Originally I wouldn't have agreed.

Igarashi's words made the Lust Archbishop subconsciously reveal such a sad expression, and then he suddenly realized that he used the word original.

But, you are the only one among the Archbishops of Sin that I have seen, excluding the guy who may be the Arrogant Archbishop, who has not committed too many sins. You have the feeling of being able to emerge from the mire and remain untainted. And this Dragon blood that can corrode the body and give people abilities is quite interesting for the time being.

Having said this, Igarashi stretched out two fingers and shook them at the Lust Priest.

Two options, either I take your dragon's blood and store it, eliminate all your sequelae, and you become an ordinary person. Of course, because of bathing in the dragon's blood, your physical fitness will be much stronger than most ordinary people, or it can be said to be incompetent. It is more appropriate to choose the option, and you will no longer be disturbed by the pain caused by this ability. Or, you accept my contract, offer your loyalty to me, and with the blessing of the contract, you can use the ability without side effects. Don't take any chances. Once you sign the contract, you will be able to use it without any side effects. It’s irreversible, so what’s your choice?”

The contract Igarashi is talking about is not a gift from God, but a contract similar to Echidna. As a human or even a god, it is unimaginable. Even an ordinary contract has great power. At the same time, strength is supreme. The law will also begin to have a subtle influence.

The first reaction of the Lust Archbishop was to choose the first one, because of the second rule, loyalty. From the perspective of the Lust Archbishop, who had seen a lot of darkness, she was likely to be turned into a puppet. Just as she was about to speak, she suddenly realized Seeing that the Witch Cult headquarters, which had been ravaged by various elements at this moment, had been reduced to an abyss even more exaggerated than ruins, and the two twin maids beside Igarashi were staring at him expressionlessly, the first choice sounded good. , take away the ability to eliminate pain, and still maintain freedom, the price is just to become an ordinary person.

But ordinary people can’t help themselves.

As the Sin Archbishop of the Witch Cult, although she was not involved in many things, the Lust Priest knew very clearly. With all kinds of thoughts flowing around, she finally made up her mind to learn how the Witch Cults usually worshiped her by bending down.

I choose the second one. Please give me a contract and I will be loyal.

You'd better die.

This sentence was not said by Igarashi. The voice of a fifth person came from the Witch Cult headquarters that had been reduced to a dead place. The owner of the voice was a male. While speaking, a wave seemed to wither away everything and bring all things to an end. The power swept towards the Lust Priest.

A man with abilities that surpass those of the Archbishop of Sin, coupled with the aura of [sin] on your body and this forbidden ability, you are the Melancholy Demon Hector, right?

After casually swatting away the attack, Igarashi looked at the man who appeared and smiled.

I won't look for you, but you will come to your door yourself. That's very nice...

As Igarashi's words fell, a transparent barrier instantly enveloped the place. Although it was a barrier, its mere existence made the air vibrate, faintly revealing a terrifying power.

The man's face, as if he had stayed up all night or cultivated all night long, did not change much. He glanced at Ram, whose horns had grown back on his head, and focused on Igarashi.

You bring in too many variables.

After saying this, the man unleashed a much more exaggerated attack than before. Melancholy is an emotion, losing confidence in life and losing hope in the future, and the result of this emotion is death and destruction.

Hector, the melancholic demon, symbolizes destruction.

If Minerva, the Angry Witch, faced him, they would be two extremes, but they had one thing in common. The two had forbidden abilities, and their mere existence would bring trouble to the world.

The will of the world in the sky has been strengthened again on Igarashi's barrier. Among the nine sins, eight witches have been banned. Only the Melancholy Demon has been fleeing. At the same time, he has continued to bring disasters to the world, which has made the will of the world anxious. Now it is not easy to find out. Target, the will of the world intends to deal with him.

I think for you, the biggest change I bring is that I will kill you.

With just one glance, Igarashi saw the sin and resentment lingering on Hector. It was almost equivalent to absorbing the resentment of the entire world into one body. Regardless of their abilities, the seven witches did not reach the level of body and soul. The level of a god, but Hector is different. He is already considered a god, and he belongs to the only god, the exaggerated level of the Supreme God, the God of Sin, but——

boom! !

The invisible noble power, both in quality and quantity, completely crushed Hector and the forbidden abilities he mastered. If it were Igarashi a few worlds ago, he might still have a headache because of Hector, but now, from Hector The moment Kurt appeared here, his fate was already doomed.

The melancholic demon finally showed surprise and surprise on his face, which was his last trace in this world.

Chapter 779 Heading to the Watch Tower

The Melancholic Demon Hector died too quickly and too easily. Neither the twin maids Ram and Rem nor the Priest of Lust had a clear understanding of the horror of the Melancholy Demon. They would not have known that, if not for it, Igarashi is here, except for the horned Ram who can barely fight against the Melancholy Demon, the rest are not the enemies of the Melancholy Demon at all.

Is your wish fulfilled?

Igarashi looked at Ram and Rem with a smile.


The two maids wiped away their tears and then showed their most beautiful smiles to Igarashi.

Although Nayako said that she had left a trial for herself in the watch tower, Igarashi had an intuition that accepting that trial might mean that she was leaving.

There are so many beautiful girls who haven’t eaten them all yet, Igarashi doesn’t want to accept the trial now.

He stayed in Zero World for another three years.

Through a variety of means, such as a warm-hearted offensive, a tough attitude, or pretending to be a strange combination of circumstances, all seven witches were saved (harem), and young children such as Petra and Felt were saved. Meili, a girl as cold-blooded as Elsa, as strong as Crusch, and as greedy as Anastasia, all the girls have taken advantage of the harem, and Igarashi lazily prepared to leave for the surveillance tower.

take me.


I said, take me there.

Faced with Echidna's words, Igarashi pretended to be innocent.

I'm just going to the watchtower. You know, with my strength, things in this world can't pose a threat to me at all.

Although my intuition and my wisdom tell me that you are telling the truth, I even have a feeling that even if you really leave, I will not feel alone, because the world will undergo unknown changes, well... you You won’t feel lonely when you leave me. What has changed? Am I dead, or has time stopped?”

In three years, Igarashi has successfully made the seven witches' personalities evolve in a normal direction. At this time, Echidna is speaking words of love in a very normal tone. This has become a daily routine. .

Echidna is indeed a lustful witch who is full of pursuit of knowledge. She used to know almost everything. Although the appearance of Igarashi and the suppression of the will of the world made her realize that there are still many things that she does not know and understand. But her wisdom has not changed. From some of Igarashi's actions before leaving, sleeping with Da, and meticulous care, etc., she smelled something unusual, and then relied on clues and her own conjectures to arrive at the conclusion. conclusion consistent with the facts.

This wisdom made Igarashi a little surprised, but also very proud.

Such a smart girl who loves herself to the extreme will certainly feel a sense of accomplishment.

The time of the whole world will stop, and I will go to other worlds. When I come back, we will be like the first time we met. You will not know that I left.

After hesitating for a moment, Igarashi chose to tell the truth. Echidna had already guessed so much, and there was no point in hiding it. She waited quietly for Echidna to digest what she said before Igarashi continued.

Do you want to follow me? It's very dangerous... Hehe, actually with my current strength, the risk will probably be reduced a lot, but it will be very boring, because you may have to stay in a small world for a long time inside.

small world?!

Echidna's eyes sparkled. After being together for so long, she never knew that Igarashi still had a small world like the castle she had before. As a witch of knowledge, no, the witch is history, and now it is just the pursuit of knowledge. Or, she was very interested in it.

It's much bigger than the one you had before. Ophis and Anle-chan lived in it before.

After the dust settled about the infinitely cute dragon Ophis and the monster Anle Girl, Igarashi let them come out to play in the new world. As for Nayako, she seemed to be working very hard to maintain the one in the hearts of the witches. Even if the image of the great sage comes out, it is quietly. So far, everyone except Igarashi does not know the existence of Nayako. Imagine the scene of Echidna and Nayako meeting, Igarashi I think it might be interesting.

Are you sure you want to go with me?

Well, have you forgotten our contract? Although I am just a girl in love now, I am also very curious about unknown things. Only by following you can I learn more, right?

Igarashi thought carefully about whether he should bring all the girls with him. If he brought all the girls from the zero world, he would not be able to treat the girls from other worlds favorably. He would also have to bring them with him. After all these years of expansion by Ophis, the world has become vast enough. They can play for a long time just by traveling around the world, but——

Not to mention whether there would be a fire in the harem if so many girls gathered together, it was simply difficult for Igarashi to take care of so many girls. Instead of neglecting them, it would be better to keep time still.

After hesitating for a while, Igarashi looked at Echidna with a guilty conscience.

Heaven knows this and earth knows it. You know it and I know it. You must not make it public.

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