The terrifyingly powerful light beam was silently offset or absorbed by the fragile light curtain. Simon, standing at the entrance of the cave, was only about ten meters away from the light curtain, but he was unscathed and could only see a patch of land in the distance. The wasteland was completely evaporated by the high heat energy, and all green plants and life disappeared, leaving only the charred black wasteland.

On the other side, Igarashi was sitting outside the cave at the entrance to the gathering place, with Croni and Hubie beside him.

Many adventurers had come back before, but Rick was carried back. In order to help a companion who was surrounded by wild beasts, he traded injuries for his life to quickly eliminate the beast group, while he himself passed out.

Seeing the beam of destruction approaching, Croni wanted to pull Igarashi and Hubie to escape, but she couldn't pull her away. Later, she realized that the beam of light spread much faster than her running speed, and she fell into despair and was waiting to die. , but saw the sudden appearance of the light curtain that completely eliminated the destructive energy. It was only three meters away from me and Igarashi. So close, Croni could even hear the blazing metal sound. The sound of being plunged into cold water.

“Is this [their] power?”

As if murmuring in a dream, Croni murmured like this. She was talking about goblins and dragon elves.

No, it's just the aftermath of the battle. Moreover, there are no dragon kings among those dragon elves, and the goblin fleet is not a main force fleet. If both sides use higher methods, it will be much more terrifying than this. I heard it before Ke reported that the goblins have a thing called [Marrow Explosion], one of which can almost destroy a small continent, and they can already compete with the gods.

Igarashi's words first made Croni's face stiffen, and then she became worried that could not be concealed.

Can you challenge the gods? Lord God, let's go to a more peripheral place, and then find a way to build a ship, leave this continent and go to the island. Although we will encounter sea-dwelling species on the way, compared to having [Marrow Explosion] ] goblins, they are probably less dangerous.

Are you... worried about me?

Igarashi's eyes were full of smiles when he looked at Croni, and seeing his look like this, Croni was filled with unknown fire.

Yes! I'm worried about you! Why do you look so indifferent? Do you not care so much about your own life? Don't die so casually!!!

Croni shouted the last sentence, and tears even burst out of her eyes.

Hubie stared blankly at everything in front of him.

Stretching out his fingers to wipe away the tears on Croni's face, Igarashi flicked her forehead.

Gods will not die so easily. The birth of gods comes from concepts, and then the marrow allows them to appear in the world. Even if the marrow is destroyed, as long as the concept still exists, the gods will just disappear, not die. When the opportunity is ripe in the future , the marrow is condensed again and returns to the world. Of course, this requires thousands or even tens of thousands of years of brewing.

Indicating Croni to continue listening to him, Igarashi spoke next.

As for me, I want to be stronger. The so-called marrow explosion will not hurt me. I still have the ability to protect the gathering place during the marrow explosion. Similarly, it will not hurt the person who has the concept of the strongest. Artho, the God of War.”

Croni was visibly relieved.

And Igarashi looked at Hubi.

Now that I've settled down at the gathering place, it's time to play chess.


Hubie nodded and materialized the chess board.

Tsk, I'm not talking about this chess...forget it.

Feeling a certain [concept] that vaguely appeared as Hubi took out the chessboard, Igarashi picked up the chess pieces.

Chapter 795 Feelings

At the end of the chess game, Hubie still lost. Croni was watching from the sidelines, and she understood some of the rules of chess. However, the strength of the chess player was too high, and Croni could not understand the game at all. Soon after, Then he ran into the gathering place to determine the damage caused by the aftermath of the battle between the dragon and goblin species.

And that [concept] is becoming more and more obvious. The concept of games may originally be a concept that has been growing due to the longing of the humans in the gathering place who were exposed to some superficial games in their childhood. Because Igarashi is a super-standard With the addition of investors, even if they did not deliberately expand this concept, it has also undergone a leap-forward change.

Now, this concept can even become a chess player.

Even Hubi, who has great calculation power, is inferior to this concept in playing chess.

The game between Igarashi and this concept lasted for a long time. Feeling that the concept was maturing, Igarashi, who had been keeping his hand, moved the chess piece for the last time and spoke.


Resentment, very obvious resentment.

The concept was unhappy that it had lost the game.

But Igarashi would not be comforted and returned to the gathering place.

In this way, more than ten days passed.

The adventurers gifted by Igarashi and God finally broke through the LV2 barrier. More than half of them fell into a slumber of self-healing because they were looking for powerful beings such as low-level monsters to fight before breaking through. Gram, he is about to break through to LV3.

If placed in Orario, the labyrinth city of Dungeon Encounter World, these people would all be super geniuses and would be competed for by the gods. However, in reality, their potential is not that exaggerated. They have always been more or less Igarashi. Just helping in secret.

Lord God, I'm very sorry. Our hunting operations have begun to attract the attention of some races. In addition to the monster species that are the hunting targets, the forest elves, goblins and orcs also seem to be looking for the location of the gathering place.

Rick, whose energy and spirit had undergone a breakthrough change compared to before, was fully clothed in armor and bowed respectfully in front of Igarashi.

Then what's your purpose in saying that?

Igarashi looked at Rick with a smile, and Rick looked up and smiled back.

It's not that I want to trouble God-sama to take action, but God-sama said at the beginning that we adventurers cannot take action against humanoid creatures, so if humanoid creatures come to the door...

Then I can naturally take action. I will go to the city of the forest elves. During this period, Rick, although the enemies that are too powerful will be dealt with by my backhand at the gathering place, normal enemies , you and others took the initiative, do you understand?


Rick left with a little excitement. The pressure was relieved a lot, and now he would no longer maintain a locked state of mind.

Igarashi returned to the tree house. Croni, who was standing at the window and looking out, quickly finished her work, while Hubie looked at Igarashi and asked questions.

Do you want Hubie to come with you?

She also apparently eavesdropped.

No need. Although the distance is far away, I won't waste much time. Just stay with Croni. During this period, think carefully about what I said to you before.


Igarashi asked Hubie if he was willing to give up his identity as an Ex-Machina and become a human being. Hubie expressed some surprise that Igarashi was able to switch her race, but he had always been keen on exploring human beings. Hu Bi, who was heartbroken, did not give an answer immediately.

As a mecha, she actually already has relatively healthy emotions.

Croni felt aggrieved. After spending the past few days together, she had confirmed that Hubie was an Ex-Machina. She lamented that Igarashi could actually make an Ex-Machina obedient, but she was also a little scared. When Igarashi was not around, She didn't dare to refuse any request Hubi made, for fear of offending the other party. Igarashi had gone out several times before, and Croni had been tortured to pieces by Hubi with chess.

Also, don't let Croni do anything she doesn't want to do.

Glancing at Croni, Igarashi added in a dumbfounded voice. In fact, Hugh Bi's favorable impression of Croni should be very high now, but he's just not good at expressing it. He just pulled Croni to play chess together, so what? When it can be expressed correctly, Hubi will completely possess the hearts of the people.

Hubie nodded, watched Igarashi disappear in the teleportation magic circle, and looked at Croni, causing the poor girl to subconsciously take a step back and turn pale.

Want to play chess again? I really can't beat you!


It's okay if it's not.

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