Anle Girl can mimic. Under certain circumstances, this skill is full of fun. However, due to the strength of Anle Girl, there are some limitations. Igarashi took out a few pieces of rabbit meat and handed them to Anle Girl after processing. , watching her finish eating with curled eyebrows, she went to stay with Ophis for a while, and was fed the same delicious food before leaving the small world.

Chapter 767 Petra’s Thoughts

After Igarashi processed all the hundreds of pieces of rabbit meat and handed it to Nayako, he tried to obtain more information about the world. Although Igarashi can easily rely on his extremely powerful soul to obtain more information about the world. Power can sense the emotions of people, monsters, gods, and even all kinds of beings whose strength is lower than his own, goodwill, malice, plainness... But Igarashi cannot use this to judge a person's good and evil. After all, these emotions are only temporary. , like Priscilla, when they first met, her attitude and mood towards herself was the same as towards the stones on the roadside, and it continued to change later on.

Igarashi, who has not yet mastered the means of interpreting world history, can only turn to Nayako for help.

Watching tower, if you want to know so much, just go to the watching tower. There is my disciple Shaula there... and there is a trial I left for you.

Igarashi would not think that the trial given to him by the Evil God Naiko would be as simple as the trial given by the lust witch Echidna. In fact, because his strength was much stronger than Echidna, she was The prepared methods will not work at all, otherwise Igarashi will have some headaches, and Nayako is undoubtedly stronger than Igarashi. Igarashi cannot take the trial he prepared lightly.

You don't want to mess with me, do you? You guy, don't you want to destroy this world?

Igarashi looked at Nayako in astonishment. There are many ways to destroy the world. Igarashi already had the combat power to destroy the world a long time ago, and there are also many similar beings. Destroying the world is actually Destroying a carrier does not need to be equivalent to the world at all. The reason why each world exists now is because of the will of the world. With the protection and repair of the will of the world, the world that is very fragile under the hands of powerful beings can be safe and sound. As for Nayako, she should be stronger than the world in this world.

If any overly exaggerated means were used in the trial...

How is it possible? I'm helping you and giving you more possibilities. Ah, ah, don't ask. If you want to know, just experience it for yourself.

Nayako roared like this, and then kicked Igarashi out of the small world. As the owner of the general chaotic power that makes up the small world, she was also half the owner. Plus, she was stronger and could do such a rough thing. Lifting is not difficult.

Igarashi, who returned to the sanctuary, stood silently for a long time, and then returned to the guest room. Since Nayako had spoken to this point, Igarashi would not have any unnecessary suspicion. If Nayako wanted to be disadvantageous to him, , a long time ago, there were countless opportunities.

Igarashi returned to the guest room and saw Petra carefully cleaning everywhere, wiping tables, chairs, windows, making the bed, and even rearranging the things that were not neatly seen, showing a seriousness similar to that in the mansion. , this is obviously just a guest room that will not be used for a long time.

Petra? Isn't this a holiday for you? Why don't you go to the Holy Land to wander around? Even if you are not interested in the scenery, there are many products for sale in the Holy Land. The holy gold coins given to you should allow you to buy whatever you like. Something?


Petra, who was concentrating on her housework, suddenly heard Igarashi's voice and was startled. Then she quickly turned around, stood upright, and raised her skirt.

Although it is said to be a skirt-lifting ceremony, it naturally does not lift the skirt to the point where the leggings can be seen, but just lifts the fluffy skirt hem a few centimeters and gives a slight gesture.

This action, which originally only had a symbolic meaning and a sense of ritual, turned out to be very cute when done in Petra.

The salary Igarashi-sama gave me was already very high. I have bought all the things I like, and I don't need anything else. In my free time, I thought it would be better to organize it so that Iggarashi-sama can live a better life. It will be more comfortable and I will be happy as a maid.

Looking at Petra who smiled shyly, but her neat demeanor had not disappeared, Igarashi sighed.

You are already a very good maid.

Thank you for the compliment, Lord Igarashi, can you let me measure you? I want to make you a suit of clothes. Ah, even if Lord Igarashi doesn't like it or doesn't want to wear it, it doesn't matter. This is just for me. A little wish, so, that okay?”

Facing those green eyes filled with expectation and a little timidity, Igarashi smiled, glanced at the half of the soft ruler exposed in Petra's pocket, and opened his hands.

Okay, I didn't expect you to have such skills. This is a bonus, Petra.

My previous dream was to make clothes in the city, so I practiced for a while. Many people in the village gave me the cloth they bought to make clothes.

Petra was excited when she was praised by Igarashi. She measured Igarashi's arm length, leg length, etc. Generally speaking, cloth is much cheaper than ready-made clothes. If the money to buy a set of clothes is used to buy fabric , can make a lot more. Part of the difference is naturally the tailor's wages. The villagers in Alam Village are not rich people. When buying cloth, they give it to Petra, who may not ask for wages, or the wages are very low. Clothing making is also common sense.

A cute girl has a little dream, a bit like a fairy tale. Do you still want to realize this dream? According to your salary, plus the funds I will give you to buy things in the sanctuary, even if you go to the royal capital It is also possible to open a clothing store in a commercial street.

No, this was a dream before.

Petra was embarrassed and shook her head firmly.

Oh? What about now? Haha, I seem to keep asking some private questions, I'm sorry.

It doesn't matter at all! ... Right now, I want to serve Emilia-sama, Beatrice-sama, and—Igarashi-sama as a maid forever.

Petra mustered up the courage to speak out her inner thoughts. For her, this was a confession. Then, she felt a hand rubbing her hair, combing her neatly combed hair. chaos.

This courageous look is cute and reminds me of the sun, but at your age it makes people feel guilty, so grow up quickly, Petra.

Chapter 768 I like you

The innocent and lovely Petra didn't know the sinister meaning hidden in Igarashi's words. She just heard that Igarashi was praising her and hoping that she would grow up soon. Petra didn't know what to answer and blushed. He nodded, and then trotted into his room. It looked like he was changing places to clean up, but in fact, of course, he was hiding his shyness.

At night, when Frandelica and Petra were sleeping.

Just like before, Igarashi left a note and came to the Witch's Tomb again. Although sleeping was a good enjoyment, it was still a little worse than getting along with Echidna.

Dream space.

The person who appeared in front of Igarashi was not Echidna, but a girl who could not be described as a young girl.

It seems that I saw you first~ You entered this world silently, even Donna didn't notice it. It's really amazing! Shhh~ Don't make any big moves, it's hard to have some alone time.

With brown skin, a cheerful and lovable face, a white dress embellished with blue flowers and a blue flower hair accessory in the same style as the dress, she looks both cute and a bit pitiful.

Previously, because Echidna found out that she had let go of the suppression of her personality, Igarashi restrained himself very well when he came to the dream world, so as not to make Echidna think that he was a rude guy who used his strength to change people's hearts. But this time, he restrained himself too much, to the point where he was almost not noticed by anyone.

Looking at the girl in front of him, Igarashi knew that she was a witch, but he was not sure which one she was.


Huh? Uh, what do you mean? You are such a cold guy~

Anyway, it will be past twelve o'clock to participate in the third trial. This is Igarashi's own decision. Compared with Echidna's rules, it seems to be much earlier. Igarashi will not change it intentionally. The girl is quite cute, so let’s chat with her.

Faced with the girl's complaints, Igarashi asked in a tone as if coaxing a child.

Which witch are you? I know the jealous witch Satella and the lust witch Echidna. Although I only talked to the angry witch for a few words before and was punched a few times, I still remember the name Minerva clearly. , and the sister character who seems to be tired even when breathing should be Sekhmet, the Sloth Witch, and what about you, are you gluttony or arrogance?

I'm Typhon~ I know yours, Nan! It's Nan!

While saying this, the girl nodded firmly.

Typhon, the Arrogant Witch, I remember it. Also, you said it wrong. It's Arashi! Igarashi.

What a little kid.

Although it was impossible to tell from the words which word Typhon was speaking, there was clearly something wrong with her pronunciation.

After the correction, Igarashi asked curiously as Typhon looked at him with extremely clear eyes, seemingly friendly.

Did the great sage from hundreds of years ago talk to you about me, or did Echidna talk to you?

I heard it from Donna.

Typhon looked at Igarashi and tilted his head.

Are you a bad person? Or not, which one?

The girl showed an innocent smile and said this word for word. She walked barefoot on the grass of the dream world and approached Igarashi, then stretched out her hand.

Terrifying intangible implications are surging.

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