In that case, some things should be inconvenient, right? With Tohka's personality, she might break into your bedroom at night.

Origami's words made Igarashi deep in thought.

Why can Tohka break into his bedroom be associated with inconvenience?

But soon, Igarashi, who understood Origami's lack of shame towards him, realized that Origami meant that if he wanted to sleep with him at night, he would be blocked or disturbed by Tohka, and living next door, if If you can keep Tohka a secret, you can basically avoid such a possibility.

Why do you feel like you are hiding in a golden house?

Regarding such things that are not upright and pure, Igarashi is of course——

Of course! I will help you move during the holidays. It will be very convenient if you use some tricks.

Chapter 995 The hot spring trip ends

Although at first, Kusakabe Ryouko thought that the AST would only get one day off, and even made plans to message the hotel in the evening and return to the AST base early the next day, Igarashi took advantage of his free time in the afternoon to return to the AST base. After modifying the order, the AST Tiangong branch got two days of vacation, which happened to be a whole weekend.

Such a special order naturally attracted the attention of the Tiangong Municipal Government, and they asked for the reason. Igarashi was too lazy to reply to them, and directly asked his subordinates to reply on their behalf, and made it clear that if the Tiangong Municipal Government had any dissatisfaction, please let them be honest. Holding back.

Although nominally, AST is semi-governmental, its equipment comes from the Ratatosk Company. The ruins left after each space earthquake are rebuilt at the Ratatosk Company's expense. The local government only cooperates in evacuating the crowd. And in the official name, AST is given various privileges that are not too exaggerated in the eyes of the public.

Even if Igarashi didn't deliberately use means to influence people's hearts, the Tiangong City Government couldn't do anything.

So, when Igarashi informed Kusakabe Ryouko and her team members that tomorrow was also a holiday in the evening, there was naturally a burst of cheers. The eyes of the ordinary team members looking at Igarashi were even sparkling, originally because of the wonderful vacation. The time was about to pass and they were more or less depressed, but they regained their spirits.

Everyone played in the hot spring hotel for two whole days, and the small back hill was almost dug up by the energetic people.

However, at night, Igarashi was still alone in a room. Although there was more than one girl who wanted to sleep with Igarashi, under mutual control, no one could take that step. Case.

Igarashi didn't mind this very much. After making sure that no one would disturb him at night, he even went to take a look around his own little world.

After that, the proprietress did her best to prepare various items that may be used during play, as well as three meals a day, as well as snacks for leisure time, so that everyone had a very happy holiday.

Originally, the proprietress who intentionally or unintentionally created a little disturbance and gloated about the good show seemed to have changed her gender.

Both the AST team members and the Wuhe sisters felt that this store was very good. When the landlady invited them to come back next time, they nodded in agreement without hesitation.

Hey, brother Igarashi, you will come again next time, right?

The proprietress looked at Igarashi pitifully. The AST members and Wuhe sisters, who had been greatly improved by the proprietress, did not think there was anything wrong. However, Ryouko Kusakabe and others guessed that the proprietress had probably already Develop a long-term opportunity.


Faced with the boss lady's request, Igarashi did not give a negative answer. Anyway, the person in front of him was just a non-threatening ordinary person, and his appearance and personality were actually very charming. Although Igarashi would not take the initiative to attack, he did. They won't push out the prey that comes to them.

The AST troops drove their special cars, planned the route a little, and sent everyone to places closer to home in a short time, instead of sending them directly to their homes. The main reason was that there was not enough time to allow the other people in the car to It's not good for her to wait too long.

After getting out of the car, on the way home, which was only a few hundred meters away, the Five River sisters and Yatogami Tohka walked briskly in front, chatting about what kind of food in the hot spring hotel was delicious and what posture was most comfortable for bathing in the hot spring. , and some interesting things discovered in the back mountain, while Mio calmly took a step behind and walked side by side with Igarashi.

Didn't anyone look for you last night?

No, by the way, how did it end up that Tobiichi Origami, Kusakabe Ryouko, and Yatogami Tohka all live in the room next to me? Isn't it too crowded for three people to sleep in one bed?

Thinking of the situation in the next room that he discovered last night, Igarashi felt dumbfounded.

The three girls were each monitoring each other, as if they were all on guard against someone sneaking over to Igarashi. This situation lasted for most of the night. After midnight, they started to get angry because of the fun during the day. The girls, who had spent a lot of energy and energy, huddled together and fell asleep.

Even an elf like Tohka, whose status is much higher than that of ordinary humans, has faint dark circles under her eyes.

Did you find out? Haha, because they all wanted to occupy that room, and no one gave in, I made a slight suggestion to let them live together. Although it was not in line with their original expectations, I realized that if this stalemate continues, there may never be any results. , in the end those few people still followed my advice.”

Mio was not digging a hole for Igarashi, but was resolving some minor conflicts in Igarashi's harem without him knowing.

This is probably the best result.

Igarashi didn't think that he would have a chance to push someone down last night.

While Igarashi was thinking, the Five River sisters and Yatogami Tohka, who were walking in front, had already arrived at the door. However, they did not open the door individually. Instead, they stood in a row outside. When Igarashi walked in, They bowed slightly and said in unison.

Thank you for taking us on this hot spring trip.

If Itsuka Shiori and Itsuka Kotori, who was wearing a white hairband, expressed their gratitude so seriously, Igarashi would be able to accept it for the time being, but at this moment, Itsuka Kotori, who was wearing a black hairband, still didn't quite understand. 2.7 Tohka, who is so sophisticated in human relations, at least not yet able to express her gratitude formally, made such a move, which surprised Igarashi.

It should have been suggested by Wuhe Shizhi, right?

It's okay, just have fun.

Igarashi waved his hand as if it didn't matter.

If you take into account the amount of money he spent, this is completely a wealthy man's move.

The Wuhe sisters have different thoughts, but they are all very grateful.

Both Kotori Itsuka and Shiori Itsuka raised their heads, but Tohka still lowered her head. Igarashi touched her head skillfully, and the elf girl just happily came to Igarashi's side. , said goodbye to the Wuhe sisters.

Next, everyone goes back to their respective homes, although there is only a wall between Igarashi's home and Wuhe's home.

Chapter 996 So, it’s very cool

Because Igarashi said before that the origami could be brought here, this pure white girl, who was not shy at all in front of Igarashi, was used to taking the initiative and had no intention of hiding her feelings, sent the message shortly after Igarashi returned home. He sent a text message to express that he was ready for everything.

It was made clear that Igarashi could give her the key to the house next door.

This eager attitude made Igarashi couldn't help but smile. After saying hello to Mio, he teleported to Origami's house.

As for Yatogami Tohka, she played as hard as she could in the past two days. As soon as she got home, her hidden fatigue seemed to explode in an instant. After eating her favorite soybean flour bread, she ran to the room Sleep soundly, otherwise Tohka would definitely do something if she learned that Igarashi was going to run out on a night like this, or that Origami was going to move next door.

When Igarashi arrived at the door of Origami's room 15, before he could knock on the door, Origami opened the door within a few seconds, as if telepathically.

Of course Igarashi was surprised. Although the power of the elf had been secretly stored in Origami's body, allowing her to benefit subtly, the elf should not have such excellent perception.

Seemingly sensing Igarashi's doubts, Tobiichi Origami spoke.

Smelled your scent.


To be honest, this made Igarashi feel more weird than the simple sensitivity of perception, but since he already understood the character of the pure white girl in front of him, he didn't bother to ask how Origami recorded her scent.

It was nothing more than sniffing her clothes secretly, or taking careful note of it while I was holding her.

I've already put away my things, let's go?

Origami raised the large suitcase in her left hand, while the other hand was already holding Igarashi, and it seemed that she was planning to leave in this posture.

I can use some small means to send you and your belongings to the house next door to my house instantly. You...

No need.

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