—Sins can only be redeemed through pain.

Whispering like a spirit, the girl grabbed Igarashi's right hand, and then there was a strange wave. This is a strange power, and its meaning is extraordinary that ordinary people, even strong people, can resist and understand. This is taboo. Ability.

Typhon tried to rip his arm off, but Igarashi, who was under attack, was sure of it.

Although this is a taboo method belonging to the world, if the will of the world was used, it would have been a battle with Igarashi, but it was Typhon who used it, an inhuman witch with witch factors. Regardless of his ability, his own body And the soul is by no means powerful.

So Igarashi was naturally unscathed.

The heavy soul power suppressed Typhon, who seemed innocent and did not feel any malice. The forbidden ability was suppressed by Igarashi's law due to the huge gap in strength between the holder and Igarashi. After casting it again, looking at Typhon who didn't show panic on his face and was just trying to break free out of curiosity, Igarashi touched his chin and asked.

What kind of psychology do you have in attacking me?

If you feel pain, you are a sinner~ But you are not~

Typhon still had an innocent smile.

To be able to attack people to such a large extent with a smile on your face and without any malice in your heart is quite scary to a certain extent.

Although the girl in front of him was very cute, Igarashi still classified her as a naughty child. What should I do if a naughty child doesn't behave? Just give her a beating.


Igarashi, who was about to take action, received a punch, and then felt a strange sense of relief. Of course, Igarashi did not turn into a jerk due to Typhon's taboo ability, but it was the problem of the person throwing the punch, that was Minerva, the Angry Witch, is a witch whose fists have no lethal effect on life, but only have a healing effect.

I'm fine, but thank you anyway, lovely Minerva. Compared to the others, you are the most normal one, well, except for your expression.

Continuing to maintain the suppression of his soul power, he made Typhon, who had done bad things without realizing it, stand still. Igarashi turned his head and looked at Minerva beside him. The eyes of the blond girl were moist again. She looked like she was about to cry, but Igarashi knew clearly that the inner feelings of the girl in front of her had nothing to do with sadness.

What! My expression is normal!

Minerva was still quibbling, but Igarashi was serious.

Ah, by the way, Miss Minerva is cute and kind. There is something I wanted to tell you when we met before. Now I have found the opportunity.

Thank you?! No! You don't need my treatment at all!

Minerva, the Angry Witch, speaks with great momentum, sonorous force, and a bit of anger.

But Igarashi didn't care about this and showed a serious look.

Miss Minerva, I like you.

Igarashi held the hand that had just punched him. Minerva looked at Igarashi's face and the hand that was being held, at a very fast speed, and then her pretty face, which was originally pure and white, quickly turned red. , bright red, with a trilling sound of Wow, ah, ah, ah coming out of his mouth.

But, but I can only do housework!

This is not like rejection at all. Rather than rejecting, Minerva seems more like exposing herself. She first tells the other party about her shortcomings and prepares for possible future coexistence. This is the operation.

Chapter 769 Gluttony

No problem, I'll take care of you.

Igarashi looked very serious.

And, besides, I'm clumsy!

Minerva's face turned redder.

No problem, clumsy girls are cute, and I don't need your help.

But, I must fight for world peace!

No problem, you are my world!


Minerva's face was redder than ever before. She was so shy that she began to stamp her feet on the ground. Although Minerva's attack actually had a healing effect, the accompanying impact would not disappear when faced with dead objects. The ground that should be very hard was stepped into cracks, and then the earth shook.

And this huge movement naturally attracted the owner of the dream world, Echidna.

Ah, did Igarashi do something to Minerva while I was away?

The appearance of Echidna made Minerva breathe a sigh of relief and disappear immediately. Even Typhon, who was still being suppressed and forced to stand by Igarashi, ignored her. Igarashi did not stop her. What was originally called The confession was more of a joke. Of course, if Minerva asked her to take responsibility, Igarashi would be very willing.

Echidna looked around. The scene of the grassland had changed dramatically, and the hills were no longer their original shape. She smiled bitterly and snapped her fingers.

Suddenly the wind started to rise, and at the same time, the world seemed to be surrounded by darkness as if a curtain had fallen. Then the fallen curtain rose again, and everything around him returned to its original appearance.

Very handsome!

Igarashi gave a thumbs up to Echidna, and Echidna rolled her eyes at Igarashi.

After all, I am a witch. It is not too difficult to do such a thing in my own castle. Did you come here so early to meet the various witches?

Turning her head to look at Typhon who was forced to stand, Echidna showed a nonchalant smile and had no intention of interceding with Igarashi on behalf of Typhon.

It seems that besides teasing Minerva, you are also training Typhon. Did I disturb you?

No, no, no, your wording is very problematic. I just asked her to stand and did nothing else. When I think she will behave better, I will let go of the suppression.

With Igarashi's current level, even if Typhon struggled with all his strength, he could always suppress her, even while sleeping. It was not a burden at all.

Igarashi did not deny that he teased Minerva, Echidna confirmed this.

What a bad taste. It seems that you are very interested in everyone, so let them get to know you one by one. Except for me, Minerva, Typhon who was suppressed by you, and that guy, the rest Which of the three witches do you want to see? I'll call her for you.

The guy Echidna is talking about is the jealous witch Satella. Has she reached the point where she doesn’t want to mention his name now?

Igarashi sighed and was about to persuade Echidna, but this smart lust witch seemed to know Igarashi's intention and deliberately disappeared, allowing another witch to appear in front of Igarashi.

Lying in the coffin, bound by chains and restraints, her eyes were covered by black blindfolds, her gray hair that reached her back was tied into two hanging ponytails, she was wearing white clothes and looked like a girl of about thirteen or fourteen years old.

Nan~Nan~ you can't touch Daphne's body~ and you can't look at Daphne either~

Typhon, who was being suppressed by Igarashi and unable to move, but whose breathing and speech were not restricted, exhaled tenderly, reminding Igarashi in an innocent tone.

I told you it was Lan!

Helplessly replying, Igarashi looked at the girl whom Typhon called Daphne. This was the Gluttony Witch. She was indeed under the influence of gluttony. She was more like original sin than ability, making people hungry. Original sin, this exaggerated thing, even she herself was affected. She was always hungry and unable to fill her stomach.

If an ordinary person touches her body, they will probably be eaten.

I was sleeping soundly~ Because... I don't want to be awake for too long~ If nothing happens, I will go to sleep again~

Daphne, the gluttonous witch, has been plagued by hunger for a long time. She uses various restraints to limit her abilities, so as not to cause too much trouble to the nearby beings and make herself feel better. Logically speaking, Igarashi has never seen such a special person. The existence would greatly arouse Daphne's appetite, but Daphne did not feel appetite. Even the hunger that troubled her was much less. Although she said she was going to sleep, Daphne moved towards Igarashi.

The lower part of the coffin that bound Daphne suddenly floated off the ground. Feet grew out of the bottom of the coffin, like the feet of an arthropod like a spider. It lifted the coffin and approached Igarashi.

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