this thing……

Igarashi felt that what looked like a coffin seemed alive.

Which one? Please explain it so that Daphne, who is invisible, can understand it~

The tone of Daphne's words was very cute, but with Typhon's past experience, Igarashi did not have any thoughts of coaxing children, and was always ready to educate Daphne who might be misbehaving.

It's this coffin, but it seems to be a monster?

Oh~ If it's a centipede coffin, it's because Daphne can't move~ That's why I made this child~ It relies on Daphne's sweat and pee to move, it's very convenient~

As if he heard something extraordinary, Igarashi's eyes began to change when he looked at this very beautiful coffin. According to Echidna, the white whale, rabbit and other magical beasts were created by Daphne. This centipede coffin is a monster that relies on Daphne's body fluids to survive - it's really a perverted monster.

However, considering that Daphne is only in a soul state, I still feel... that she is a perverted monster.

Suddenly remembering something, Igarashi smiled sinisterly, then took out the few remaining roasted rabbit meat and shook it at Daphne.

I heard that you are a gluttonous witch. Do you want to eat? It's roast rabbit. It's delicious.

Roast rabbit meat? Sniff~

Daphne, who was bound, sniffed her nose, smelled it carefully, and then suddenly realized.

It's the meat of a baby rabbit. Eat it if you want. This is my proud creation.

Chapter 770 Breakthrough

Igarashi thought that Daphne would say, The rabbit is so cute, why do you want to eat it? But unexpectedly, she asked for a taste without hesitation. She was truly a gluttonous witch.

Open your mouth and I'll feed you with one hand.

Daphne didn't understand the second half of Igarashi's sentence, but she did understand the first half. She opened her mouth and had something to eat.

Daphne, who was bound, opened her small mouth, and Centipede Coffin stretched out its arthropod-like legs again. It seemed that if Igarashi missed the shot, he would change his position to catch it.

Ah wu...

Naturally, Igarashi would not make such a stupid mistake. The centipede coffin did not move, and Daphne, who opened her small mouth, did feel a fragrant barbecue enter her mouth. She chewed it a few times without vigilance, and then did not move. Swallow it without hesitation.


So it really evolved into feeding play.

Well, Nan is a bully~ Why are you so nice to Daphne, but you want to bully me~

Typhon, who was still suppressed by Igarashi's power, expressed his grievance, but Igarashi was unmoved when he saw this.

Because she hasn't attacked me yet and is very well-behaved. Don't worry, if Daphne does something, you will have an extra companion.

Igarashi spoke in a relaxed tone, and as the protagonist of his words, Daphne was still concentrating on eating barbecue. After a while, a large piece of barbecue was completely eaten by Daphne.

Well, it's gone? Then Daphne will go to bed.

Daphne who said this was about to disappear, and Igarashi spoke quickly.

Wait a minute, Daphne, haven't you ever thought about giving up your abilities and living a normal life?

The world will of this world hopes that Igarashi can help it take back these taboo abilities, because taboo abilities will lead the future of the world to a bad direction-collapse.

Originally, Igarashi didn't have much sense of reality, but after seeing the ability of the angry witch Minerva, he felt something. Although this beautiful girl always acted very harmless, even her fists hit people. It only has a healing effect, but this healing effect is not some magic that stimulates people's recovery ability, but something more simple and crude, forcibly twisting the cause and effect, and erasing the fact of injury. The cause and effect of the world is by no means something that can be changed at will, even if it is When Igarashi was destroying the world, the will of the world also relied on Igarashi as a guide to change the fate of the world. However, Minerva's ability was harmful to this world but not beneficial.

Now that Minerva has been teased by him, Igarashi has set his sights on Daphne. Although it is a commission from the will of the world, Igarashi also hopes to take away the taboo abilities of the witches, master the taboos with their mortal bodies, and treat them It's also harmful - otherwise, where would the witches die?

Normal life? What does normal life look like? Is it like what Daphne has seen before, death from starvation, death from natural disasters, death from wars, death from conflicts, or even death from illness or freezing? Like this What's so good about a normal life? If you want to talk to Daphne about boring things, Daphne thinks it's better to sleep.

I guarantee that none of what you said will happen to you. As for other people, birth, old age, illness and death are human nature. If everyone were immortal, the world would not be able to tolerate human beings. You who have mastered the original sin of gluttony should understand human desires. .”

Daphne is dead. She can't get out of this world.

I can resurrect you, but the condition is that I take away your forbidden ability, and I will give you the gift of God... Speaking of which, I have already surpassed the category of God, and this gift will be very reliable.

If you can convince the others, Daphne is also willing to live together.

After saying this, Daphne's eyes covered with a strip of cloth seemed to face Typhon.

Also, let Typhon go, Daphne will persuade her.

Igarashi did not expect that among the seven witches, the one who first opened a breakthrough for him was not Echidna, but Minerva, who seemed to be a young girl. Having mastered the power of gluttony and suffering the side effects of gluttony, she may want to change more than other witches.

In order to express goodwill, Igarashi released the power that suppressed Typhon as he was told, and Typhon was obviously a lot more honest. He nodded to Daphne with a slight gratitude, and then disappeared, seeming to be attracted to Igarashi. Feeling some fear, Daphne also disappeared.

The wind blew in the dream world, the grassland was blown by the wind, wild flower petals that should not have existed appeared in the sky, and a rain of flowers fell, and in this beautiful rain of flowers, Echidna appeared.

It's beautiful, Donna.

This is the title of Xue Tifeng. It makes me a little ashamed to be called out by you.

Echidna was scolding with a faint smile, but Igarashi didn't care at all.

It would be nice to make you feel ashamed. After all, your feelings are very abnormal.

There's really nothing I can do against you, that's all. It seems that you and Daphne are getting along very well. Can you tell me, if we witches all hand over our abilities, what benefits will you gain?

After completing the transaction with the will of the world, you can do whatever you want in this world, live and die, human flesh and bones, and even tamper with people's understanding of things, but in an instant.

Echidona was stunned by Igarashi's words. She was stunned for a long time with her mouth open, and then spoke in a very complicated manner.

Did that kind of existence pay such a price...

No, these things I said are what I can do. I can only achieve them more smoothly after obtaining the permission of the world's will. The greatest benefit I can obtain is the power of all things. What I control can make me stronger. the power of.

Huh, then... what if we don't want to? What will you do to us - or rather, what will that existence do to us?

I will probably take you away by force, and then the power that originally belonged to the world will naturally be taken back. As for the will of the world, I don't know its thoughts. Compared to you witches, the will of the world is something that cannot be speculated with human thought. The only thing that’s certain is that it will only do what’s good for the world.”

Chapter 771 I agree

During the conversation between Igarashi and Echidna, time passed quietly. At twelve o'clock at night, a new day began in Igarashi's mind.

It's too early to say this kind of thing now, so let's start the third trial.

Telling people so many things about their fate and then suddenly changing the subject is really a bad guy.

Echidna pursed her lips and complained in dissatisfaction. Then she knew that if Igarashi didn't want to say more, she couldn't force him to understand anything, so she followed Igarashi's topic.

The third trial is also the final trial - facing the disaster that will eventually come. Originally, this should be the disaster that happened to you, but unfortunately, I can't get your information, so I will change it. , Now, Igarashi, if I am in danger, will you save me?

As Echidna's words fell, everything around her began to change, [Angry] Minerva, [Sloth] Sekhmet, [Gluttony] Daphne, [Arrogance] Typhon, [Lust] Carmilla, five Two witches appeared in front of Igarashi at the same time, glaring at Echidna with eyes filled with various emotions.

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