Ahem, well, I think you will understand it in a short time. I will explain it to you with my own actions.

I seem to understand a little bit.

Echidna's eyes were filled with brilliance, and her beautiful look overshadowed the stars in the night sky. She put down Beatrice who didn't know why, looked at Igarashi with a sweet smile, and leaned close to his ear, He exhaled softly and said softly.

Although Beatrice called me mom, I have never done anything like that? Beatrice is an elf, you know that, right?

I know, I know, I know.

The dirty thoughts in his heart were seen through by Echidna. Igarashi blushed and nodded repeatedly in the face of Echidna's questions.

Actually, I'm a little curious, so can you satisfy my curiosity?

This is naked temptation. Igarashi has never been a person who is indifferent to temptation, so he responded immediately.

give it to me!

Although she has lived for four hundred years, Beatrice, who almost never leaves the mansion, does not know what the conversation between Igarashi and Echidna means. She listens to it in confusion. Although she does not understand it, she feels very happy. Looks awesome.

After agreeing with Echidna on a time to meet at night, Igarashi met Petra.

Lord Igarashi, Lady Priscilla is looking for you.

Well, by the way, Petra, you said you were going to make clothes for me. How is it going? How is the progress?

Hearing Igarashi's inquiry, Petra lowered her head in embarrassment, her fingers nervously played with the corners of her clothes, and muttered.

Well, most of it has been done. There are only some details left to be perfected. If Igarashi-sama is interested, I can get it to your room and let you try it out.

Let me take a look after I go to find Priscilla, so I can look forward to it a little bit.

I see.

Petra walked away with heavy steps as if she was about to face some major test. Igarashi smiled, walked out of the mansion, and walked towards the magnificent palace next to the mansion.

Priscilla was the only one in the huge palace.

Originally, Igarashi thought it would be a throne or something, with the same furnishings as a real palace, but it turned out to be a normal living room and bedroom furnishings. Except for the fact that the furniture was obviously expensive and very luxurious, there was not much else.

You should know I'm here, why haven't you come back to see me for so long?

Priscilla was sitting on a large dining table, drinking tea by herself. When she saw Igarashi coming back, she said this with some complaints.

Igarashi spread his hands.

You didn't greet me when I came back. You see, even though the time was delayed a little, I still came to visit you. You should be grateful.

After looking at the empty palace, Igarashi continued.

I can't live in a nice mansion. If I have to live here alone, how about I let Frandelica live in as your special maid?

It's up to you to do these things later. Now, kiss me, Igarashi.

Priscilla is indeed a character who dares to love and hate, and shows her emotions directly. After not seeing her for many days, when she saw Igarashi, her longing turned into lust, and she showed it without hesitation.

Chapter 776 Daily life in the mansion

When Igarashi came out of Priscilla's palace refreshed and refreshed, the sun had already set and the bright moon had risen. He relied on his soul power to quickly locate Frandelika's location, because he was worried that he would be with her as soon as he came back. Priscilla's prostitution during the day would make them jealous if some people saw her, so Igarashi simply used teleportation magic to appear directly where Frandelica was.


Frandelica was looking in the mirror with her mouth half open. She spotted Igarashi suddenly appearing in the room from the mirror. She screamed, then quickly covered her mouth, turned around and bowed in embarrassment.

Sorry, Igarashi-sama, I was rude.

No, I am the one who should really be said to be rude. I barged in without saying hello. I'm sorry.

After Igarashi finished speaking, he recalled Frandelika's actions just now. He looked at her mouth that was obviously deliberately closed. Even when she spoke, she only opened her mouth slightly and had to cover it with her hands as a last resort. She sighed. tone.

Frandelica has a quarter of demi-human blood. Demi-humans are non-human races that have human appearance, but are different from humans, with some differences, such as animal ears and tails. And Frandelica This part of Delica's demi-human blood gives her the sharp fangs like beasts.

You still care about your fangs.

Although you have said comforting words to me before, as a woman, you will always care a little about your appearance. This beast-like posture... I'm sorry.

Frandelika said this with a bit of sadness. Seeing this, Igarashi stretched out his finger and tapped Frandelika's mouth gently, and then said.

Okay, are the straight teeth now what you want?


Igarashi's words made Frandelika stunned for a while, and then she suddenly woke up. She faced the mirror again with disbelief and a little expectation, and opened her mouth nervously. Then, Frandelika saw that there was something in her mouth. The fangs that would make people repulse them at first glance have turned into extremely smooth teeth that are just like ordinary people, or even whiter and more beautiful than ordinary people.


Looking at Frandelika who was in excitement, Igarashi said with a smile.

It's easy, don't worry about it. I heard you say before that I feel that Priscilla is a good person, and she agrees with you very much, so can you be responsible for taking care of Priscilla in the future? Well, actually, it mainly involves making tea and peeling fruits. , such as dressing and eating, she will still do it herself, but as for the daily preparation of dishes, Ram and Rem are still responsible.

Yes, please don't worry and leave it to me. I will definitely take care of and protect Lady Priscilla!

Tears of gratitude? Although it is not so exaggerated, Frandelica's gratitude to Igarashi is also very heavy at this moment. This gratitude makes her willing to protect Priscilla with her life, the person Igarashi asked her to take care of. .

Ahaha, there's no need to be so exaggerated. It seems you have already had dinner?

Well, Ram and Rem prepared it at the original time, and found that you were not here...so they ate first. If you are hungry, I will prepare another one for you.

If they just find out that Igarashi is not there, everyone will be very worried. How can they eat first? Of course, they know that Igarashi went to stay with Priscilla and stayed there for so long, everyone just understands it tacitly.

Prepare more? Is there nothing left? Don't Ram and Rem always prepare more food than everyone can eat?

The rest?

Frandelica was stunned. No noble would eat leftovers.

And Igarashi said nonchalantly.

Although it's really leftovers, I won't mind. After all, you are all beautiful girls. But the leftovers I'm talking about are extra dishes prepared by Ram and Rem in the kitchen for emergencies, such as When you have a late night snack or get up too early and you are hungry, people who don’t know how to cook can’t wake you up for personal reasons.”

Because she's a beautiful girl, so you don't mind?

Igarashi's words made Frandelica blush, and then nodded.

I see.

After serving Igarashi dishes specially prepared by the twin maids and allowing him to taste the maid's craftsmanship again after a few days, Frandelica went to look for Priscilla so that she could be there at any time when she needed her. When Igarashi returned to the room, he saw Echidna.

After a moment of surprise, Igarashi remembered that he seemed to have made an agreement with Echidna to answer some questions for her, regarding reproduction, tonight.

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