Which Gluttony Priest?

Priscilla's words made Igarashi raise an eyebrow.

Which one?

There is more than one Priest of Gluttony. You seem to have killed one of them? Other Priests may cause trouble for you in the future.

If you want to die, just come.

At Igarashi's signal, Earth Dragon began to fly again, chatting with Emilia and Priscilla from time to time. Time gradually passed and he soon returned to the mansion.

Welcome back, Igarashi-sama, Emilia-sama.

Petra, who has short orange hair and is a villager in Alam Village, came to the mansion to ask to be a maid. It seemed that she had been taught well by the twin maids in a short period of time. The skirt-lifting ceremony she was performing now was quite decent.

Who is this?

But when Priscilla also walked out of the dragon carriage, Petra panicked in the face of this unexpected development. Neither Ram nor Rem had taught herself what to do when facing people she didn't know. What? The panicked Petra stood frozen on the spot.

This is Priscilla. Like Emilia, she is a candidate for the king's election. She came here to visit. Okay, Petra, go do your own thing. I hope that Priscilla, who is favored by the world, does not need to be When someone serves her, a cup of tea will come to her.

Ah? I understand. I'm going to get tea right now. I'm very sorry!

It was obviously Igarashi who was mocking Priscilla for showing arrogance again in the face of the helpless Petra, but Petra thought Igarashi was angry and ran away timidly.

Chapter 745 Are you done?

It's a pity that the inexperienced and incompetent maid failed to understand what you meant.

Facing Igarashi's ridicule, Priscilla was not angry and fiddled with her folding fan leisurely.

Emilia acted as the mediator, walking into the mansion first and entering the reception hall.

Please take a seat.

Emilia motioned for Priscilla to be the first guest, but Priscilla turned a blind eye and looked at Igarashi.

Where are you sitting?

Me? I don't want to sit down. I just want to find a comfortable place to lie down. I have put in a lot of effort today and am very tired.

Although the two Sin Archbishops were both extremely formidable enemies, Igarashi spent very little energy and was looking lazy at the moment.

I'm tired too, so let's go together.

Priscilla was standing next to Igarashi very closely at the moment. The distance between the two was less than half a meter, like a couple.

This scene made Emilia raise her eyebrows. If it were before, she might have hidden her thoughts in her heart and turned a blind eye to it. But after the test of dreams, Emilia, who has experienced various things, will not remain silent at this moment. However, Just as she was about to speak, someone else appeared.

Tea, tea is here.

Petra carried the tray and walked into the reception hall timidly. Ram and Rem, the twin maids, came with her and bowed to everyone.

Priscilla looked at Igarashi who was sitting in his seat, with a smile on her face that flashed away.

Didn't you say you wanted to find a place to lie down? Why did you sit down?

Petra has come over with tea, so naturally she wants to taste it.

I'm sorry, I didn't make the tea, it was made by Rem-senpai. With my ability, I'm not up to the level of entertaining guests.

Petra blushed and explained to Igarashi.

Priscilla, who sat down next to Igarashi without hesitation, picked up the teacup, took a sip, and half-closed her eyes to taste it.

High-quality black tea, superb tea-making skills, and the existence named Rem is a very good maid.

Thank you for the compliment, Lady Priscilla.

Rem took a step forward and thanked Priscilla, which was equivalent to introducing herself. She was not as timid as Petra. With a little curiosity and full seriousness in her eyes, she faced Priscilla and Emilia. As a King's Chosen one, Rem maintains caution and etiquette.

How about becoming a maid who makes tea for me?

Priscilla glanced at Igarashi, and then suddenly offered Rem a solicitation. Igarashi felt that she was provoking him and robbing people in front of him. Even if Priscilla was a beautiful girl, Igarashi was not Not going to stay silent.

Priscilla, isn't it a good idea for you to invite someone to join your camp when you meet them like this? It will make people think that the people in your camp are just randomly gathered together, right?

This is just a way of praising me. Being recognized by me is something you can boast about.

Priscilla showed her proud posture again. Ram, Rem and Petra saw it for the first time. They blinked in surprise.

Just ignore it. Don't worry about it. If you have other things to do, just go and get busy.

Igarashi waved his hand casually, signaling the three maids to leave quickly. If he stayed for a long time, he didn't know what Priscilla, who didn't care about other people's feelings, would say.

The maids were hesitant. Priscilla glared at Igarashi, but without saying a word, she walked out of the reception hall and entered the corridor of the mansion.

I'll go take a look, lest she opens a door and enters the Forbidden Library, and then conflicts with Beatrice. Both of them have difficult personalities to get along with.

Although Priscilla looked very angry, Igarashi did not feel any negative mood swings in her. He calmly greeted everyone and signaled Emilia to carry out the daily work of talking to the micro elves. , the twin maids continued to complete their original work with Petra, and then slowly left the reception hall.

After walking about ten meters in the corridor, Igarashi saw a room with the door open on purpose. Entering it, it was an ordinary guest room with a large bed, which was where Igarashi stayed when he first came to the mansion. Room layout.

And Priscilla was sitting on the edge of the bed, shaking her white jade-like feet towards Igarashi. At some point, she took off her shoes and socks.

I lost my breasts and face to you before, but you never meant to take the bet. If you think about it carefully, maybe your hobbies are a bit unique. Come on, I will show mercy and let you lick my feet. .”

Although Priscilla's feet were beautiful, and one of Igarashi's hobbies happened to be foot control, but looking at Priscilla's wanton posture, Igarashi closed the door and came to Priscilla without saying a word. In front of Sheila.

The sudden oppressive atmosphere made Priscilla shrink subconsciously, and before she had any other reaction, her delicate feet were picked up by Igarashi's hand.

You are very arrogant. You are humiliating and tempting me at the same time. Priscilla, although her fighting ability is very good, she is still a little worse than me. This is my territory. If something really happens, It’s okay, even if you break your throat by shouting, it’s useless, right?”

Contact with the smooth and smooth skin that can be broken by blows, Igarashi's heart aroused anger. He has been in this world for a long time. Before, when he needed it, he would enter the small world of the Sword of Glory to find Anle-chan and Ou Faith, now...

So, the charm of my concubine is greater than that of Emilia, right? You still chose my concubine,

The arrogant Priscilla's face was slightly red at the moment, and her private parts were roughly grabbed by the other party. Even she felt a little unnatural.

I just don't understand. Why do you have to compare with Emilia? Besides, only fools do multiple-choice questions. Of course I want them all. Priscilla, you took the initiative to send me to my door this time. You can't escape. .”

After saying this, Igarashi made no further moves. He easily suppressed his restless lust, loosened his grip on Priscilla's feet, and spoke as if he was thinking.

According to the first-come, first-served principle, it's not your turn now. Do you want to jump in line? This is immoral.

Igarashi, I have to admit that this time, you really angered me.

Chapter 746 The Desire Witch

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