The others may be Emilia and Priscilla, or they may be the Iron Fang mercenary group. Crusch has no time to worry about others. She is still in crisis herself.

When Bishop Gluttony spoke, it was an opportunity to attack. The emotional opponent was obviously not very defensive, but Kurxiu, who was holding the weapon tightly, did not use her unique sword skills. ].

Because such attacks have no effect on Gluttony Priest.

Seeing the Gluttony Priest approaching, Crusch still swung his sword with all his strength in the critical situation.

And the Gluttony Archbishop opened his mouth full of fangs.

Opening one's mouth in the face of a sharp weapon was undoubtedly a foolish act, but Crusch felt a creepy feeling when facing the abyss-like mouth.

Curxiu's sword skills failed to cause any damage to the opponent.

The Sin Archbishops are all guys with brain problems. I seem to have confirmed this. Thank you for your nonsense.

Igarashi's voice suddenly sounded, and he stretched out his hand in front of Curio. The air made a harsh sound, as if there was an invisible attack rushing towards Curio, and then he was stopped by Igarashi.

The ability to swallow?

Igarashi's eyes were shining with brilliance as he stared at the Gluttony Priest for a while. He had just handed over the Gluttony Priest to the world's will in this world to reclaim time, a power that should not be possessed by humans or even gods. , and also received some promises from the will of the world, and the promise that using privileges in the world can still be cooperated by the other party.

Igarashi, who was about to seal off the Gluttony Archbishop's ability to move and hand it over to the will of the world, saw Crusch's eyes filled with anger and a touch of fear. He knew that the Gluttony Archbishop had become Crusch's nightmare. If If he kills the Priest of Gluttony just like this, it will leave a deep impression in Curxiu's heart, as well as a lingering nightmare. If the nightmare is not destroyed with his own hands, even if he sees the nightmare die with his own eyes, there will be a shadow.

Glancing at the knights who were seriously injured or dead all over the ground, Igarashi had the ability to resurrect them, but Igarashi did not act because the effort was not proportional to the reward.

Resurrecting life will disrupt the stability of the world, which is especially serious for a world that has given all kinds of powerful authority to living beings and has become extremely fragile. Igarashi has to risk the collapse of part of the world, and then gain the gratitude of a bunch of passers-by. , and a little improvement in Kurxiu’s favor...

not worth.

Swing your sword, use your sword to kill Gluttony and avenge your subordinates.

The words of Gluttony Priest, who looked at Igarashi unable to move with an expression of shock and panic, and Igarashi, who appeared in time and stood beside him with an extremely reliable feeling, gave Crusch a little courage, and she tightened her grip. With the sword in his hand, he tried his best to move towards the Gluttony Priest.

Crusch's hand was shaking, so Igarashi helped, holding the handle of the weapon that belonged to Crusch, and swung it towards the Gluttony Priest with Crusch's hand.


[Hundred Man Yitachi] was originally an ultra-long-distance attack, and the invisible sharpness could almost split the stone wall. But at this moment, under the powerful force, the sharpness turned into substance, just like tearing apart the space, destroying the Kur repair to All obstacles between the Priest of Gluttony, grass, trees, and the earth disappeared, along with the Priest of Gluttony himself.

There is a sense of sublimity, but creatures that have not reached the level of gods cannot feel it. Igarashi no longer feels that this is an unattainable sublimity, but an existence of the same level. The will of the world quietly appears, and the will of the world quietly appears. It belongs to the world and should not be controlled by living beings. The ability to affect the stability of the world is withdrawn.

At the same time, I owe a little more to Igarashi.

how come?

Curio looked at the bottomless cracks in the earth that stretched thousands of meters in front of her as if she was stupid. She really couldn't connect Igarashi's light movements with the terrifying scene in front of her. The same thing happened just now. Holding the hilt of the sword, she didn't feel any huge power at all.

The fear of the Gluttony Bishop hidden in Crusch's heart has completely disappeared. Under such an attack, if the Gluttony Bishop is still alive, Cruxiu plans to accept his fate directly. It is definitely not an opponent he can face. Neither is the enemy.

And Igarashi walked to Wilhelm, squatted down, and looked at Phyllis, who was sweating profusely.

How is it? Can it be cured?

I can only barely guarantee that I won't die. I don't know what sequelae it will leave.

Chapter 744 Return

(Pictured: Petra)

Although taboos like resurrecting the dead will affect the world, ordinary healing is not a problem. Igarashi waved his hand and cast healing magic. Golden light poured down from the sky and turned into a light curtain towards Wilhelm and the knights on the ground. With one sweep, the bloody wound disappeared like an illusion, revealing the intact skin. Not only the injury, but also Felice, who was a little weak due to the large amount of magic squeezed, was even stunned by the unexpected development. Kurxiu has returned to his best condition.

The fire magic that swallows the white whale, the sword skills that split the earth, and the super-wide healing magic. It is really almighty and makes people despair.

Compared with gratitude, Phyllis still has some disappointments in being deprived of the value of her existence. As the holder of the title of Qing, she should be an expert in healing, but Will cannot be cured despite her best efforts. Heim, who was healed by Igarashi with a wave of his hand, was a huge blow in every sense of the word.

With the all-round gap in strength and such a life-saving grace, Phyllis had doubts about Crusch, whom she blindly worshiped, for the first time. She could really compete with Emilia, whom Igarashi supported, and then boarded the Ascend to the throne?

This kindness, I...

Crusch stopped mid-sentence. Before Igarashi helped defeat the White Whale, she made a promise to treat Igarashi with courtesy no matter what the future holds. This is not enough to repay the other party's sacrifice. He also decided that once Igarashi encounters any difficulties, he will take action to get along with them.

And now, coupled with the grace of saving his life, Cruxiu found out a little helplessly that he no longer had the ability to repay this kindness easily. He saved not only his own life, but also the lives of his close friends and subordinates. of.

My kindness, you must keep it in your heart and praise me every day. I'm leaving first. The Iron Fang mercenary group has not encountered any enemies. Now I want to go back to find Emilia and Priscilla to keep them safe for a long time. waited.

After saying such a joke, Igarashi, who had saved Crusch from the embarrassment, disappeared instantly, and Crusch glanced at the few knights around who were not dead and got up in a daze, and whispered.

Is this the favor that Emilia, who was scorned as a half-demon, received, and the reason why the proud Priscilla extended an olive branch time and time again.

Cursch-sama is the most charming! If we compete well, we will never be weaker than Emilia or Priscilla!

Phyllis next to her made an ambiguous declaration with an extremely serious attitude, but received no reply from Curxiu.

Looking at how restless you are, are you worried that something will happen to Igarashi? Or are you afraid that someone will attack Dragon Che?

Five minutes after Igarashi left, Priscilla, who was sitting calmly in the carriage, glanced at Emilia, who was restless, with a look of arrogance in her eyes.

I'm worried about Igarashi. The person who suddenly appeared in front of the dragon chariot just now is not an ordinary enemy, right?

Emilia didn't care about Priscilla's expression, or in other words, Emilia felt much better getting along with Priscilla than others. Although Priscilla was arrogant, she didn't treat her silver-haired half-elf The image shows disgust, which is a great kindness to Emilia.

The Archbishop of Lust among the Sin Archbishops of the Witch Cult is so powerful. If we don't count the so-called strongest Reinhardt, even if all the knights are surrounded, the Priest of Lust will be eliminated by the Priest of Lust alone.


Emilia was dumbfounded. She stood up in a panic and tried to find Igarashi. At this time, Priscilla looked at Emilia up and down with disdain.

Although my intuition often warns me that you are not a simple existence, with the level of your current performance, even if you add the elf you call Parker, it will not have much effect.

Did you get along well with each other during my absence?

Igarashi's figure suddenly appeared on the driver's seat. Whether it was Emilia or Priscilla, what they were about to say stopped abruptly. The two girls stuck their heads out from both sides of the car, wanting to take a look. Did Igarashi get injured or become embarrassed after facing a strong enemy?

Naturally, nothing was found. Igarashi, who must have been through the battle, even had his clothes intact.

Emilia asked curiously, making up her mind to trust Igarashi's fighting power wholeheartedly in the future.

Have you defeated the enemy?

Of course, by the way, they saved Curio and they met another enemy.

Is he also the Archbishop of Sin?

This time it was Priscilla who asked the question.

Yes, Priest Gluttony, what's your name? I forgot. Anyway, he won't appear again in the future.

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