So, where do you start giving me a tour of the school?

If you want to capture beautiful girls, the rooftop with a wide view and very quiet place is a good place to go, and the health room without a health teacher is also a good place.

However, Igarashi knew that conquering Kurumi could not be achieved by getting along on the rooftop or in the health room together.

Although if the original Phantom form is revealed in front of Kurumi, and there is such a favor as saving his life, Kurumi's favorability level may be significantly improved, even if it is not as completely enamored as Tobiichi Origami, it will still reach More than friends.

However, Igarashi is not sure. If he reveals his Phantom appearance and then says that the monster at that time did not appear because of the evil of people's hearts, but only because of the small chain reaction left by the initial space shock, it will have already Will Kurumi, who killed tens of thousands of people in pursuit of justice, attack him out of anger?

Igarashi really didn't expect that the excuse he made at that time would have such a profound impact on Kurumi.

As for the lives of tens of thousands of people, Igarashi didn't take it too seriously.

At the point where he is now, what he can care about, besides the girls he cares about, if it is the lives of ordinary people, at least the creatures of a continent or even a world can make Igarashi truly care.

Let alone the guy who provoked Kurumi Tokisaki.

After Igarashi's thoughts wandered for a moment, he remembered Tokisaki Kurumi's question and answered.

First we go to the teaching building, then we go to the canteen where everyone often goes, then we go to Teacher Tsugumi Okamine's office, and finally we go to the principal's office and academic affairs office in the administration building that we may come into contact with in the future.

Igarashi was able to designate such a detailed plan in such a short period of time, which surprised Tokisaki Kurumi slightly, and he was also surprised that Igarashi did not think of taking him to some private place to create an ambiguous atmosphere and close the relationship, but this Surprised by business.

...Okay, let's set off.

After Tokisaki Kurumi said this, he followed Igarashi briskly while staring at him with his right eye that was not covered by his hair.

When Igarashi looks at him inadvertently, Kurumi Tokisaki will smile with a beautiful smile that feels happy and moving from the bottom of his heart. It is as if he has been watching the moment when his eyes met.

For high school students who have never really been in love and are just in the budding age of youth and yearning for love, Kurumi Tokisaki's smile at this moment is probably the best expression of love.

When the person you like is happy, you feel happy too. When the person you like is sad, you feel sad too. Protect her from wind and rain, work hard for her, and then just seeing this beautiful smile is enough to eliminate the pain. Physical and mental fatigue.

This is probably the romance that boys and girls look forward to.

This is also the way to love that one should imagine.

Igarashi looked at Tokisaki Kurumi's smile and confirmed a fact.

This guy is completely acting, and although there is no obvious fallacy in his acting skills, if someone with rich love experience looks at it, there is something strange about it.

Such a smile can only be easily revealed between couples who have established a relationship and established a tacit understanding. Otherwise, when a girl meets for the first time, even if she falls in love at first sight, she should smile shyly and timidly, and she must have the courage to reveal her feelings. Smile, not like now, a smile that looks happy but actually lacks mood swings.

It's safer to look at the road ahead when walking.

Igarashi looked at Kurumi, who kept looking back with a smile. Igarashi, who had a bad taste because of this, maintained his movements for about five seconds, then paused and said this suddenly.

Kurumi Tokisaki, who originally thought Igarashi was fascinated by him, was startled when he suddenly said such nonsense, and then turned his head and looked forward.

Well, directly in front of Tokisaki Kurumi is a support pillar protruding from the flat corridor wall. If time continues for one second and he continues to move forward, Tokisaki Kurumi will bump into it.

In that case, both Tokisaki Kurumi's self-esteem as the eldest lady and her pride as an elf who eradicates evil and upholds justice will be severely frustrated.

It's really dangerous.

Tokisaki Kurumi glanced at the support column in front of him with some annoyance, then quickly calmed down and looked at Igarashi with a grateful smile.

Thank you. I almost had an accident and had to go to the infirmary. Well, I thought maybe you could show me around the infirmary first instead of other places?

School is over now, and the teacher in the infirmary is off work.

Igarashi's tone was still businesslike, neither harsh nor gentle.

I don't need to see the teacher. I'm just curious about the location of the infirmary. Can I trouble you?

And Tokisaki Kurumi's tone was still gentle and elegant. Now, considering that this situation lasted for a long time, it seemed as if Tokisaki Kurumi was being bullied by Igarashi.

Chapter 1003 Playing on occasion

Although it was difficult to hear the conversation between Igarashi and Kurumi Tokisaki clearly, at least the expressions and behavior of Kurumi Tokisaki and Igarashi could still be clearly seen by the two teams secretly following them.

Igarashi-san, your attitude towards Tokisaki-san seems not to be very good?

Wuhe Shizhi blinked in surprise and whispered.

Yatogami Tohka did not answer, but snorted cutely, with an emotion called happiness in his eyes.

The transfer student Tokisaki Kurumi appeared out of nowhere. As soon as he appeared, he was inexplicably attentive to Igarashi and showed an intimate and ambiguous attitude. Naturally, Tohka was a little uncomfortable. Compared to the previous deliberate remarks, Tobiichi Origami and Yatogami Tohka feel that they are even more unsuitable to get along with Tokisaki Kurumi if it affects their mood. To put it bluntly, they are as incompatible as beings with opposite personalities.

Yatogami Tohka doesn’t know why she feels this way, but she just doesn’t like Tokisaki Kurumi very much. However, Tohka, who has received Mio’s teachings, knows very well that she shouldn’t jump out and hinder Isao now. The contact between Arashi and Kurumi Tokisaki would be annoying, so even if she felt uncomfortable seeing the person she resisted talking and laughing with Igarashi, Tohka just endured it. Of course, in fact, , all the negative emotions that Tohka has always had will disappear without a trace as long as there is a soybean flour bread.

Unexpectedly, Igarashi seems to be indifferent to Kurumi Tokisaki. No matter what happens in the future, this time is not a perfect contact, which makes Tohka feel like she has won. After all, it was the first time she met Igarashi. When Julan was young, Igarashi took the initiative to make friends with her.

Tohka was in a happy mood. If she didn't know that she was still following him, she would even be humming happily now.

Tobiichi Origami was surprised by Igarashi's attitude. In her opinion, when she sees a beautiful girl approaching, Igarashi should accept them without rejecting them. Why is this picture of keeping a distance? appearance.

On the other side, the trio of girls also had all kinds of curiosity and questions.

At this time, Igarashi had already agreed to Tokisaki Kurumi's proposal and took her to the health room.

As expected, as the students finished school and the teachers came home from get off work, through the small glass window of the closed door, you could see that the health room was empty at this moment. Igarashi paused and looked at Tokisaki. Kuang San said.

This is the health room, but it seems that not only the teacher has left, but the door of the health room has also been locked...

As soon as Igarashi finished speaking, Tokisaki Kurumi took a step forward and gently turned the door handle. The door of the health room opened in response. After doing this, Tokisaki Kurumi looked at him with a smile. Looking at Igarashi, he opened his mouth and said.

It seems that there is no lock here. Let's go in and take a look? I seem to be feeling a little uncomfortable.

The health room was originally locked. Tokisaki Kurumi, who had mastered the power of time, summoned his past self in the room. Then the past Kurumi leaned down, avoiding the sight range visible through the glass window of the door, and quietly The door opened from the inside.

Igarashi, who was observing because he felt the power fluctuation and wanted to see what tricks Tokisaki Kurumi was playing, clearly saw everything that had just happened.

The thief-like posture of Tokisaki Kurumi's clone inside made Igarashi feel a little bit dumbfounded.

He walked into the health room with Kurumi Tokisaki and watched her smoothly close the door with an extremely natural movement. Not only were the two teams following them, but even the micro-drone of the air battleship Fraxinus was caught Refusing the door, Igarashi showed a tentative expression of concern.

Are you feeling unwell?


Tokisaki Kurumi nodded lightly, walked to the depths of the health room, sat down on the bed that was blocked by a white bed curtain and could block the view of the glass window of the health room, and held his chest in a weak gesture.

It's very hot here. My heart has been beating very fast since I saw Igarashi-san. Hey, Igarashi-san, do you know what kind of disease this is?

This is the feeling of falling in love at first sight!

Kurumi Tokisaki's expression and behavior were clearly guiding Igarashi to tell this answer. If any male classmate from Lazen High School switched places with Igarashi, they would blush and tell such an answer with excitement.

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