
Igarashi was stunned by Tobiichi Origami's decisive refusal.

No need to bother, just walk over like this?

Although there was no obvious emotion in Tobiichi Origami's eyes when he looked at him, he felt the warmth from his palms and Igarashi quickly understood.

Tobiichi Origami hopes to enjoy the time alone between the two of them for a while longer.

Aren't you tired? You just came back from a hot spring trip. Most people should have fallen asleep by now?

Not tired.

Tobiichi Origami answered simply, as if to show that she was very energetic now. She was still bouncing on the spot, and her face was still expressionless, but she made such an action——

This is probably origami-style cuteness.

Igarashi smiled and rubbed Origami's head with his free hand, and then forcefully took the large suitcase from Origami's hand. Seeing this, Origami couldn't help but say.

If you use pulleys, it won't be troublesome to move this suitcase.

That's why I'm the one dragging her along. There's a girl holding something while the man accompanying her has empty hands.

Igarashi also has a very serious macho pride.

Origami no longer protested. With her other hand freed, she immediately changed her position, from holding Igarashi's hand to hugging her whole body, her face resting on Igarashi's arm, and then He just turned his head slightly and looked up at Igarashi and asked.

Would this cause any trouble to you?

No, I'm very happy.

Yes, it was very refreshing. Igarashi expressed his feelings calmly and there was no need to hide anything when it came to Origami. Otherwise, if she misunderstood, it might lead to ridiculous consequences.

It is already eight o'clock in the evening. Although for many people, this is the time when energy is high, but even if they are energetic, they spend their energy in front of their computers and mobile phones at home, or in the center of a bustling city. A commercial street, not on an ordinary street like this.

In addition, two consecutive space earthquakes occurred in Tiangong City before, and many people did not have much thought to go out for a walk.

At this moment, the road Igarashi and Tobiichi Origami were walking on, except for a few elderly people who were out for a walk, there were not many other passers-by, and Tobiichi Origami was holding Igarashi's body like a bird. Walking with arms also attracted kind smiles from the elderly.

The night itself is silent, and on this road away from the bustling streets, the elderly people walking will not speak loudly. Except for the sound of gentle footsteps and the sound of the suitcase pulley rolling, it is completely silent.

All in all, it has a very atmospheric atmosphere, the kind of ambiguous atmosphere where a couple goes on a date, and then something should naturally happen.

This atmosphere became even more obvious when Igarashi and Tobiichi Origami arrived at their destination, the two-story residential house next to Igarashi's house.

Tobiichi Origami did not let go of his hands holding Igarashi's arms.

I'm afraid of the dark, so why don't you stay and sleep with me?

To be honest, this is a poor excuse. If you are afraid of the dark, how did you spend such a long time alone? If you are afraid of the dark, why don't you sleep with the light on? Although this place has been idle, the power has not been cut off, right?

Igarashi would never make such a straight statement.


Of course, Igarashi chose to agree. Yatogami Tohka was still sleeping, and Mio also knew what Igarashi would do and what he might do. In addition, in the undisturbed environment at this moment, he could not do it in the hot spring hotel. Things can be done now.

However, Igarashi was not too impatient. Now he cleaned up some dust accumulated in the house due to long-term inactivity, and helped Origami organize the things in the suitcase she brought.

Except for a few measly pieces of clothing, most of the suitcases contained the standard weapons of the AST troops.

The elderly people I met on the road before probably didn't expect that the cute girl in their hearts would have most of their belongings containing destructive weapons, right?

Chapter 997 A piece of bread, friendship lasts forever

Tobiichi Origami was pushed down by Igarashi.

As a sane guy who could even be said to follow his inner desires better than ordinary people, how could Igarashi sleep with a girl he likes and likes him for a night without anything happening?

Originally, Igarashi wanted to take a leave of absence for Tobiichi Origami and not go to Laizen High School. After all, although Igarashi had many means to recover from the pain and physical exertion caused by Tobiichi Origami, if he could have pure rest time, better.

However, Tobiichi Origami was determined to go to Raizen High School, and the explanation given to Igarashi's question was——

You shouldn't be able to stay with me all the time, right? Otherwise Yatogami Tohka might be suspicious and might go berserk after knowing what happened. Since you are going to Raizen High School, I will go too.

In fact, under the careful guidance of Mio and Igarashi, Yatogami Tohka is not so easy to go berserk.

After knowing that Tobiichi Origami was pushed down by Igarashi, she may feel that it was because of her hesitant behavior that Tobiichi Origami took the lead. She may become angry and take the initiative to attack. She may be angry and dissatisfied, but not yet. As for the rampage.

Even if he goes berserk, the spirit power will not flow back from Wuhe Shiori's body, and Tohka will not wreak havoc with the sword. As long as Igarashi wants to, the effect of Wuhe Shiori's sealing ability can be Extremely terrifying.

However, since Tobiichi Origami considered this for herself, Igarashi naturally did not refuse her kindness. After using some means to restore Tobiichi Origami's energy and spirit, he took the girl home and met Yatto. Kami Tohka greets.

Tohka, Origami will live next door to our house from now on. Do you want to get along well with her?

Most of the things Igarashi does, he will talk to Mio, he only needs to explain to Tohka.

Living next door? Eh?

Tohka seemed a bit unable to react, but before she showed any signs of hostility, Tobiichi Origami handed the plastic bag she was holding to Tohka.

This is a special soybean flour bread as a greeting gift for neighbors.

Seeing what was in front of her, little stars were twinkling in Tohka's eyes. The resistance and hostility towards Origami that should have appeared did not appear at all. In fact, if Origami hadn't deliberately teased her before, Tohka would have probably used Origami at this moment. Be included in the circle of good friends.

Even though there were some minor conflicts before, now due to the existence of the special soybean flour bread, Tohka's eyes towards Tobiichi Origami became much friendlier.

Thank you, but this must not be used as a bargaining chip for me to give Igarashi to you? Not even for another hundred copies! Well... we will be neighbors from now on, please give me some advice.

After a little declaration of sovereignty, Toka bowed solemnly to say hello to Tobiichi Origami in a relatively standard posture, and Tobiichi Origami returned the favor.

Scenes like tit-for-tat that should have occurred did not occur beyond Igarashi's expectations.

Seeing Tohka bouncing around and eating special soybean flour bread while sitting on the sofa in the living room, Igarashi leaned into Tobiichi Origami's ear and asked in a low voice.

Does the bakery sell special soybean flour bread?

Why didn’t Igarashi know? Could it be that the middle-aged woman, the owner of the panel shop, sold the origami to her alone because she thought it was cute? Even if people are judged by their appearance, Igarashi feels that his appearance is not bad. Is it possible that there are gender restrictions? It’s really unfair. Igarashi calls for equality between men and women.

I don't sell it. I make it myself. I specially increased the amount of soybean flour. Don't Tohka really like the taste? So it should be better than the soybean flour bread mass-produced by bakeries, so it's called special.

Tobiichi Origami's cooking level is very high, which Igarashi knows very well, so he has no doubts about her words. After all, Toka, who is happily eating the special soybean flour bread like a little squirrel at the moment, has proven that Got this.

It looks like you can develop a good relationship with her just by relying on this craft.

Igarashi was quite helpless towards Tohka, a foodie, but he also taught her not to eat things given by strangers, and she listened. Igarashi was not worried about Tohka being eaten and abducted.


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