The marrow explosion really has the possibility of killing gods. The goblin god, who was not good at fighting, gave the goblins the possibility of winning the war. The goblins remember the kindness of their creator and do not use it unless it is extremely critical. [Marrow Explosion], [Marrow Explosion] does not need to consume the entire marrow, it will only consume part of it at a time, but one thing cannot be changed, unless the kill is successful while ensuring the integrity of the marrow of the god species, otherwise [Marrow [Explosion] Use a little less.

But if you use [Marrow Explosion], it is absolutely impossible to ensure that the marrow is intact.

Igarashi didn't know the complicated thoughts of the goblins. He felt the divine aura of the main goblin air battleship with the muzzle pointed towards him, and Igarashi couldn't help but say.

I came here for two things. One is that I heard that you are exploring the movements of human beings? Could you please calm down and let them develop freely...

What if we don't agree?

The goblin species will avoid war, but will not be afraid of war. The goblin god will give the goblin species a trump card with his own death. The goblin species must live with dignity and let the glory of the goblin god-Okan spread all over the world.

Even at the cost of destroying the earth.

Then let's talk about the second thing. If you don't agree, you are the enemy. As a courtesy, I allow you to take action first and use this battleship equipped with [Marrow Explosion] to fire at me.

Why is he so eager to be hit with racial nirvana?

The silent Red Nirvalen on the side was speculating on Igarashi's psychology. Is it possible that he has a learning ability similar to that of the Ex-Machina? But if the power of the Marrow Explosion is really as terrifying as he said, even if all the Ex-Machines are here, they will have to pay a heavy price, right?


There was silence on the goblin battleship. There was a wave of elves there. Red Nirvalian even felt that the other party was going to use marrow blast. She did not want to accompany Igarashi to death. However, looking at it from the perspective of a bystander, it was really Red Nirvalen came with Igarashi. In fact, not only was the elf girl unable to move, she couldn't even speak. She was in a suppressed state.

The first thing is that we promise that we will not explore humans again. Accordingly, you should also promise us something.


When the battle breaks out between us and [the one], you and humans will also join the battle.

The words coming from the goblin battleship made Igarashi smile.

You seem to have a little misunderstanding. Now, I am not begging you, and I am not negotiating with you. If you agree to what I say, you will live. If you don't agree, you will die. Do you understand?

When Igarashi spoke and expressed hostility, a dozen battleships in front of him began to accumulate elves and prepared to attack. However, the moment his voice fell, everything stopped. The accumulated elves should not have wisdom. , fled in all directions as if in fear, while the goblins in the battleship were bound by invisible forces. Resistance was death, and there seemed to be such a roar in the air.

The goblin leader was able to move, like a fish that slipped through the net. His fingers kept trembling on the button that represented the marrow explosion, hesitating whether he should press it. After a while, the goblin leader took a deep breath and withdrew his hand. The sound came from the battleship's external loudspeaker.

We agree to your request, what's the second thing?

The second thing, I don't think I need to say, you will do it in the future.

Igarashi's gaze penetrated the shell of the goblin battleship, and he looked at the anger flashing in the goblin commander's eyes. He smiled softly and regained control of his personality.

What just suppressed everything in the world was Igarashi's personality. Once, he was equal to the world. Now, with Nayako's chaotic power, in terms of personality, even the world itself is different. It's better to just unleash your personality and fight the world with all your strength.

He had just loosened his personal suppression a little.

Watching the goblin battleship turn around and leave, Igarashi shrugged nonchalantly. Only then did he notice that the elf girl next to him seemed to be in something wrong.

Like he was frightened.

Who are you?! Artosh, the God of War? Or some new god who represents a terrifying concept?

As the person closest to Igarashi, Zhenhong feels it most clearly. She can feel that Igarashi took special care of her and did not let herself get hurt, but she can also feel that it is like a concept, like the invisible essence of the soul. The horror of things is like the awareness of heaven and earth, which is extremely despairing.

True Red Nirvalian has never seen the God of War Artosh, but if Artosh is more powerful than this, then she thinks there is no need to fight and it would be better for everyone to surrender.

Chapter 798 Kiss me and I’ll teach you

Igarashi, temporarily the guardian of mankind.

Hearing his answer, Red Nirvalian puffed up his face angrily, and at the same time had deep doubts about Igarashi's race. He was definitely not a human being, because humans could not have such power, but yet Unlike the gods, how can the gods have such rich emotions? Although the god of the forest elves is dead, there are still some relevant records. The gods of the forest elves are benevolent, powerful, and all-encompassing like nature. , but other than that, there are not many adjectives. It’s not that I’m short of words, but that this god of nature really doesn’t have much personality.

The gods are the gods. Beings in high positions don't have too many emotions except for taking care of the outstanding children they created. But Igarashi, who is a forest elf, teases himself from time to time. His attitude is not like that of a god.

The angry look of Zhenhong is quite cute. Compared to Croni, she has a more natural look, but she has a different temperament.

Igarashi admired it for a while, then took Zhenhong's hand. The elf girl struggled, but then gave up helplessly. According to Igarashi, physical contact is required to activate teleportation magic. Zhenhong had to acquiesce to this action, otherwise She will be left behind, here or there? ! Zhenhong felt like she wouldn't be able to find her way back if she was left behind.

Then, he still did not return to the human gathering place. The moment Igarashi appeared with Zhenhong, he was faced with several sharp claws shining with cold light. Zhenhong subconsciously used the spell on him, and then remembered that the guy next to him was the one who led him. The culprit who entered this trouble stopped activating the technique and simply hid behind Igarashi.

This time we are in the territory of the orcs again.

Seeing Igarashi swatting a fly and knocking the bloody orc to the ground, Zhenhong was no longer surprised. He looked around and found many orcs who were eyeing me and Igarashi. He couldn't help but Complain loudly.

The elite blood-bad orcs who were previously famous in the tribe were so easily dealt with, which gave the orcs a little understanding of the strength of the sudden intruder. At present, they did not try to attack again, but another fox-eared one. The middle-aged orc came forward.

Who is your Excellency? Could it be that you are the patron saint of mankind?

Oh? Have you heard of me? Could it be that you caught my adventurer?

Igarashi who said this looked around, but saw nothing, and did not feel the breath of his gift here.

No, please don't get me wrong. We just relied on our racial talents to communicate with some beasts and learned this information. Before, it was just an uncertain guess...

As he spoke, the fox-eared orc looked at the blood-bad warrior who still hadn't gotten up and fell into a coma, and sighed.

Now it seems that he is indeed the patron saint.

So, have you guessed the purpose of my coming here?

Yes, we [orcs] will no longer investigate human affairs, but if adventurers attack us...

Then you can naturally fight back. I didn't protect you to that extent.

After that, Rito Yuuki returned to the gathering place of humans with Zhenhong, and appeared directly in the tree house. Hubi, who was playing chess with him, raised his eyes and looked at Zhenhong Ni. Erbalian stayed there for a moment, then lowered his head again.

An Ex-Machina?!

The Ex-Machina, the Flügel, and the Dragon Elf are the three races that should not be provoked except for the gods. The Ex-Machina's way of existence where all machines unite and act simultaneously is also familiar to all races. Now I see a The only Ex-Machina species, Zhenhong was full of surprise.

Hubi was disconnected because he was trapped in a wrong cycle. He is an abandoned organism.

Hubi answered Zhenhong's question without raising his head.

Zhenhong turned to stare at Igarashi.

How did you abduct her? She couldn't be like me and wanted to follow you, right?

Just like you.


Zhen Hong was shocked. An Ex-Machina who never fought back unless attacked and flew aimlessly in the air would take the initiative to make demands? She felt that Igarashi was playing tricks on her, and her magic didn't work on him, and she couldn't beat him. She was so angry!

I can't help it, I'm very charming.

Igarashi spread his hands with a helpless look, which made Zhenhong even angrier. She stopped looking at Igarashi, focused on her surroundings, and soon her eyes widened.

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