Hehe, I understand.

So Igarashi appeared directly in the surveillance tower with Echidna.

From the outside, the surveillance tower should have six floors. However, when you enter it, there is no difference in the number of floors. Apart from a little girl wearing shorts and a cloak, and ordinary daily necessities, there is only the mass in the sky. The energy sphere is the most conspicuous.

When he saw that ball of energy, Igarashi knew its essence. It was a mixture of the power of all things and the power of Naiako, that is, a mixture of the power of order and the power of chaos. It should be Naiako's long-lasting What was left before has gone through a long period of running-in, and the two energies have blended with each other, and now they have reached an extremely harmonious state.

However, for Igarashi, who is based on the power of order, the toxicity of the originally deadly poison has only been slightly reduced.


While Igarashi silently observed the energy, the little girl exclaimed and then smiled with joy.

You are the successor of the Great Sage, Igarashi, right?

Chapter 780 Shaula

The black ponytail reaches to her waist, swaying playfully as the little girl keeps moving around Igarashi, and the wide cloak is constantly wrinkled and then smoothed out. If the other party didn't have it, there is no doubt that he can use super in this world. The word strong describes the power. She is probably more like an innocent girl who worships heroes and dresses up in nondescript ways than a guardian.


Although he was full of the desire to complain about Nayako's title of great sage, Igarashi still nodded and admitted it. The little girl had already confirmed this. Seeing Igarashi nod, the smile on his face only widened a few times. point.

Master is indeed the most powerful. He could predict today's events four hundred years ago. He predicted that her successor would be able to hide from my eyes and suddenly appear in the surveillance tower.

There was blind admiration in the girl's words. Igarashi didn't know whether it was because Nayako was strong enough to ignore the taboo of time, smooth the ever-changing timeline, and peek into the past and future, or because she considered her own character. , I was sure that I would not walk to the watchtower honestly.

So you're four hundred years old?


Speaking English that he probably learned from Nayako, he made a salute gesture, and then the little girl who was at least four hundred years old continued to speak cutely.

I am Shaula, Lord Igarashi. As long as you touch this ball of energy, the trial will begin. But before that, please let me go to the master. The master promised me to guard the watch tower until her death. The heir shows up and then she plays with me.”

Play with you?

The one who cried out in surprise was Echidna. She didn't expect that after four hundred years of lonely waiting, the girl in front of her would still have such a normal, or naive, personality. She didn't expect that after waiting for four hundred years, the great sage would have paid so much. Just a promise to play with her.

It's like teasing people.

Yes, is my sister the wife of Lord Igarashi? She is very beautiful. Even if she is a master, she is not as tall as my sister.

elder sister……

Thinking that although Echidna died early, she could be said to be at an advanced age, Igarashi did not correct Shaula for using the title sister, but just couldn't help laughing. Echidna on the side was a little troubled. For women, Speaking of which, age has always been a taboo subject.

What happens when I touch energy?

The power of chaos is a poisonous thing for Igarashi. The first time he just used the condiment created by Nayako with the power of chaos, he vomited blood. Although he later got along with Nayako day and night and had many intimate relationships. However, the last step has not yet been carried out, just because Igarashi may not be able to withstand the power of chaos that Nayako possesses, which is so vast that it has already surpassed the sea of ​​smoke or a certain world, and is so huge that it is unimaginable.

What will happen? I don't know, but the master seems to have said that even if you make great progress, you will faint, and then continue to evolve in destruction and rebirth, and finally reach a physique that can accommodate both chaos and order. During this period , the master will send you away to another world.


With Igarashi's current level, it is definitely not a minor injury if it can make him faint, and destruction and rebirth sound a little scary.

How about we just leave this place alone?

Seeing Igarashi frowning, knowing full well his unfathomable strength, Echidna, who was slightly aware of the seriousness of the problem at this moment, began to ignore him and not take risks.

Recalling that during this period of time, he was insinuating Nayako, and the other party was tight-lipped, and sometimes would get angry and fight with me for no reason, Igarashi more or less guessed what was going on and sighed.

Don't worry, I can be sure that I won't die, but I will inevitably suffer.

After gently touching Echidna's head, Igarashi continued.

I'll send you to the small world to see it. Shaula, you go too. The great sage is waiting for you there. There shouldn't be anything else in the surveillance tower that you need to take care of, right?

Now, whether it is the seven sin witches or the eighth witch of pretense, Igarashi has saved them (into the harem), and the Melancholic Demon has died, so there should be no other taboos in the surveillance tower. .

Yes, Lord Igarashi, please send me to that small world quickly. I want to see the master quickly.

Shaula jumped up and down in front of Igarashi, as if she wanted to vent all the excessive energy accumulated in four hundred years.

Echidna, and Shaula, please remember that the great sage's real name is Nayako, the evil god Nayako, who is higher than most existences in the world.

Igarashi finished speaking with a serious face. Looking at the caution shown by the two girls, he secretly smiled in his heart. Although Nayako was very strong, she had completely transformed into a otaku now.

Except for Nayako, you have met Ophis, Anle-chan, and Donna who live inside. You can introduce them to Shaula later. Remember, don't massacre the monsters inside and destroy the terrain.

Seeing Echidona nodding, Igarashi was about to send them into the small world, but Echidna took a step forward and took the initiative to kiss Igarashi deeply.

As you said, there is no danger. I will wait for you in the small world.


The figures of Echidna and Shaula disappeared in front of Igarashi and were sent away by him. Four hundred years later, the surveillance tower that became noisy again returned to silence. After a glance around, naturally nothing unusual was found. Igarashi Lan Chong shook his hand at the will of the world that was secretly watching here.

After I leave, evolve well. I hope that in the future, you will be strong enough to withstand the use of various taboo abilities by people in the world.

When I leave, the time of the world ends and it falls into endless evolution.

After receiving a silent response from the will of the world, Igarashi looked at the energy mass flowing quietly in front of him, took a deep breath, and then stretched out his hand.

The energy group, which was originally so huge that it would occupy most of the surveillance tower dozens of meters high, stagnated for a moment when Igarashi touched it, and then poured into Igarashi's body.

Pain, this was the only thing Igarashi felt before he was wrapped in nothingness.

①② Game life

Chapter 781: People are like ants and life is like grass.

The world is real, cruel, without reason, without established rules, and full of chance and necessity.

There is no place for children to play.

At least in this era of this world, it doesn't exist.

A long time ago, there seemed to be something called the sun in the sky. It was a sphere filled with white flames, emitting light, and illuminating the blue sky. There is such a legend.

But at this moment——

The war between the gods and their respective creations burned and cracked the earth, and ashes filled the sky. The ashes that filled the sky conflicted with the power of the stars flowing here - the Elven Corridor, which burst out with light. Dyeing the sky red.

The saying that the sky is red has replaced the previous record that the sky is blue.

The red sky covers the land where countless creatures are fighting each other, like the blood of dead creatures, like the screams of this planet.

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