Thank you.

Hehe, just don't be angry. The ingredients haven't been delivered yet. I went to the front desk to check the store first. If you need anything, you can tell me at any time. After all, you spent so much money, I can give you some extra help.

The landlady left with a smile on her face, and Igarashi released some soul power and explored the surrounding environment, trying to determine why the landlady brought him to this room.

The answer was soon found.

The room Igarashi was currently in was located at the end of the corridor of the hotel. It was the second to last room. He noticed the scent of the landlady in the third to last room next door. If nothing else, that should be the landlady's usual lounge. .

If we consider that there is a high probability that the AST members will choose to act as a group, then it is impossible for them to choose the last single room at the end of the corridor on the other side of Igarashi's room.

Girls who care about Igarashi should regard it as a target of competition. Let’s not talk about the other ideas of the landlady whose room is next to Igarashi. This arrangement alone makes the originally peaceful hot spring trip more exciting. A bit of gunpowder smell.

It's just the smell of gunpowder, not explosive, and things are starting to get interesting.

Igarashi has no intention of changing the location of his room.

When a person does something seriously, he will always ignore the passage of time.

The girls spent most of the morning soaking in the hot springs and having fun in the women's bath.

Originally, the manifestation device was a technology that allowed ordinary people to have the power to barely fight against elves. Naturally, it was not free. In addition to strict requirements on the user's qualifications, it would also have adverse effects on the user's body. Frequently, Excessive use of the display device will cause the user's body to collapse, and even directly reduce their vitality, either turning them into useless people who can only spend the rest of their lives in hospital beds, or letting them die directly.

But how could Igarashi let a cute girl die? He slightly modified all the display devices to ensure that users wearing the display devices are beneficial and harmless. Not only will they not cause adverse effects on the body and life, they will even strengthen them. The user's constitution.

Therefore, in fact, the people gathered in the women's bathhouse are not completely ordinary people.

The members of AST are physically stronger than ordinary people. It goes without saying that Yatogami Tohka and Mio are elves, as well as Kotori Itsuka, who has not revealed his identity as an elven until now. Shiori Itsuka himself was killed by Igarashi. Protected with magic, now there is also the power of the elf in the body.

Therefore, the wrinkles that should appear on the skin of ordinary people after soaking in water for a long time did not happen to anyone in the women's bath.

When the girls played until lunch time and left the hot spring bath when they felt hungry, the boss lady and female employees were surprised when they saw that there was no abnormality on their palms.

Your skin is very good.

After being immersed in water for a long time, there were no changes as expected. Does this mean that they are in good health or have a physical problem?

Anyway, smart employees will not say anything that offends guests.

Eh? Really?

The AST team members didn't notice any difference either. They were all smiles at the half-compliment. Just as they were about to lead them to the restaurant for lunch, Yatogami Tohka asked.

Where is Igarashi? My room will be next to his in a minute.

Yatogami Tohka, who was taught human common sense by the Itsuka sisters and Mio, will not directly say that she wants to live in the same room with Igarashi in such a public place.

I also want.

Tohka's speech made everyone have different thoughts, but Tobiichi Origami is not the type to restrain himself because of other people. At this moment, just like Tohka, he expressed his thoughts frankly.

The landlady looked at the two girls with a smile and said.

I'm sorry, the room next to Brother Igarashi happens to be my usual lounge. I'm a little shy when I think about it, so now there is only an empty single room next to Brother Igarashi. You'd better have a discussion about who lives there.

Then let me do it.

Tobiichi Origami answered quickly. If the landlady hadn't paused for a moment and didn't respond to Tobiichi Origami immediately, Tohka would have been unable to react for a while.

No, no, why you? I want to live there!

Don't you usually live with Igarashi? If you still live next door to him, you will suffer from aesthetic fatigue. Maybe one day, he will get tired of it and abandon you.

Tobiichi Origami said some cruel words with a cold face.

Although the boss lady and AST members next to her knew that Tobiichi Origami was deliberately trying to scare people, Yatogami Tohka was still easily touched by what she said and her eyes sparkled with tears.

When Itsuka Kotori, who had once again put on a white headband, was struggling with whether she should put on a black headband and speak for Tohka, Tohka wiped his eyes and showed a determined look.

Igarashi will not abandon me. He also told me before that you just like to play with my mood. Hum, I will not be fooled by you!

Chapter 993 Tired

Seeing that things turned out beyond her expectations, this girl named Yatogami Tohka seemed to be the kind of person who was not very bright-minded and had rich emotions. The boss lady did not want to continue watching from the other side. After all, the person in front of her was also We are all customers. If you let the customers quarrel because of your own reasons, it is against the business rules of the landlady.

Everyone, our restaurant has prepared a sumptuous lunch. Let's go to the restaurant to eat quickly. The temperature of the food should be just right now. If you wait for a while, it will get cold. That would be the greatest blasphemy to the food. In addition, Igarashi It should be in the restaurant now.

Now there is nothing to hesitate about.

The AST troop, led by Ryouko Kusakabe, walked excitedly to the restaurant, and Yatogami Tohka also pulled the Five Rivers sisters and Mio, who had greatly improved their relationship during this hot spring trip, there.

When everyone arrived at the restaurant, they saw Igarashi sitting there bored, seemingly doubting his life.

Igarashi is indeed doubting life.

Originally, he thought about coming to a hot spring hotel. Even if he couldn't see the beautiful girls bathing, he should at least spend a leisurely and happy time with the girls, such as throwing themselves into each other's arms, taking a couple's bath, etc. Everything should be possible.

As a result, this morning, except for talking a few words in the men's bathhouse and eating some snacks prepared by the landlady, Igarashi felt that he was a forgotten character.

The guys from AST, as well as Yatogami Tohka and the others, were able to play in the women's bathhouse all morning, completely forgetting about Igarashi's existence. The boss lady also had to receive the food delivered and took Igarashi to the room. After telling him the location of the restaurant, he had no further contact with Igarashi.

Igarashi spent two hours alone. After all, he was the one who spent the money. Shouldn't those guys at AST be called Big Brother 666?

Brother Igarashi, why haven't you used your chopsticks yet? Could it be that the food doesn't suit your taste?

The landlady asked with a smile.

Putting away his depression, Igarashi glanced at the proprietress.

The dishes you prepare for this table should be prepared for everyone, right? If I use my chopsticks in advance, other people will more or less have objections. You are digging a hole for me to jump out of.

The boss lady's intentions are very sinister. Igarashi remembers her. If she dares to do anything annoying in the future, Igarashi will not make her look good.

Unexpectedly, the boss's wife, who should have been very secretive, was discovered by Igarashi. Feeling the malice in the other person's eyes, she couldn't help but shudder, took a step back to distance herself from Igarashi, and began to lower her head. own sense of existence.

Ryouko Kusakabe didn't pay attention to the small actions of the landlady. She looked at Igarashi with concern in her eyes and asked.

You seem to have been sitting here for a long time? Eat in advance when you are hungry. This time you paid for us to have this trip. I think the others won't mind, right?

Ryouko Kusakabe glanced at her team members, and the girls all nodded quickly, indicating that the captain was right.

Igarashi waved his hand.

This is a matter of etiquette. I will abide by it for the time being. Besides, I'm not hungry either. Well, let's not talk about it. Since everyone is here, it's time to eat.

Ryouko Kusakabe sat next to Igarashi naturally, while Mio sat on the other side of Igarashi as if nothing had happened before Yatogami Tohka reacted.

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