The Itsuka sisters, Yatogami Tohka, and Tobiichi Origami all immediately fixed their gazes on Mio, and Mio looked innocent, as if she didn't even know that she was sitting in a position that others cared about. .

Is it possible that this time together made Murasame Reine develop a liking for Igarashi? Or does she have any special plans?

While Itsuka Kotori was thinking, she and her sister Itsuka Shiori tried their best to comfort Yatogami Tohka and keep the situation normal for the time being.

And Tobiichi Origami, after glancing at Mio thoughtfully and cautiously, sat on the other side of Ryouko Kusakabe, which was not too far away from Igarashi.

The atmosphere seemed a bit solemn, and the AST team members were trembling and did not dare to speak.

Igarashi, who noticed this, signaled Yatogami Tohka to try the food, successfully reviving the situation after the originally depressed foodie girl's attention was attracted by the food.

The afternoon at the hot spring hotel can be regarded as free time. You can continue to soak in the hot springs, or you can go to the mountains behind the hotel, or you can also rest in the hotel.

Such as skin cream for sun protection, floating mats for hot springs, and even various snacks and drinks to satisfy your appetite, the boss lady has prepared everything carefully.

After being threatened intentionally or unintentionally by Igarashi, she seemed much more honest and diligently acted as a boss lady who made customers feel happy.

Everyone in the AST, represented by Ryouko Kusakabe, became a hot spring sect and spent a lot of energy on training. After finally having a vacation, they did not want to continue to go to the back mountain to play, which was time-consuming and energy-consuming, nor did they want to stay in the room and waste this trip. I wanted to continue soaking in the hot springs when I had the opportunity. I was just playing around in the morning and couldn't fully enjoy the hot springs.

The one represented by Yatogami Tohka is the Back Mountain sect, and she wants to go to the Back Mountain to play.

When Sister Wuhe comforted her before, she was forced to agree to follow her orders for future activities and had to join the Houshan Sect.

After stating their faction, everyone's eyes focused on Igarashi, and they silently asked what he meant.

This kind of questioning is almost like a girlfriend asking her boyfriend about falling into the water. Igarashi knows that no matter what he chooses at this time, the other person will be more or less unhappy.


I'm tired, so I'm staying in the hotel room. You can go and play as you like.

Igarashi was very tired.

He felt that it was definitely not a wise move to take the girls out to play together before he had completely conquered them. He must be careful next time.

Of course, it's not that I won't let them play anymore, but I just want to speed up the process of knocking them down.

Chapter 994 Move it over, Origami

Yatogami Tohka asked Igarashi to touch his head again, and after making sure that he was not angry with him, he relieved the worries caused by Tobiichi Origami's words, and happily took the Itsuka sisters to play in the back mountain.

Ryouko Kusakabe also took her team members to the hot springs.

However, he was not the only one in Igarashi's room. Mio, who seemed to have said something to the Itsuka sisters, stayed with Igarashi. In addition, there was also Tobiichi Origami who sneaked away from the AST people and sneaked over.

Seeing Mio who came to Igarashi's room one step ahead of him, Tobiichi Origami said.

Why are you here? Normally, shouldn't you be following Yatogami Tohka now?

Mio's identity revealed to AST is the person hired by Igarashi to take care of Yatogami Tohka. Tobiichi Origami's question is reasonable and convincing.

Faced with her questioning, Mio didn't show any abnormality.

Now Tohka is taken care of by Itsuka Shiori and Itsuka Kotori, and as my employer, Igarashi has no one to accompany him now, so I stay.

Now that Igarashi is with me, I will take good care of her.

After Tobiichi Origami said this, he continued without waiting for Mio's response.

And, as far as I know, you were already living with Igarashi before Tohka showed up, Mio.

Well, the fact that Mio and Igarashi had known each other for a long time was hidden from the Itsuka sisters, but not from Tobiichi origami. I don’t know if she investigated it secretly or out of intuition.

Facing the girl's eyes looking at him, Igarashi nodded without any further concealment.

Well, Mio and I did know each other before. It's just that Mio has another identity at Wuhe Kotori. She appears as a housekeeper for various reasons. You have to keep it a secret for me, Origami.


Origami agreed simply, without even asking further questions. She stepped forward and hugged one of Igarashi's arms, closed her eyes and stopped talking, as if she was enjoying it very much.

When Mio saw this, he smiled helplessly and stood up.

Okay, okay, in return for keeping my secret, Origami, I will give you my current Igarashi for the time being. Well, after finally coming to the hot spring hotel, I'll continue to go to the hot spring.

I have been spending a lot of time with Igarashi day and night, and now Mio is not angry because of Tobiichi Origami's little move. Originally, she just noticed that Igarashi seemed to be in a bad mood and came to send Mio a warm message. It is better to go now Do what you want to do.

Tobiichi Origami watched Mio leave and then looked at Igarashi.

Did it cause you any trouble?

No, she doesn't get angry with me that easily.

Now Igarashi can only be grateful that Mio has been completely conquered by him, and under his careful guidance, he has grown into a gentle and gentle person.

If it were Tohka, he might have drawn his sword now.

Although it is considered a private space for the two of them now, I don’t know when the proprietress will return to the lounge next door, or other people who went out to play will come back. Igarashi believes that he will definitely not push Origami down at this moment. good time.

Origami seemed to understand this, and just quietly enjoyed the warmth in Igarashi's arms. This scene made Igarashi sigh complicatedly.

The current origami has the feeling of a wounded animal.

Many years ago, Igarashi saved Origami and her parents from the fire caused by the elf fire that broke out in Wuhe Kotori. But later, whether it was the inevitability of history or the so-called price, Origami's parents still passed away. , their deaths still caused a certain degree of psychological trauma to Origami, who had experienced changes and matured precociously. For a young girl, living alone and shouldering all the pressures of life while she was still in school was not a good idea in any case. An easy thing.

Waiting quietly for Origami's lingering aura of depression to disappear, hesitating slightly, Igarashi said.

Origami, how about... you come to my house and I will take good care of you, or you can live next door to me.

Origami raised her head and looked at Igarashi with confusion in her eyes.

Next door? Isn't that the Wuhe family?

On the other hand, the vacant houses there are also assets in my name. In fact, the houses on the entire street there are my assets. They are usually only rented out, and there are some requirements for tenants. I don't want to live there by myself. Guys near the ground are annoying.”

The wealth and arrogance shown by Igarashi in his words did not make Tobiichi Origami look too shocked. The girl looked thoughtful. After a moment, Tobiichi Origami asked.

“Then—Captain Liaozi’s home?”

Ahem, that was indeed my asset originally, but it was a complete coincidence. I didn't expect her to buy the property there at first.

...I want to move next door to your house, is that okay?

Tobiichi Origami's words made Igarashi raise an eyebrow. This arrangement seemed to be a bit inconsistent with Tobiichi Origami's character. Originally, Igarashi had even planned for Tobiichi Origami to move into his home and have conflicts with Tohka every day. Prepare. In the end, Tobiichi Origami just wants to live next door? Are there any other concerns?

It doesn't matter if you just live in my house.

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