You are an expert in survival. Even a killer should not learn this kind of skill. The little girl named Meili I saw before has nothing like a killer in her character. It seems that you have eaten before It’s a lot of suffering, come here and touch your head.”

Igarashi kept his word and ignored Elsa's resistance. He reached out and touched her soft black hair. Elsa looked like a mature and beautiful lady. Touch your head, it's very weird.

In fact, if his weapon hadn't been broken, if he hadn't been restrained in place by an invisible force, Igarashi's actions would have made Elsa attack again, because this damn warm feeling made her The status of the number one blood and intestines has been shaken.

Let's go. Now that I've bumped into you, you can't let it go. It just so happens that a lot of the big rabbit barbecue has been preserved. You can taste one of the three famous magical beasts. Are you impressed?

Elsa, who was being held by Igarashi, used all her strength to break free and escape. Although the sanctuary was covered by a barrier, it was still quite large. She should be able to hide in the dense forest. However, she found out that she was unable to do so. , all his struggles are insignificant to Igarashi, and he becomes a prey to be slaughtered.

Elsa was not moved and could not move.

Chapter 764 Gift

By the time Igarashi pulled Elsa back to the guest room, the sun had just risen. Calculating the time, according to Igarashi's time concept, it should be around six or seven in the morning. Frandelica and Petra, two The poor maid woke up early and quietly went to Igarashi's room to check on the situation. If Igarashi woke up, she would prepare breakfast. However, she found that Igarashi was nowhere to be seen. The two of them had just ran out in a panic. , but saw Igarashi coming back holding hands with an extremely beautiful woman, and he felt like a thousand horses galloping in his heart.

Lord Igarashi, who is this...?

Petra saw Elsa and struggled with whether to call her mistress, but if she thought about it carefully, from what she knew, there was Priscilla. In addition, although she did not see Igarashi and Aimi, What does Riya do that is really intimate, like being together in the same room at night or something like that, but with Emilia-sama’s infatuation with Igarashi-sama, there is no doubt that she will be the mistress, and now there is another one?

Looking at Elsa in front of her, Petra felt a completely different feeling from Priscilla and Emilia, a feeling of disregard for life and being treated as prey by the other party.

Elsa, I am the killer.

Igarashi hasn't spoken yet, but her movements are limited. Elsa, who can still speak, answered first. Her voice sounded gentle and she had a soft smile on her face, but as the listener, Petra and Frandelica, however, has an inexplicable sense of crisis.

Control your murderous intent, otherwise, I also know many punishment methods. Do you want to give it a try?

Igarashi glanced at Elsa and said this threateningly.

Although Elsa belonged to a killer organization before, she only relied on the organization to receive tasks. No one in the organization dared to order her, or even contact her. How could she have ever been so angry? Looking at the bossy Wu, Shilan, she took a deep breath - and then completely restrained the murderous aura she deliberately displayed.

Elsa had killed at most a few hundred people. Compared to Igarashi, who had already killed who knows how many and how many lives had been lost because of her, this murderous aura was simply a parody.

After glancing at Elsa who was unexpectedly obedient, Igarashi did not put into action his original plan of releasing a little bit of his murderous aura to make the dishonest Elsa feel.

Let's have breakfast. I've prepared breakfast this time.

With that said, Igarashi walked into the guest room and came to the room that had the function of both a restaurant and a living room. He cooked the roasted rabbit meat and the washed fruits that he had collected from the nearby forest with his soul power. Take out the good vegetables and put them on the table.

Please use it. After all, the current situation is a bit special. I can't prepare the usual breakfast.

It’s not that it’s impossible to prepare, it’s just that it’s troublesome. It’s delicious anyway, and Igarashi doesn’t want to put in the extra effort.

It's rude to ask Igarashi-sama to prepare the dishes again. I'm very sorry.

Although Frandelica had been conquered by Igarashi's cooking skills, she still bowed as a maid with almost perfect etiquette. Petra next to her also bowed with great tangle when she saw her senior doing this. She was addicted to Igarashi's cooking skills were very complicated, but he didn't want the people he served and loved to have to work hard.

Elsa found that she had regained some mobility, and looked around. Under the absolute power gap between heaven and earth, she did not think about escaping anymore. She sat down directly at the dining table, tore a piece of rabbit meat, and looked at the five Shilan glanced at him.

I don't understand the etiquette of nobles, and I have no interest in understanding it. If you don't like it, just kill me.

Are you sure I won't kill you and threaten you with this, or are you starting to break the rules? Don't worry, although my maids are all very professional, I am not a rigid aristocrat and don't have so many rules. .”

Speaking of rules, Igarashi couldn't help but think of Priscilla. If she was as arrogant as she was, she should have extremely high requirements for servants and people dining with her. What would happen if she faced Elsa? Before taking action, the confrontation between the two must have been interesting.

The sudden conversation between Igarashi and Elsa made Frandelica and Petra widen their eyes in shock. Only then did they realize that the relationship between this person who had been regarded as the mistress before and Igarashi It seems that it is not as simple as they imagined.

Stop standing around and eat. You can move freely in the rest of the time. Although the sanctuary is now isolated from the world due to the barrier, prices have not risen and gold coins are still circulating. It's very good. I'll give you some later. Holy gold coins, if you have something you like, just buy it, and treat your visit to the Holy Land as a tourist trip.

Now, Igarashi is the only one who can say this in the holy realm shrouded by the barrier. The other demihumans are almost in despair. If it weren't for Ryuz, Igarashi is challenging the trial of the holy realm and preparing to liberate the holy realm. If the news is announced, everyone will go crazy, and Igarashi's invincible way to destroy the rabbit has also given the panicked demihumans confidence to keep the sanctuary as it has been before.


Frandelica and Petra looked at each other, and with helpless and reassuring chuckles, they also sat on their seats and enjoyed the food.

About twenty minutes later, when everyone had eaten and drank enough, Liu Zi came, carrying a small mountain-like package on his little body.

Igarashi, this is a gift from everyone. Thank you for saving my life. I also hope that you can liberate the sanctuary. Because the hobbies of demi-humans are somewhat different from humans, there are no luxuries pursued by human nobles. Please do not mind.

Liuzi put the small mountain-like package on the ground, almost smashing the floor of the guest room. Its weight can be imagined. Igarashi felt a lot of magic from the package. It was not a luxury item, but A more expensive magic item with a very high level. The scimitar that Elsa spent a lot of money to build is just average compared to the items in this package.

Chapter 765 Be my knight

Although it is only a drop in the ocean compared to Igarashi's collection, the magic contained in it is different from that of other worlds, and it is also a collection that can interest Igarashi.

I didn't expect that the Holy Land, which is looked at with a different look by this country, and the demihumans in the Holy Land, would have such wealth.

This is everyone's most precious thing. Are you satisfied? Sir Igarashi.

Ryuzi stared at Igarashi and asked. Compared with the grace of saving his life and the possible kindness of liberating the sanctuary, these items are not insignificant, but they are by no means completely repaying the kindness. However, These are already the most valuable items in the Sanctuary. If Igarashi is still dissatisfied or greedy, there is nothing Liuzi can do.

Actually, you don't have to think about repaying me. My original purpose was not to selflessly help the Holy Domain that was in trouble.

If you are not a selfless saint, you should accept the gift of thanks.

Ryuzu suddenly became sharp-tongued. Igarashi was speechless, picked up the package and put it in front of Erza.

I destroyed your weapon and picked a new one, but only this time, so if you want to do anything in the future, you still have to think carefully.

After saying that, without waiting for Elsa's reaction, Igarashi turned to look at Ryuz.

I have completed the second trial, and there is only the final third trial left. But I have a question, Luz Bilma, do you know what state you are in now? Do you know the Holy Realm? Is there a connection between the enchantment and you? I actually planned to break the enchantment directly before, and I didn't even want to ask you, but I found that the holy realm enchantment is closely connected with you. If the enchantment is forcibly broken by me, Your soul will crumble too.

The room suddenly became tight, and even Elsa, who was casually opening the package and looking for a weapon, turned her eyes over.

Liuzi glanced around, then looked at Igarashi without speaking.

If you are worried that they will leak the secret, I can guarantee it.

Liuzi was silent for a long time, and finally spoke slowly.

...More than ten days ago, the sanctuary was attacked, and the barrier was deployed at that time. It was deployed to the maximum extent and could not be easily withdrawn.


The attacker is Hector, the Melancholy Demon. The seven witches represent the seven deadly sins. But in fact, in older times, there were nine deadly sins. The two extra ones are the [Witch of Pretence] and the other It’s [Melancholic Demon], what happened four hundred years ago, I suspect that Hector was responsible, and Roswaal also studied the art of reincarnation because he was on the verge of death in the battle with Hector.”

With a title like Majin, it seems that he must be a man.

Igarashi touched his chin and pondered. Although the seven witches, including the jealous witch Satella, have different personalities, they are not villains who will kill or even destroy the world at will. They can even be modified with the word kind. Then this world The real mastermind behind the famous disasters is Hector, the melancholic demon, right? Or is she a witch of pretense?

Frandelica and Petra's focus is on other aspects. When did Borosvar fight Hector on the border? Was it more than ten days ago, or - four hundred years ago? They were stunned by the horrifying thoughts in their minds and fell into a daze.

Logically speaking, it is like this. As for me, this body now is made of magic power in order to carry my soul. My own body is dead. In order to resist Hector, I entered the crystal and became a holy realm. At the core of the barrier, if the barrier is forcibly destroyed, the natural soul will also be annihilated. From then on, Ryuzi will truly become history.

Really? I will kill that melancholy demon later.


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