Looking at Ryuuzi's speechless eyes staring at him, Igarashi smiled.

How can I just listen to a beautiful girl and pass it off as a story?

Liuzi didn't respond to this, turned around and walked away, saying something distant.

I hope you can complete the third trial and liberate the sanctuary. The closed barrier cannot allow residents of the sanctuary to enter or exit. If this continues for a long time, it will have a great impact.

I think I heard something terrible.

Seeing Ryuzu leaving and putting a weapon similar to the scimitar she used before on her waist, Erza covered her mouth with her hands and made a panicked look. However, due to her personality, she didn't even realize that she and Igarashi had been together. Gap, she didn't show any violent mood swings when she thought she was in a certain death situation, and Elsa also didn't show much reaction at this moment.

It is rumored that the one who swallowed half of the world is the Envy Witch, but just now, there seemed to be eight such witches, and there is a demon who sounds more special.

Don't be afraid, after all, you have provoked me who is more terrifying than them.

Igarashi lifted Erza's chin with his fingers frivolously, and said words that were more like further threats than comfort, expecting her to show a scared look, but she didn't.

After a moment, Igarashi retracted his hand regretfully and turned to look at Frandelica and Petra.

You don't need to understand some things. After all, you can just listen to them as a story. If you don't have the capital to participate, today's events can be treated as epic legends.

Yes, Lord Igarashi.

Elsa stared at Frandelica and Petra for a while, making them feel a little uncomfortable before speaking to Igarashi.

In what capacity do you want me to follow you? A killer, or a maid like them?

What, you're not running away?

Don't run away, this world seems to be quite dangerous.

Elsa finally gave in.

As a killer, I don't think there will ever be a time when you are entrusted to kill someone. Maid, you are not the type to serve others at all, so, Elsa, be my knight.

Knight? You guy, do you know what this word means? Do you know how old-fashioned those people are? Let a killer become a knight. Just for this alone, you will be criticized by thousands of people, and I will be in a lot of trouble.

I'm a pretty big official, and I have a lot of power. Even if I don't consider my strength, anyone who dares to come out and accuse me will be impatient.

Chapter 766 Ask the Great Sage

Frandelika seemed to have lived in the sanctuary for a long time. Petra was originally a villager in Alam Village and had seen a lot of natural scenery. Elsa herself was a wanderer and experienced a lot. He is not a Guang type, and is not someone who is interested in scenery. The scenery in the sanctuary is obviously very good, with lush vegetation, but in the end no one has the intention to enjoy the scenery.

Igarashi told them to do whatever they wanted without taking care of themselves, and left the guest room alone. He planned to enter the small world inside the Sword of Glory, find the great sage who should be eating snacks and reading comics, and ask her about the fate of the world. To what extent has it changed, but——

Elsa, you don't have to follow me, you can move around freely.

Elsa, who was following Igarashi step by step, only two or three meters away, was slightly startled when she heard Igarashi's words.

Aren't you worried about me running away?

You can't escape the sanctuary even if I run away from you. Moreover, I really never thought that a majestic sausage hunter would escape so easily. After all, your combat power has not decreased but has increased.

With that said, Igarashi raised his chin at the magic weapon tied to Elsa's waist, a scimitar that was much stronger and sharper than what she had owned before.

I didn't expect you to trust me so much and really think of me as a knight? I didn't agree.

Erza circled around Igarashi. Seeing that Igarashi had no intention of attacking and leaving her behind, she looked at the other party deeply, turned and walked away.

When you are ready to leave the sanctuary, I will come find you again.

He didn't care about Elsa's departure. After all, if Igarashi wanted to find it, he would release his soul power and Elsa would have nowhere to hide. Seeing that no one was bothering him anymore, Igarashi directly entered the small world.

The infinitely cute dragon Ophis, and the Anle girl who named herself Anle-chan. One is still expanding the territory, and the other seems to have become the leader of a group of low-level monsters?

Igarashi laughed, went directly to the building complex, and found the evil god Naiko who was playing a single-player game.

Your Majesty the Great Sage, may I ask what happened between you and the seven witches, and how did I become your successor?

Hearing this, Nayako put down the game controller with a serious look on his face, and even raised his head half-way with a faint holy light.

Yes, I am the Great Sage, the one who saves the world.

Okay, okay, you are awesome. At that time, I just saw you manipulating the world line, but why do you seem to have added your own existence to the trajectory of history?

Now the only one who can make Igarashi feel helpless is Nayako. He can now feel Nayako's terror slightly. Even though he now has the same status as the world, he is still unable to deal with many of Nayako's methods. understand.

After a little trip to the past of this world, of course you don't know. What I can tell you is that the seven witches are all good people. At the same time, I also have a disciple. Well, he is not a disciple. In fact, he is your disciple. Some of the knowledge of order magic was taught to her through simple means. As for the successors, with this level of status, it is better for you to contact them, right? Other than that, hey, no comment, if I tell you everything It’s going to be boring.”

Although she is in a small world, Nayako seems to know what Igarashi has experienced in the outside world, and Igarashi is not surprised by this.

At least what you have told me now is enough. The seven witches are not bad people. Then there are problems with the remaining two, the Witch of Decoration and the Demon of Melancholy.


Without warning, Igarashi discovered a lot of information. Nayako snorted angrily, and then glanced at his inventory.

Bring me some more snacks. The fruits in this world taste very good. Come on, hurry up. In five hours, I won't have anything to eat.

Fruit is simple. There are many in the sanctuary where I am now, but as for snacks, this is more like a medieval world after all. Is barbecue okay?

Oh, it's the roasted rabbit? Yes, yes, but you have to sprinkle the seasoning yourself.

With your own hands...are you acting coquettishly at me?

Igarashi pinched Nayako's face. She was obviously in a lazy and cute state, but her figure had not changed at all and her face was still very soft. This is a physique that many girls envy.

It doesn't matter if you understand it that way, but I mainly think your cooking is delicious.

Obviously with your strength, you can easily control things like spreading seasonings.

Igarashi sighed and nodded.

I'll deliver it in about two or three hours. Although it seems simple to sprinkle the seasonings, hundreds of them give me a little headache.

Hehe, thank you for your hard work!

Igarashi, who originally wanted to leave the small world and get into work quickly, found Anle Girl. After all, he couldn't favor one thing over another, and the capacity of Anle Girl's belly was very small.

Anle Jiang, do you eat meat?

Meat? Did you cook it? Eat it! Of course you have to eat it!

The Anle girl who was commanding a group of jumping lizards to fight giant toads in an attempt to expand her territory did not show any frightened expression when she saw the person who suddenly appeared in front of her. She had now determined that, except for Nayako, Offei Apart from Igarashi, who comes here from time to time to bring food, or do some very comfortable things with him, there are no other humanoid creatures in the small world. The few angels at the highest peak can barely be counted, but Anle Girl has passed After many tests, it was confirmed that those angels would not leave the mountain, so what appeared in front of him could not be an enemy.

Hearing Igarashi's question, Anle girl answered without hesitation.

This is rabbit meat. It is a very powerful monster in the world I live in now. Eat it. It may help you grow a little more.

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