Uh, Echidna, how are you? Are you familiar with the new environment?

I'm familiar with it, of course I'm familiar with it, but compared to you, it's still a lot worse. As soon as I came back here, I couldn't wait to find girls to show off my prostitution in the daytime. I'm so skilled. I deserve to be your home.

To be honest, this was Roswaal's home, but Igarashi had already occupied the magpie's nest and did not refute. Faced with Echidna's sarcasm, Igarashi pretended not to know and showed a surprised expression.

Look, Donna, how healthy your relationship is now. This is a huge improvement, so you should celebrate it.

Celebrate? Is it really a simple celebration, or do you want to do something to me?

Just as Igarashi and Echidna were talking more and more explicit words, Petra's figure appeared at the door of the room. Igarashi did not close the door. After all, he had not taken action against Echidna. At this moment, Petra Terra was holding a set of clothes, a coat that was much longer than the top. She must have made it specially for Igarashi.

Uh... Lord Igarashi, I seem to have disturbed you?

Petra had heard some of the conversation just now. Although being with Igarashi for such a long time, Petra did not have to worry about being severely punished for any mistakes she made, but as a girl, of course she would feel Sorry, I am hesitating whether to leave at the moment, but Igarashi clearly told me to show him the clothes before.

Ahem, you asked that, so of course my answer is don't bother me. This outfit looks a bit like the Midnight Coat from Sword Art Online.

Sword Art Online? Midnight Coat?

Petra looked confused at the term coming out of Igarashi's mouth, and then explained.

I made this based on the uniforms of the Kingdom Knights. Sir Igarashi, do you want to try it?

Chapter 777 Destroy the Witch Cult

Naturally, Igarashi did not refuse Petra's suggestion. For a coat like this, you don't have to take off all your clothes to try it on. Just take off the coat, and Igarashi puts the coat on, and it fits perfectly. It seems to be made of very high-grade fabrics and is quite comfortable to wear.

You bought expensive cloth specially for me? I remember that the mansion did not have such reserves.

The blush on Petra's cheeks from the excitement of seeing Igarashi put on the clothes she made has not yet dissipated. When she heard Igarashi's question, she nodded in response.

The money Igarashi-sama gave me before has been slightly used. It would be best if you like it.

Of course I like it. From now on, this is what I wear every day. You said before that it wasn't completely done, but now it seems like it's obviously done.

Petra's craftsmanship is very good, and her style is also the type that Igarashi likes. Coupled with this girl's heart, Igarashi plans to use it as a regular uniform. As for the performance such as defense, if Igarashi faces a battle Li has no time to protect his clothes, so the clothes, artifacts, and divine destroyers that he has encountered so far cannot play any role in a battle of this size.

Then Petra will take her leave first.

Of course Petra was very happy that the clothes she had spent so much effort on were loved so much after being given to the person she loved. However, when she saw Echidna who was keeping quiet aside and just looking at this place with a faint smile, Petra was so happy. Terra knew that she would not be disturbed next, so she left obediently.

Then of course Igarashi had a serious discussion and study with Echidna, and took off the clothes he just put on soon after.

The headquarters of the Witch Cult is not within the Kinryu Kingdom, but Igarashi used teleportation magic to arrive instantly with the two twin maids Ramrem.

When they were sleeping together before, Igarashi once asked the lazy Echidna whether destroying the Witch Cult by himself would make her have negative emotions. The answer was no, because in four hundred years, the Witch Cult had already deviated from its original plan. The trajectory of the Witch Cult four hundred years ago, naturally, all members of the Witch Cult died with the passage of time.

So Igarashi decided to give the Witch Cult a glorious enough death.

The whirlwind that formed a tornado surrounded it from all directions, and the sky-burning flames swept down from the sky like a wave. The thunder and lightning in the dark clouds continued to strike. In just ten seconds, Igarashi suddenly appeared with two girls. The witch cultists who issued a warning and prepared to attack were all killed and injured.

The reason why I use the word exhausted to describe it is because except for the part of the witch cultists that Igarashi deliberately spared, which should be filled with the resentment and blood smell of the ghost people, they were handed over to Ram and Rem to kill them personally and take revenge.

In addition, there were two Sin Archbishops who were seriously injured but not dead. It was not that they were strong enough to resist Igarashi's attack, but Igarashi held back.

In front of him were two women, one was covered in bandages and her face was disfigured, and the other looked like a little girl, not exactly cute, because her face seemed to have maintained a look of endurance for a long time due to pain.

Closing his eyes and feeling the abilities of the two in front of him, combined with the intelligence of several Sin Archbishops who had died before, Igarashi spoke.

Priest of Anger and Priest of Lust?

Peticius, my husband, did you kill him?

With all the tragic scenes of destruction around her, she turned a deaf ear to the tragic deaths of the subordinates of the Witch Cult. The angry Archbishop, who was wrapped in bandages, made suppressed inquiries. She knew how powerful Igarashi was from his methods. Combined with the intelligence from the sect, Archbishop Lazy The cause of death is very clear.

During this period, the lust priest secretly activated his ability on Igarashi, an ability that had nothing to do with lust - turning humans into various small animals, but to no avail. She even discovered that because of some mysterious power protecting the At this moment, the two ghost girls who are killing the witch cultists on the ground are immune to their own abilities. Apart from this ability, the lust priest, who has no other outstanding means, is like a tiger with its teeth pulled out and its hamstrings removed. Standing there helplessly.

Ignoring the little actions of the lustful priest, Igarashi saw that the angry priest took the initiative to talk to him, so he did not attack and replied.

Although he came looking for trouble, I didn't kill him. Instead, I healed his crazy heart. It seems that the lazy Archbishop had some story behind him and committed suicide after remembering everything.

Igarashi was naturally planning to kill Archbishop Sloth and cure him in order to obtain information. No matter what kind of past he had, Igarashi would not let him go casually, but before taking action, He just committed suicide first.

It's cured... it's cured?!

Whether he was happy or sad, he did not question Igarashi's words. The angry priest roared and then murmured.

I'm going to stay with him.

The angry Bishop who said this, just like the lazy Bishop before, annihilated himself in front of Igarashi. She originally wanted to avenge the lazy Bishop, even though she was unable to do so.

Now, knowing that there is no hatred and perhaps twisted grace, Angry Archbishop chooses to commit suicide and follow Sloth. What Igarashi has discovered is that the power [emotional connection] possessed by Angry Archbishop is the ability to share emotions within a certain range and harm. , it was never started from beginning to end.

If it is activated, the angry priest who dies at this moment can rely on this ability to let everyone including the lustful priest around him be buried with him.

Of course, this all refers to people from the Witch Cult.

Stretching out his hand in the void, he grabbed the forbidden ability of the Angry Archbishop and threw it to the will of the world that quietly poked out from the sky. Feeling the unbearable power of the world and spying on the situation here, Igarashi looked at Teach to the priest of lust.

It seems that you are the only one left.

I, I don't want to die...

The Priestess of Lust kept retreating, her body trembling violently. Her ability to turn humans into animals comes from dragon blood. Dragon blood will corrode the body, bring pain to the enemy, and also bring pain to herself. From The moment I regained my ability, I endured severe pain. Now is the end. Do I want to die in pain?

Death? You don't have to die. You don't have much blood stained on your body, and you don't have any resentment against any living being. Moreover, among the Sin Archbishops, you are the only one whose abilities are not taboo and do not need to be recycled by me.

Facing the fearful Lust Priest, Igarashi said something different.

Chapter 778 Melancholy Demon

At this moment, Ram and Rem have completely eliminated the Witch Cult. The horned Ram's own strength is extremely high in this world, and Rem also has elite-level strength. Igarashi has given them the gift of God to deal with it. It is not difficult to get rid of the witch cultists who are not very powerful except for the Sin Archbishop.

The twin maids stood next to Igarashi, their hands were stained with blood. The corners of their mouths were raised as if they were smiling, but their eyes were full of tears. When they heard Igarashi seemed to say that he would not kill the Lust Archbishop, the twin maids looked at the Lust Priest. He glanced at her and said nothing.

The blonde girl was not the one who attacked the village in the first place.

I don't have to die? I don't have to die?!

The hope after despair can always make people overjoyed. At this moment, the lustful priest's face was full of joy, and at the same time she couldn't help but grin. Under the fluctuation of emotions, the pain that she had suppressed with her efforts finally burst out, which made her endurance gradually increase. The improved lust priest let out an uncontrollable cry of pain.

It's not from the world, but the ability gained by being stained with dragon blood...

Igarashi glanced at Priest Lust thoughtfully and murmured to himself. Upon hearing what he said, Priest Lust made a move, and then looked at Igarashi expectantly.

Can you relieve my pain? Take away this dragon's blood, even if it means taking away my ability as you said before, I really don't want to endure it anymore.

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