After a long knock on the door, Kasukabe Yao used her persistence to wake up Kuon Asuka.

After Kuon Asuka reluctantly opened the door, the two couldn't help but smile at each other. Neither Kasukabe Yoshi, who had been waiting for a long time, nor Kuon Asuka, who was so noisy by the knock on the door that he could sleep and had to get up, were angry.

The cute girl named Lily was a little scared and reserved when facing Jiuyuan Asuka at first, but Jiuyuan Asuka was very gentle with children, and it didn't take long for the two to become friends.

What are Igarashi doing now?

After breakfast, Kuon Asuka elegantly rearranged his appearance, and couldn't help but curiously asked. After yesterday's banquet, Kuon Asuka once again personally experienced how big an incident Igarashi had caused, what did Kuuan Asuka think of this mysterious guy? Becoming more and more curious.

He should still be sleeping.

Kasukabe Yō's short answer made Kuon Asuka suddenly frown. People are all selfish animals, at least most of them. Kuon Asuka restrained his strong desire to sleep and got up, spending a lot of time eating breakfast, but he heard By the time Igarashi was still sleeping in, the girl had already felt the imbalance in her heart, and because of this imbalance, she suddenly got up.

Why don't you wake him up? If you show off your perseverance, even Igarashi won't ignore it, right?

I think he has a way to block my voice.

Kasukabe defended weakly.

Huh, back in Shiro Yaksha's world, he could take off his coat and put it on for you. He was still considered a gentleman. If he ignored you and slept in, I don't think he would really do that even if he had the ability. .”

Facing Kuon Asuka's words, Kasukabe Yō nodded hesitantly, not knowing what to say.

Seeing this, Kuon Asuka grabbed Kasukabe Yoshi's arm and headed towards Igarashi's room.

As a result, I met Leticia in a maid outfit at the door.

Although Black Rabbit calls Leticia a senior and respects him very much, Kuon Asuka really can't respect Leticia who seems to be just a cute little girl. He loves her more, so he is not reserved at all. Shilan asked excitedly at the door of his room.

Igarashi wake up?

The master is still sleeping and said not to disturb him unless there is anything particularly important.

What Leticia revealed about Igarashi made Kuon Asuka raise her eyebrows. She felt that she was getting angry again, and she was angry at Igarashi.

“The day’s plan begins in the morning, and getting up now is particularly important.”


When Leticia was about to say something else, the door had already opened.

Unlike the sleepy look of someone who had just woken up, Igarashi looked energetic, which made the depressed Kuon Asuka feel like he was dwarfed by comparison.

Yao, and Miss Asuka, good morning. Why, after not seeing each other for just a few hours, you can't contain your longing and can't wait to come find me?

You guy...

After discovering that powerful light did not work on Igarashi and that the other party was not a follow-by-the-rules person, Kuon Asuka found that he was completely unable to take the initiative in communicating with Igarashi.

This is a situation that Kuon Asuka has never experienced before. You must know that in the original world, she has always been true to her word. Even when she came to the small garden and faced Jared, the power was still in effect.

However, even Kuon Asuka herself didn't notice that when she faced Igarashi, she would be energetic and show rare vitality, like a bird coming out of its cage.

Haha, just kidding. I apologize if I make you uncomfortable. Kasukabe Yō, Kuon Asuka, I got an invitation from Thousand Eyes. It should be from ShiroYasha. Do you want to accept the invitation and come over to see it?

In Igarashi's hand, a letter appeared with the sealing wax stamped with the crests of the two opposing goddesses.

Chapter 884 Invitation

This letter was indeed sent by Shiroyasha. It was an invitation to a large-scale festival - the [Fire Dragon Birth Festival] organized by the seven-digit outer sect's North and East district rulers.

In addition to the arts and crafts exhibition and judging panel made by the ghosts and elves of the North District, there will also be gift games held by various organizers. The main event is scheduled to be the grand festival hosted by the class rulers.

Shiroyasha sent this letter obviously to attract Igarashi and his party.

To be honest, Igarashi was not too curious simply because of these descriptions. He has experienced too many interesting worlds and seen too many creatures. He will not be aroused just because of a festival. .

However, Igarashi, who has a certain understanding of the world of Hakoden, naturally knows that interesting people will appear and interesting things will happen in this fire dragon birth festival.

So there really is nothing to hesitate about.

Since the news of Jard's death in the city was confirmed, and the news that the five-digit Outer Gate Perseus Community was falling apart because of him, Igarashi found that as long as he left the unknown stronghold and entered the city, he could go anywhere. It will make people shy away. Obviously, I am very rich and a big customer. However, when I visit most of the shops, the shopkeepers come to receive them as if they are about to die. They also resolutely refuse to take any money from me. It is very boring.

If it weren't for the children in the community and the clerk at the previous beverage shop, who were not repulsive to me, and the female clerk in Qianyan shop was also very interesting, Igarashi would have to change places and keep a low profile for a while.

Even ordinary shopping is not easy now, if Igarashi doesn't use some special means.

So, faced with this invitation——

No matter what your answer is, I will take you out, Yao, Asuka, and Leticia.

Jiuyuan Asuka curled her lips, but because she was a little curious about this grand festival, she didn't object too much, and Yao didn't resist at all.

Leticia seemed a little hesitant.

Well... it takes a lot of money to get to the realm wall from here...

It doesn't matter. I'll bear the expense. And isn't this an invitation from Shiro Yaksha? It shouldn't be a problem to let her handle it.

Igarashi has said this, and Leticia will not persuade her anymore. This period of getting along has made her certain that the things decided by Igarashi will not change so easily.

And if you really want to talk about it, participating in this festival is a good thing. Igarashi didn't create any more trouble, which is already something to be thankful for.

Everyone tacitly ignored Black Rabbit, because everyone felt that Black Rabbit would not simply agree, and they didn't want to spend energy trying to convince her. Everyone was a little impatient.

So Igarashi touched Lily's head with a smile. The girl was still unable to accept the change and looked a little stunned.

Lily, can I leave it to you to inform Black Rabbit of our whereabouts?

Uh... even if you say so, Igarashi-san, I...

Originally, Lily called Igarashi young master, but after Igarashi specifically said it, she changed her title to brother.

At that time, it naturally attracted the disgusted eyes of Kuon Asuka, but Igarashi said that this small price did not matter at all.

If you agree, I will bring you a gift when I come back? Or Lily, do you also want to come with us?

Igarashi gave Lily two choices, which made Lily a little dumbfounded. By the time she came to her senses, Igarashi and his group had already gone away.

You promised to bring me a gift.

Lily thought about it in her heart and started to go to Black Rabbit to send a message.

Master, this place is 980,000 kilometers away from the northern boundary, so if you want to go there, it's better to use the boundary gate.

Although Igarashi seemed to know something about Hakoniwa, Leticia reminded him again.

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