Black Rabbit and Leticia looked at each other and also found an excuse not to follow Igarashi.

That's all for Shiroyasha and Kasukabe Yoshi. Igarashi felt that Kuroto and Leticia seemed to be creating opportunities for themselves.

A chance to get along with long-lasting birds.

Compared with this rigid young lady with many rules, Igarashi feels that it is easier and more romantic to be alone with other people. Although he has the confidence to make the young lady bow his head in private, in this public place, Igarashi Lan can't do anything.

Kuon Asuka firmly adheres to the standard of skirts cannot be higher than the knees even when wearing skirts. Her persistence is evident. Igarashi is still working hard to change her. That's right, Miss Asuka is allowed to wear shorts. The skirt shows off those slender legs.

Can I trouble you to be the flower protector? Igarashi-san?

Kuon Asuka did not see the purpose of the black rabbit. When Igarashi was talking to others, the girl had already taken a few steps towards the place of interest. At this time, she realized that the others did not intend to go shopping, so she quickly stepped on He turned around with a little jump, causing the hem of his skirt to fly.

The eldest lady doesn't want to go shopping alone.

If you don't have friends to accompany you in a strange place, you will still feel a little confused.

Igarashi made the appointment reluctantly. After all, he was not an idiot who would disappoint a beautiful girl.

my pleasure.

That decent knight's salute made Jiuyuan Asuka giggle.

The two gradually walked away, and the people left behind had different expressions. Except for Shiroyasha, everyone seemed a little complicated. The atmosphere that gradually became special disappeared a lot as Kuroto and Leticia left.

On the other side, Igarashi, who started to act as a flower protector, walked next to Asuka.

Miss, let's take a look at this red corridor. It looks like a commercial street. Just take a look at what specialties or limited products there are. If you like them, tell me. I'm already prepared to have my wallet empty.

Igarashi performed very grandly.

You mean - not only do you want to act as a flower protector, but are you also willing to pay for me?

Exactly, then I am yours now...

He is my servant, um, servant. I am the only servant in my house who is responsible for protecting my safety and paying for me when I go out. Well, even though I rarely have the opportunity to go out.

Friends, go out at will. These are two things that I have never had before.

A shadow flashed across Kuon Asuka's face, which was quickly replaced by a mischievous smile. He naturally took Igarashi's hand and walked forward with interest.

Where would a young lady hold a servant's hand while shopping?

Kuyuan Asuka is also quite cute.

Igarashi smiled and changed from being pulled forward by Kuon Asuka to walking side by side at the same speed as her. In this case, it was a bit like a date.

Yao was drinking tea and eating snacks at Qianyan's branch.

Although she was not able to visit the novel scenery here for the first time, the girl was also well entertained by Shiro Yasha.

What's that gift game you mentioned before?

Well, I especially hope you can participate.


Facing ShiroYasha's words, Yao, who had his mouth full of snacks and puffed out his cheeks like a squirrel, tilted his head slightly in confusion.

Shiroyasha took out a leaflet from his wide sleeve and handed it to her.

The black parchment was not generated by the demon king activating the organizer authority. It had no role in forcing people to participate in the game. It was just an ordinary leaflet introducing the game.

The name of the gift game: Duel of the Creators.

Participants must possess a creative gift.

An assistant is allowed to attend.

The contents of the duel will change every time.

Except for creative gifts, gift holders are prohibited from using other gifts.

Contestants can ask for desired favors from the [Class Dominator] Fire Dragon.

Declaration: Respecting the above content, based on the glory and flag, the two communities jointly hold the gift game.

[Thousand Eyes] Seal.

[Salamanda] Seal.

Kasukabe Yō raised his head after reading the flyer carefully.

Creative gift?

This was a word Kasukabe Yō had never heard of before, and Shiroyasha explained it in detail.

Well, it refers to gifts that are made, whether they are man-made, spiritual, divine, or star-made. In order to withstand the harsh surrounding environment, the North District attaches great importance to creative gifts that can be used for a long time. Games are often held to improve the technical and artistic quality of such gifts through competition. The gift you received from your father - [Life Catalog] is quite excellent in both technical and artistic aspects. I think with this gift, even in a test of strength You can also win in the game.”


Well, in order to make the festival more lively, I hope you can help me with this. The winner's reward is also scheduled to be a powerful favor. What do you think?


Kasukabe Yoshi shook her head back and forth, looking unmotivated. Although she was interested in the word dragon in the name of the Fire Dragon Birth Festival, she had no interest in the game itself.

It was clear that Kasukabe Yoshi was still very interested when Shiroyasha first mentioned the game, but it was really strange that his mood changed so much in such a short period of time.

Seeing Kasukabe Yoshi's appearance, Shiroyasha fanned his folding fan and said calmly.

Participants can be accompanied by an assistant. I think Igarashi is very suitable to be your assistant. Do you want to try to convince him first?

Kasukabe Yoshi, who was originally feeling down, suddenly became energetic. The transformation of that delicate face in a short period of time made people feel cute and funny.


Chapter 888 Rigid

It's so beautiful here. There is no place like this in my hometown.

Igarashi and Kuon Asuka have been hanging out for quite some time, and it's almost afternoon now.

Jiuyuan Asuka came to the center of the red window corridor decorated with red bricks and cut glass, and sat in front of a monument engraved with a dragon to rest. It was not that she was tired, she just wanted to relax and observe the town.

It seems that because of the extraordinary gift, the physical strength of Kuyuan Asuka has been improved to a certain extent, or is it a simple woman who will get unlimited physical strength buff while shopping?

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