Tokisaki Kurumi's character has changed to a certain extent because of him. Although his behavior does not seem to have much deviation, he originally killed people to accumulate time in order to change the fact that elves exist, in an attempt to go back to the past and bring the elves together. The sadness of denying my own existence has turned into the current everything for justice...

How should I put it, Igarashi feels this is a good change, although Kurumi still seems to be a yandere.

I hope I can get along well with all my classmates in the future.

Tokisaki Kurumi bowed slightly, and then said to Okamine Soe amid the applause from the classroom.

I have just transferred here, so I am completely unfamiliar with this school. Can someone show me around the school during school hours?

Huh? Well...then-

Takemine Okamine wanted to find a female classmate to show Kurumi Tokisaki around the school, but Kurumi Tokisaki walked straight to Igarashi.

Can I please help you with this?

Igarashi was very confused as to why Tokisaki Kurumi took the initiative to find him. Now, whether it is the DEM club, the AST vs. Elf 3.2 unit or the Fraxinas air battleship, they are actually under Igarashi's control. , and Mio, as the Origin Elf, has a close relationship with Igarashi, so what was the reason that prompted Kurumi Tokisaki, who was wandering around the world, to find him?

Although Igarashi does intend to gradually gather the elves towards Tengu City, he has not yet implemented it!


Igarashi simply nodded in agreement, there was nothing to refuse.

Yatogami Tohka showed a slightly angry expression, while Tobiichi Origami and Itsuka Shiori looked thoughtful.

They still don't know that the real name of the elf codenamed [Nightmare] is Kurumi Tokisaki, otherwise, it wouldn't be as simple as being thoughtful.

Chapter 1001 The Sinful Elf

I have confirmed that Kurumi Tokisaki is an evil elf codenamed [Nightmare]. Do you want to sound the space earthquake alarm and send the AST troops here?

Kurumi Tokisaki revealed his identity as an elf during the introduction. Tobiichi Origami naturally couldn't do nothing. After secretly browsing all the known elf information in AST through a special communicator, he was very solemn after class. He quietly found Igarashi and said this to him.

Although he knew that Igarashi possessed powerful power that mortals did not have, and even speculated that Igarashi was somewhat stronger than the AST members equipped with manifestation devices, Tobiichi Origami did not want to find out who was stronger or weaker between Igarashi and the spirit. Igarashi being injured as a result is something that Tobiichi Origami is extremely repulsed by.

No need.

Normally, Tobiichi Origami would unconditionally trust Igarashi, but when Igarashi's own safety may be threatened, Tobiichi Origami has some changes. She is now trying to persuade Igarashi to change her mind.

[Nightmare] is the most evil elf. No other elf has any record of directly killing people. Only she has killed tens of thousands of people with her own hands. Although they have more or less made mistakes or sins, those who are not guilty will not die. It’s the majority, even if [Nightmare] seems to have certain rules for killing people, this kind of thing cannot be left to chance.”

I know you're worried about me, don't worry, I'm very powerful, really very powerful.

Seeing Igarashi's serious look, Tobiichi Origami was silent for a moment and finally said.

At least let me transfer the manifestation device from the AST base. If something happens, I can help.

If it makes you feel at ease, do it.

Watching Tobiichi Origami leave in the opposite direction of the classroom when the bell rang, Igarashi exhaled half helplessly, half happily, took steps, and returned to the classroom.

The day passed silently. Some people felt that it was very slow, while others felt that time passed by too fast.

Tokisaki Kurumi seemed to be the former. After the bell that marked the end of school rang and the homeroom teacher Takee Okamine left the classroom, he came to Igarashi a little impatiently. The slim girl leaned down slightly and let her eyes meet. Sitting Igarashi was level with him.

Can you take me to visit the school next? Igarashi.


Igarashi nodded curtly, and Kurumi smiled just right to show her happiness and continued.

You can call me Kuangsanyou?

With a beautiful appearance that is like a perfect creation of the gods, a noble temperament exuding from his body, and elegant words and deeds, everything that Tokisaki Kurumi shows is extremely attractive.

Igarashi was not too surprised by this. After all, Kurumi Tokisaki was originally a eldest lady. It is understandable that her words and actions show etiquette. The once childish chuunibyou has now become a mature chuunibyou. It’s over.

She didn’t know what she was looking for. She found out that she was opening a harem, so she planned to eradicate the playboy and carry out the justice in her heart?

Hehe, let's go? I'm looking forward to it.

Igarashi's random thoughts during this moment did not seem to be noticed by Tokisaki Kurumi, and the girl walked briskly towards the corridor.

Originally, the fact that the new transfer student approached Igarashi and showed an unusually intimate attitude was naturally a big gossip. The students in the class should follow him quietly after school to explore the deeper meaning. That's it.

However, due to the sudden heavy rain this morning, the condition of everyone's clothes was not very optimistic. Although the sunshine later dried the clothes wetted by the rain, they still had a strange smell on their bodies, and they were eager to take a bath. The students were After weighing the two considerations, most of them chose not to delve into the gossip of Igarashi and Kurumi Tokisaki for the time being, and went home to take care of their personal hygiene.

Only Yatogami Tohka, Tobiichi Origami and Itsuka Shiori formed the first team, and Yamabuki Ai and the other three girls formed the second team, following Igarashi and Tokisaki Kurumi in two directions.

Well, if you think about it, there are quite a few followers.

At the same time, in addition to the air battleship Fraxinus using a micro-drone that it thought was secretive to spy on Igarashi and the sudden appearance of the elves, the AST base, Kusakabe Ryouko and the team members were also transmitting information through Toiichi Origami. The image of watching things unfold.

They were not gossiping, but were prepared to rush over and join the battle as soon as they discovered that the evil spirit had evil intentions. At this moment, the AST team members were all fully armed, and there was an additional figure who had not appeared before.

[Nightmare], has it appeared again? This guy is really haunting.

Takamiya Mana looked at Tokisaki Kurumi's figure with a depressed expression, while Kusakabe Ryouko looked at the girl who was sent by her superiors and was said to be a very powerful master and asked.

You know her?

Well, [Nightmare] killed ten thousand people, you know that, right? I had contact with her, or fought with her, if I hadn't knocked out some gangsters who wanted to tease [Nightmare] in advance and sent them to the police Bureau, [Nightmare] will probably kill more people.”

Because both the DEM Club and the AST Force have clearly stipulated that elves are not allowed to be killed, and elves are not allowed to be harmed unless necessary. At this moment, Takamiya Mana did not kill Tokisaki Kurumi. After discovering that his words of persuasion were fruitless, he used After the display device had limited effect in preventing Tokisaki Kurumi from killing people, Takamiya Mana thought of another compromise method. Before Tokisaki Kurumi dealt with those gangsters who did not have long eyes, he first dealt with those gangsters. Saki Kurumi has a much gentler approach.

Ryouko Kusakabe frowned. Realizing that Igarashi's life and safety might be threatened, she became confused with concern, but now she was ready to lead the team.

Seeing this, Chong Gong Mana couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

[The Nightmare] will not harm innocent people, and the students of Lai Zen High School will not be in danger.

Igarashi is not an honest guy. It would be terrible if [Nightmare] classified him as a gangster and killed him.

Ryouko Kusakabe seems to lack trust in Igarashi.

Chapter 1002 Visit

Igarashi walked according to Kurumi's request. If he wanted to take her to visit the campus, he had to go down from the teaching building where the class was located, so he walked towards the west corridor.

In this corridor that was almost deserted because school was over, Igarashi could feel that six people were following him, divided into two small groups, staying in two directions, obviously seeing each other but not knowing each other. Influence, working together towards the same end - tracking.

Among the six people, only Tobiichi Origami seemed to be quite skilled. The other five made noises or left flaws. As long as they were not immersed in something, they could easily detect the weirdness in them.

The so-called something can be a couple immersed in love, an otaku immersed in light novels and games, or an ordinary person walking in a careless daze.

And Igarashi was not among these three, he just took Tokisaki Kurumi to visit honestly.

Igarashi didn't show any other behavior, and neither did Kurumi Tokisaki, who looked as if she actually wanted Igarashi to show her around the school.

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