Cloni patted her chest, but Hubie hadn't finished her words yet.

I have something to ask you, Sister Cloni.

The soft tone and the use of the title sister are enough to make people think that Hubie is very cute and has the mentality to satisfy her various requirements. Before being crushed by Hubie's chess skills many times, Croni also had this mentality. .

Well, ask.

Could it be that you want to play something else? Please, it must not be a competitive thing. I really can’t win!

Every time I see Brother Igarashi, I feel that my body is not in normal condition. I feel a little happy? I also feel a little uneasy. What is this feeling?

Hubie's words made Croni startled, then she touched her chest, where her heart was, and sighed.

It's like, if it goes further, it's love.

On the other side, Igarashi came to the outskirts of the forest elf capital. The plants here grew to a degree that did not meet the standards. Most of them were huge and lush. Some flowers even grew taller than trees. There was no black and gray , the air is purified by the lush plants and is exceptionally fresh. Compared with the vast tracts of wilderness created by the war on the road, this place is undoubtedly a paradise on earth. Even in the era when the war did not happen, this place should be regarded as a paradise.

There is a person in the peach garden. She has long pointed ears and pink-purple eyes. She prefers white ribbon-type clothes to clothes. She has blond hair that reaches her waist. She is a beauty that can match this beautiful scenery.

who is it?!

Sensing the aura of the intruder, she instantly activated detection magic and proof magic, and then saw the figure who was talking to herself sitting at the small table she had arranged.

Hello, I am Igarashi. I need the power of the elf to come here this time.

Chapter 796 True Red Nirvalian

[Unable to identify, identity unknown]

Analyzing Magic declared this. Looking at the existence in front of her, the elf girl showed a nonchalant smile on her face.

You are a human, right? A race that cannot be called a race. Humans who do not have the ability to feel elves are the weakest intelligent life. Well, although the so-called wisdom is how to escape.

Having said that, the girl's steps were an insignificant step back, making it impossible for analysis magic to recognize the existence. Coupled with this appearance, in addition to humans who sprinkled [black ash] on their bodies like they were dying, there were also There is a possibility that the other party is a [Divine Species]. This idea is very scary, but looking at the guy in front of her, the girl's intuition tells her that the other party is by no means a weak existence.

If it is a human being, you can crush the opponent no matter what you do. If it is a [god species], you are not an opponent if you cannot gather the strength of your companions.

The girl who confirmed this fact did not attack.

What does it mean to need the power of the elves? Do you want the elves to be the protectors of humans?

Once the other party nods, it can be determined that the other party is a human being, excluding the possibility that it is a powerful god. Even if it is the creator of human beings or a [god species] that appears due to human thoughts, [god species] also have strengths and weaknesses. points, the race it created, or the concept it represents is one of the basis for judgment. With the weakness of human beings, [the God of Humanity] will never be a powerful existence, and may even be as incapable of sensing elves as humans.

And if it is other gods, they all have relevant information, so they should not be unable to recognize them.

No, I hope that the elves will contribute the power of [Void Zero Protection] when necessary.

The Zero Protection of the Void was the ruins of the elf city where Igarashi and Hubi met. It was recorded in an encrypted text record hidden deep underground. Hubi, who had relevant information, unlocked it. The true meaning is [Void Zero Protection], the ultimate method possessed by the forest elves, a powerful magic, and the [Marrow Explosion] of the goblins, [Collapse] that the dragon elves can only use at the cost of their lives, and Tianyi. This kind of joint [Sky Strike], which can be used by all members of the team and consumes a lot of energy, is a racial special-kill skill.

Except for Collapse Roar and Sky Strike, the Zero Protection of the Void and the Marrow Explosion are currently kept secret. Even the members of the race who possess these two methods, most of them don't know about it.

The girl's pupils shrank, her magic power brewing, and she was ready to activate the eighth-level technique she had mastered at any time.

Naturally, the movement of that little magic power cannot be hidden from Igarashi's eyes.

I heard that the god of the forest elves, Kainas, the forest god, is a character who can use one hundred and sixty-eight levels of magic. He is so powerful but still...

boom! !

The girl activated the eight-level technique without hesitation, because she did not want to hear what the other party said next. The God of the Forest could no longer appear in the world, and the forest elves lost their patron saint. This happened a long time ago, and the years have not passed. Can relieve the pain of elf species.

When the smoke and dust dispersed, the girl's eyes widened at the scene in front of her. She had thought that the other party was the god of mankind and could not kill him with only eight levels of magic. However, she never thought that not only was the other party unscathed, but even the person he was sitting on was unscathed. The chair and the table next to it were not damaged. The activation of the zero protection of the void required careful preparation. At the same time, it was impossible to activate it by myself. At present, I was not the opponent at all.

The girl who confirmed this fact had a death wish in her eyes.

If you want to kill or behead me, it's up to you, but I will never tell you anything about the Zero Protection of the Void. As for the power of the Zero Protection of the Void, it's impossible!

Igarashi has the ability to use laws to make girls become his puppets, but he is not someone who would treat a beautiful girl like this. I took the time to pat the non-existent dust on his clothes and said.

The Zero Void Protection of the Forest Elf is very powerful, but not invincible. The Sky Strike of the Flügel, the Collapse of the Dragon Elf...

These are all stunts that the girl has heard of. She did not panic because of Igarashi's words. She was even proud deep down in her heart because the theories she proposed and the special moves she created were only these two besides the gods. It is possible for a high-ranking race to compete.

There is also the Marrow Explosion of the Goblins. Although the Mechas themselves are not very good at creating special skills, they have now mastered the [Yanlong Roar] emitted by Yanlong before he died. Many of the thousands of Mechas can use it Part of its power, combined together, is a more powerful attack than the main body. The forest elves are not invincible now.

The girl's heart jumped again and continued to beat wildly. The elves had a trump card, but other races also had trump cards. If this continued... the victory was very slim, and the casualties were already certain.

She hoped that Igarashi was talking nonsense, but she was somehow certain that the other party would not lie. During this period, the magic she used secretly to detect lies was ineffective.

The girl still did not speak. She is the chief magician of the elves, and is also the developer and advocate of the Zeroth Protection of the Void. She has a very high voice among the elves, and therefore has to be responsible. She cannot do it because of an unknown identity. The guy's one-sided words made the elves bear the risk. She is still willing to die by herself, so that the elves can avoid this risk.

Igarashi didn't mind either.

Let's make a deal. The Forest Elf will use the Zeroth Protection of the Void when necessary. When to use it and for whom it is used, it doesn't matter. As long as it is used, I will give you a promise accordingly. Forest Elf The species will never be exterminated.

You will never be exterminated? Haha, it's really like the mercy of a strong man to an ant.

The girl snorted coldly.

To me, you, plus the elf species with the zeroth protection of the void, are indeed just ants. Do you want to try? Now you can gather the army of elf species, I will wait here, and then How about using the Zeroth Protection of the Void on me? By doing this, you can complete the deal. Even if I die, you won’t lose anything, right? Or maybe you care about this family? Then you can change the location.

The Zero Protection of the Void was developed for the purpose of killing gods. Its ultimate goal is to kill the God of War, Artosh, and kill other gods that should not be as powerful as the God of War. This should not be a problem, but looking at Igarashi, the girl had an idea Out of fear, this fear even caused her to have the illusion that the guy in front of her was a more terrifying person than the strongest Artosh.

...Is your ultimate goal to obtain the Star Cup? In this case, Artex is destined to be your enemy, so increase the stakes. The forest elves are willing to let you choose the object of the zeroth protection of the void, and relatively Yes, I ask that the elves not only not be exterminated, but that the elves continue to live prosperously.

What a big bargaining chip. Do you believe me so much?

I don't believe it, so I will follow you later. As an observation period, I am Nina... No, Zhenhong Nirvalen, hello, Igarashi, I will be killed by you after I decide to complete the transaction, or refuse the transaction. Please give me some advice before you die.

Chapter 797 I’m not negotiating

Originally, Zhenhong thought that Igarashi would take him to the location of humans, or to a hidden temple, or he would not want her to follow him and leave him behind. However, the leader of the forest elves, the Zero Guard of the Void, The developer, the genius girl Red Nirvalen, really didn’t expect that Igarashi would lead her to the goblin fleet, and then——

Come on, shoot me! Oh no, hello, fellow goblins.

To be honest, the goblins who were steering the battleship at this moment almost pressed the attack button when their hands shook, and used the cannon activated by the elves to attack Igarashi.

But seeing the red Nirvalen next to Igarashi, who was reported to be a senior elf in the intelligence, and the strange way the two appeared, the goblins did not choose to attack directly, and attacked blindly and brainlessly. He is capable of making enemies. If you are not as strong as the God of War Artho, it would be foolish to make enemies everywhere. Smart goblins will not do this.

Who are you? Why are you bringing the head of the Nirvalen family here with you?

The Nirvalen family is a famous family, and the head of this generation of Nirvalen family is a rare genius. He is said to be the one with the highest level of magic skills among the elven people. He can perform eight levels of magic. Standing next to her, standing in the void, there is a suspected existence of a god. Can we think that this is a sign that the forest elf has once again gained the support of a certain god?

This is going to be a big deal.

There used to be gods among the goblins, but not anymore.

That god knew very well that he was no match for Artosh, the God of War, in terms of combat power, so he voluntarily gave up the possibility of obtaining the Star Cup, disintegrated on his own initiative, and retained the divine marrow, which he used as material to make weapons as the final product of the race he created, the goblin race. Means——[Marrow Explosion].

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