer student, with curiosity and pleasant politeness. Under Hisuka Shiori's proactive and friendly introduction, he nodded and thanked him.

In this short period of time, she left a very good impression on Itsuka Shiori. Even Yatogami Tohka, who was originally somewhat resistant to Kurumi Tokisaki, received many well-placed compliments from Kurumi. And after implicitly stating that Igarashi likes Tohka, he also appeared happy.

The only one who remained wary of Tokisaki Kurumi from beginning to end was Tobiichi Origami.

Facing the most evil spirit named Nightmare Tokisaki Kurumi, Tobiichi Origami was not so easily deceived by her cultivated appearance. No matter what the reason was, she died at the hands of Tokisaki Kurumi. Ten thousand people cannot be ignored casually. Tobiichi Origami is actually very worried that Kurumi Tokisaki will suddenly become unhappy with Igarashi and then take action boldly.

It was precisely because of this worry that Tobiichi Origami, who had already taken the micro-manifestation device and carried it with him, always prepared for battle, was always on guard.

Even after Kurumi Tokisaki visited the school, said goodbye and left, Tobiichi Origami kept staring at her back until the other party completely disappeared from sight, then he looked away and put down his inner vigilance 3.8.

Igarashi naturally noticed that Tobiichi Origami looked like he was facing a formidable enemy. Seeing the rare nervousness on that delicate face, he shook Tobiichi Origami's hand in a funny way.

rest assured.

Itsuka Shiori and Yatogami Touka didn't know why Igarashi suddenly said such words to Tobiichi Origami, but they saw the intimate gesture of Igarashi and Tobiichi Origami holding hands.

Yatogami Toka snorted and grabbed Igarashi's free hand. Now, Itsuka Shiori had no chance to hold hands with Igarashi.

But even if there were, with Hisuka Shiori's character, he wouldn't do anything openly.

The current scene is quite harmonious, which is gratifying.

Chapter 1006 Takamiya Mana’s sister

After leaving Laizen High School, Tokisaki Kurumi seemed to be walking casually in the streets at dusk. Perhaps because of the good security in Tengu City, Tokisaki Kurumi did not meet the beauty who coveted her like he did in other cities. Tokisaki Kurumi, a perverted ruffian, half regretted that he could not kill the person who needed to be killed to make up for the time, and half was pleased with the quality of the people in Tiangong City. After walking forward for a while as if nothing had happened, he turned back. .

It seems that the people in Tiangong City are pretty good, so can you stop following me? Mana Takamiya.

After a moment of silence, Takamiya Mana's figure walked out from the corner of the street. She had already put on a display device that was obviously a higher level than the ordinary AST equipment. At this moment, she faced Tokisaki Kurumi who was looking at her with a smile. , but he doesn’t have a good attitude.

What do you want to do in Tiangong City? Nightmare.

It's nothing, just strolling around. Besides, it would be very sad to be called by such a code name all the time. People have names. Tokisaki Kurumi, please call me properly.

Although Tokisaki Kurumi spoke with the same attitude as 15 friends, Takamiya Mana did not hide his displeasure and frowned.

I don't want you to call me by my name, and I don't want you to say your name.

It's really complicated~

Shut up, how can you, who is stained with the blood of ten thousand people, speak and act so casually, and even dare to enter the campus and become a student?!

Ah la ah la, it's so vicious. It looks like you are going to pull out a weapon and kill me in the next second.

Seeing that Kurumi Tokisaki still had a nonchalant look on his face, Mana Takamiya's expression became obviously even worse.

If neither the DEM club nor the AST army stipulates that harming elves is unnecessary, killing elves is strictly prohibited. If it weren't for this rule, do you think you could continue to do evil?

Takamiya Shina gritted his teeth and expressed his intention to kill Tokisaki Kurumi, but the smiling expression on Tokisaki Kurumi's face remained unchanged.

Unfortunately, there is no if.

I will find the higher-ups who specified this rule and ask them to change it!

When Takamiya Mana expressed his feelings, Tokisaki Kurumi took out his mobile phone. After a while of operation, he turned the phone screen to Takamiya Mana and spoke meaningfully.

Today I was at Laizen High School, and I accidentally discovered a person who has many similarities to your appearance.

On Tokisaki Kurumi's cell phone was a photo of Itsuka Shiori.

When Takamiya Mana saw the photo, his eyes widened.


The girl suddenly clenched the weapon in her hand and glared at Tokisaki Kurumi.

What did you do to her?!

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