
Kuon Asuka and Kasukabe Yō spoke in different tones.

Incredible and indifferent.

Kasukabe Yoshi's indifference is not because of her experience in this area, but because of her personality.

She wasn't the type to show obvious surprise at anything in particular.

Everyone arrived at the door of Qianyan's shop, and they were cleaning outside the store. The female clerk who had a not-so-pleasant story with Black Rabbit jumped up like a frightened little rabbit when she saw Igarashi, and then she wanted to run back. Inside the store, it looked like they wanted to close the store door as well.

Hey, I saw you. If you want to close the store and keep us out, I will not only break in by force, but I will also do some things to you that I can't tell you casually, right?

Igarashi smiled and said the threatening words. As the eldest lady, Kuon Asuka would have been repulsed by such ungentlemanly remarks, but this time she felt relieved after a long absence.

Because when she and Yoshi Kasukabe wanted to come to this store to sell the valuables they got from participating in the gift game, they were made trouble by the clerk, although in the end the clerk bought the items at a fair price.


The female clerk let out a pitiful whimper, and it looked like she had been educated by Igarashi without Kuon Asuka and Kasukabe Yō knowing.

I don’t know if it is an indescribable education.

Yahoo~! You are finally here!

When the female clerk surrendered and stepped aside, a white-haired girl in a kimono fell from the sky to the scene.

His tone was filled with joy, and he landed roughly after performing a superb 360-degree spin in the air.

Originally, ShiroYasha was going to fall on the female clerk. Igarashi pulled aside the female clerk who was likely to be knocked unconscious by ShiroYasha's human cannonball. This slightly rough action made the expression on the female clerk's face He looked even more pitiful, but after discovering the reason why Igarashi did this, his eyes showed some gratitude.

When oppressed for a long time, if the oppressor gives some benefit, the oppressed may feel grateful. This is Stockholm Syndrome.

It looks like the female shop assistant is going to suffer from this symptom.

Chapter 885 Commission

Several people were taken to Shirayasha's exclusive room without any clerk accompanying them. It seemed that what they were going to discuss next was confidential matters.

A serious expression appeared on Bai Yaksha's young face and he asked.

Igarashi, are you willing to take over the disputes related to the Demon King?


When the word Demon King made Kuon Asuka and Kasukabe Yoshi's spirits rise, and Leticia frowned, Igarashi let out a light sigh of interest, and then thought of what might happen next, which was not specific. When asked, he nodded simply.

If there's any reward, just leave it to me.

Leticia pursed her lips, but if the Nameless Community wants to regain its name and flag, it is destined to be on the opposite side of the powerful Demon King. Now that it faces the Demon King in advance, it is not a big problem.

Of course, the main reason was that Igarashi's strength gave Leticia enough confidence.

Reward? What reward do you want?

Shiroyasha looked at Igarashi very curiously. After he defeated the Perseus Community and looted its warehouse, he should have gained a lot. Wealth, treasures, and even not very powerful, but not bad. Igarashi should have received some gifts.

Coupled with the fact that he could crush the original demon king, that idiot, Shiroyasha couldn't think of what else Igarashi wanted.

As for that Algor guy, Shiroyasha doesn't plan to tell Igarashi about her now, lest this problem child come out to cause mischief again and implicate the nameless community.

I've always been very fair. I ask for as much reward as I do for the big things I do. There are three things that interest me in this shop - Leticia's divine personality, and the fact that I saw her once before, but now she ran away without knowing it. Where did that clerk go, and you, Shiroyasha.

Igarashi's words made Leticia hesitate. She didn't expect Igarashi to care about her godhood. Did he want to help her regain her strength?

Bai Yaksha grinned.

There's nothing I can do about you being interested in a beautiful girl like me, but that clerk you mentioned - why would you be interested in her?

Don't pretend to be stupid, that's the human form of the snake god I knocked out, right? Speaking of which, I participated in her game at that time, and I just wanted to take her home as a maid after defeating her...

Halfway through, Igarashi paused slightly, turned to Leticia and said seriously.

Don't worry, even if a new maid joins, it will not replace your position. You will become the head maid.

Seeing the serious look on Igarashi's face, Kuon Asuka's desire to complain was almost over the top. Even Kasukabe Yoshi couldn't help but smile, while Leticia responded seriously.

Master, you don't have to care about me so much.

The actual purpose of her words was to save Igarashi from thinking about regaining her divinity.

And Igarashi also understood what Leticia meant, shook his head and said nothing more.

Soon after, Canary will wake up, and the gift he created will also come into play. If there is no problem, Igarashi, who has experience, will continue to study what he obtained from the Perseus Community, and create a gift of that level. She will be more proficient, and it will not be a big problem to create a new godhead to give Leticia by then, but generally speaking, people should have feelings for the things they commonly use, so-called nostalgia.

So Igarashi would like to get back the divinity of Leticia, who is his maid, through normal means.

Because Thousand Eyes is currently very polite to him, even if he destroyed the Perseus community under it, no, it was once under its command, it did not show any dissatisfaction. Instead, it dropped stars as a blessing, plus it She didn't treat Leticia badly, she just restricted her freedom. Igarashi shouldn't go too far.

Shiroyasha silently watched the interaction between Leticia and Igarashi, and only then spoke.

Well, actually I have a commission, but let me introduce some information to you first. Do you know about the alternate generation of one of the class rulers in the North District?

have no idea.

Igarashi answered honestly. He didn't want to know about a small class ruler in this small garden. To him, this was a trivial matter.

Bai Yaksha showed a moment of helplessness, then quickly calmed down his expression, and then said simply.

This festival is the birth festival of Kita District's new class ruler [Fire Dragon]. Ah, the class ruler is the guardian of the order of Hakowa. His main tasks are to be responsible for the division and transfer of land in Hakowa City, holding games, and testing subordinates. Whether the community can be transferred to a higher level, etc., when the devil appears, they will be the first to fight, so they are given huge power and the highest level of organizer authority.

There are several class rulers in the North District, and Fire Dragon is just one of them. It represents the Salamanda community that has established a base in the five-digit outer gate.

So, what is the commission?

After Kuon Asuka and the others learned the relevant information, Igarashi directly asked the key point. If he hadn't known that the new leader of Salamander was a cute little girl, Igarashi would not have planned to accept the commission and ask for trouble. He would have completely Able to travel hundreds of thousands of miles on his own to participate in the Fire Dragon Birth Festival.


Bai Yaksha looked troubled, and after a moment he made up his mind to tell the truth.

Within our Thousand Eyes, the existence with the gift of astrology has determined that there will be a demon king attacking during the Fire Dragon Birth Festival.

Leticia frowned immediately, first looked at Igarashi, and then asked ShiroYasha.

Even your ability, Lord Shirayasha, is not enough to cope with it. Do you want to seek help?

Of course I can handle it!

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