After hurriedly emphasizing his own strength, Bai Yaksha carefully considered his words.

However, the gifts I have mastered are all very lethal. Considering the density of people in the festival, it would be difficult for me to protect others while killing enemies. So, Igarashi, What do you mean?

Of course I agree. As for the reward, I have chosen from the three things I mentioned before. I think I will contribute a lot this time.

Chapter 886 The Charm of Language

Obviously, as the client, I was looking for collaborators, but in the end, I still had to pay the reward.

After a small complaint, the helplessness on Bai Yaksha's face was quickly replaced by a hearty smile.

It seems that something interesting will happen. It's the best thing. Entertainment is the food for survival of gods and Buddhas like us.

Bai Yaksha stretched his hands forward and patted them gently a few times.

——Well, that's good. Then as everyone expected, we have arrived in the North District.

Hearing Shiroyasha's words, Kuon Asuka and Kasukabe Yō screamed in surprise, which was a natural reaction.

With such a simple movement, in this short moment, an unimaginable distance of 980,000 kilometers was crossed?

With such questions and corresponding expectations, Kuon Asuka and Kasukabe Yō walked out of the store first, followed by Shiroyasha, Igarashi and Leticia.

This is the boundary wall between the East District and the North District, the seven-digit outer door, and the old branch of Thousand Eyes.

As soon as everyone left the store, the warm wind swept across their cheeks. Looking at the town from the high platform outside the store, the scene in front of them was no longer a familiar town.

Asuka took a breath and let out a sigh in response to the excitement in her heart.

Is this a town made of red walls and fire and glass?

The huge red wall that separates the East District and the North District before you, towering into the clouds, not just into the clouds, but into the sky, is the realm wall.

Monument, Gothic spire group, triumphal arch composed of two outer doors, cloister decorated with brightly colored cut glass.

This novel, beautiful, and spectacular scenery made both Kuon Asuka and Kasukabe Yoshi excited.

This place looks much more prosperous than the one in the East End.

Even Igarashi couldn't help but complain. Compared with this city, the city next to the nameless stronghold is simply a town.

Huh? This is hard to explain. There are many great things in the East District! It's just that the area where you live is particularly lonely!

Hearing Igarashi's complaints, Shiroyasha pouted angrily.

Because she is the class ruler of the East District, of course she can't stand hearing others say that the East District is not good.

The East District area where Wuming is located faces the end of the world, so there are not many resources that can be obtained from the outside in Hakoba City. The development of the community there is therefore limited, and naturally there is no ability to manage the city.

But it also has something to do with the fact that Shiroyasha didn't act like a class ruler and manage the territory well.

Finally found it - ahhhh!!!

At this time, there was a shout that reflected the owner's inner irritability.

That was the voice of Black Rabbit.

Her light red hair was in an angry state, and her whole body seemed to be filled with excitement. She fell from a tall tower in the distance, and quickly closed the distance between her and Igarashi and others in a few ups and downs.

Kuon Asuka and Kasukabe Yoshi were about to run away. Ms. Asuka lifted up the hem of her long skirt to avoid getting dirty during the subsequent run. Kasukabe Yoshi was also about to use the gift she received from the gryphon and pulled Igarashi's sleeves. She motioned for him to run with her.

And Igarashi stood there without moving. Kuon Asuka and Kasukabe Yoshi were both surprised by Igarashi's behavior of sitting still and waiting for death. They stood there blankly like him until Black Rabbit came in front of them.

Kuon Asuka and Kasukabe Yoshi looked at each other, took a step back and came behind Igarashi, and the situation became Igarashi facing Black Rabbit.

You don't plan to escape? Mr. Igarashi.

Black Rabbit stared at Igarashi angrily, but Igarashi looked innocent.

Escape, escape from what? Did I do something wrong?

This serious look made Black Rabbit stunned. The aura of a king who was originally a noble man suddenly faded a lot, but he still had some anger.

Because you brought everyone here! I... when I just heard the news from Lily, I was a little desperate and almost cried? Why didn't you tell me? Mr. Igarashi, if you want to come , I will definitely try my best to arrange relevant matters for you!

Kuroto, who thought that the companion he had finally found had left, had a look of grievance on his face, while Igarashi also had an expression of being wronged.

Black Rabbit, you are worrying too much. I will not leave the community casually. I came here this time to establish the name of the nameless community and to prepare for regaining the name and flag in the future. As for Black Rabbit, I didn't tell you , that’s because I don’t want you to worry. After all, I heard that using the realm gate requires a lot of money, and as a noble of the Little Garden, you can do it for free. After I find a way to bring everyone here, won’t you be able to compare it? Have you come to us easily? Ah, don’t worry, this time we come here, it is Bai Yasha’s friendly sponsorship, allowing us to use the realm gate in the Thousand Eyes store for free.”

...Eh? Is that so?

Igarashi's words not only made Kuro Usagi look hesitant and his anger disappear, but also made Shiroyasha, Kuon Asuka and others look amazed.

This guy didn't say that in Qianyan's shop before, and he also asked for reward very greedily.

To make a name for the nameless community, to win honor? Igarashi had never mentioned these things before.

Even though I knew he was talking nonsense, why did I still think what he said was reasonable? Did you really think about it a long time ago?

Even Shiroyasha, who wanted to deliberately embarrass Igarashi to watch a good show, couldn't say anything more at this time because of Igarashi's last words.

Senior Leticia, is this what Mr. Igarashi said?

Kuro Usagi looked at Leticia who was following Igarashi and asked for her opinion.

In Black Rabbit's memory, Leticia is a reliable and trustworthy senior.


Leticia smiled and nodded, following Igarashi's example.

So Black Rabbit believed it, chose to forgive, and felt grateful.

At this time, Kuon Asuka and Kasukabe Yoshi saw the charm of language.

Chapter 887 The mood is very complicated

So, let's start shopping?

Kuyuan Asuka looked at this special street with sparkling eyes.

And Bai Yaksha spoke.

Sorry, I have a game here that I want Miss Yao to participate in. If she agrees, I will give some instructions, okay?

ShiroYasha looked at Kasukabe Yō, and the girl nodded without refusing.

It should be interesting to play a game in such a grand festival.

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