Okay, okay, please come with me.

Igarashi glanced at Emilia, and when he saw that the other party was signaling him with trusting eyes, he bent slightly and made an invitation gesture to Priscilla, gesturing for her to come with him to the place where the dragon carriage was parked.

I have seen similar etiquette from other people countless times, but if you make it, it gives me a different feeling.

Then just keep it in mind.

Igarashi half-carried Emilia and sent her to the dragon carriage, which was more than one meter above the ground. There was originally a corresponding stepping stone, but Igarashi, who had ulterior motives, deliberately did not bring it with her. From Emilia Emilia has received a lot of benefits, and Emilia has no intention of resisting it. Igarashi feels more at ease.

Igarashi, who clapped his hands and planned to jump to the bridge, raised his eyebrows when he saw Priscilla who was motionless beside him.

I think with your physical condition, you should be able to go up easily, or do you want me to treat you like Emilia? Let me make it clear first, lying on the ground like a slave for you to step on. It is impossible for me to do such behavior.

This is a method that I am not familiar with. Just remember that I will not do anything rude, so even if you show up in time and save me a lot of trouble by attacking the white whale, it will be like treating a honey. Like Liya, put me in the carriage.

A minute later, Igarashi came to a conclusion through practice.

Priscilla's breasts are bigger than Emilia's, but Emilia's body is a little softer than Priscilla's. The two are really beautiful girls with their own merits.

Chapter 742 Desire

Before the [Jealous Witch] turned the world upside down, there were witches.

Arrogance, anger, laziness, lust, gluttony, and lust are the six witches who are named as major sins. It is rumored that the existence of these six witches was swallowed up by Satella who has the name of jealousy.

As for the cadres of the Witch Cult, it is said that they are the people who have replaced the disappeared witches and bear the title of major sin. They believe in jealousy. In addition to the name of jealousy, there should be six major sin priests.

Igarashi, who was sitting in the driver's seat, was not very clear about the specific information about the Sin Archbishop, but listening to Emilia's description of herself in the car, Igarashi was deeply suspicious of the so-called Sin Archbishop's belief in the Jealousy Witch. A lunatic like Archbishop Sloth has no faith at all. Although Igarashi doesn’t know much about the Zero World, he clearly knows that the Jealousy Witch and Emilia look similar in appearance, but before she regained her sanity, The lazy Archbishop has no respect for Emilia.

Hearing the word arrogance, Igarashi subconsciously thought of Priscilla who was silent in the carriage. In terms of arrogance, she is by far the most representative character Igarashi has ever seen, and she also has special abilities. .

Although this arrogance becomes very weak in front of myself.

A person appeared in the direction of the dragon chariot. Under Igarashi's laws, the earth dragon was very obedient and should not hit anything. It would take the initiative to avoid obstacles when encountering them.

A man of medium build, with short white hair and a white robe suddenly appeared. In the direction of the dragon carriage, he had no intention of avoiding the dragon carriage that was traveling at full speed. He had the ability to withstand the collision of the dragon carriage head-on, and could easily do so. The dragon chariot and even the people on it were completely smashed.

The man who appeared in front of the dragon carriage raised his hand. Although ordinary people could not understand the meaning of this action, Igarashi knew that he was going to attack. He showed no mercy at all and wanted to destroy the dragon carriage and the people on it. powerful attack.


A breeze blew up in front of the man, and the condensed sharp energy was enough to break through the earth, the atmosphere, and even the world - that's how it should be.

Standing in front of him calmly and fiercely, he was knocked away by the dragon chariot that should have allowed him to cut through easily.

Igarashi withdrew the soul power surrounding the dragon carriage and rushed to Emilia and Priscilla in the carriage.

My posture skills are absolutely fine. The person I bumped into just blocked the road on purpose. I'm going to teach him a lesson and come back as I go.

Then, without waiting for Emilia to answer, Igarashi flashed and appeared next to the man who had flown hundreds of meters in a short period of time, with a look of astonishment on his face.

Are you a porcelain person? It's so annoying.

boom! !

Saying that, Igarashi lightly kicked the man who was still flying to the ground, smashing a pit of more than ten meters in the rocky ground. He looked at the man lying in the pit like his whole body was falling apart, and smiled.

Have you thought about the current situation before doing something?

I am the Archbishop of Sins of the Witch Cult, Regulus Corneas, who is in charge of [Desire]. To strike first before saying hello, to be so rude and to have such a contemptuous attitude is to despise my rights. I don’t have much personal property, right?”

The man with white hair and white clothes trembled and climbed up. He muttered like a child. Looking at Igarashi with a crazy look in his eyes, he directly activated his strongest ability [Standstill of Time], trying to stand still while still. Time and space tortured Igarashi to death, but——

This world has even handed over the power of time? No wonder Naiko would say that it brought it upon itself.

With a look of surprise on his face, Igarashi muttered to himself amidst the astonished and panicked expression of the lust priest, and then lightly slapped the lust priest, seriously injuring him to the point where he lost the ability to move.

What's the point of lusting after a priest? It's really scary to suddenly attack the dragon chariot I'm driving.

Cough, cough, cough, it hurts. Why does it hurt so much? I'm obviously immune to attacks.

The lustful priest was talking to himself. Igarashi could feel the traces of time from his body. The other party must have lived for at least a few hundred years. Why is he acting like a child now, but he seems so stupid when he is clearly in battle? , the Sloth Archbishop is similar. In addition to his good abilities, are the Sin Archbishops all problematic characters?

Igarashi, who didn't want to waste any more time, directly used the law to cover the man in front of him. Seeing the changing look in his eyes, he realized that the man was not a lunatic like Sloth. There was no need to heal his head. Igarashi secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said .

I ask, you answer, do you understand?


The power of time is very powerful. It is a power that is completely different from the power of law, but it can only be controlled in the world, because only in the world can there be a clear concept of time. This should be the power held by the world consciousness. , was sent to the beings in the world, very stupid.

If faced with the power of time controlled by the world's consciousness, Igarashi would be cautious and wary. However, facing a person who has not even reached the level of god, he can suppress it with a flip of his hand, and the time he just wanted to exert will stop. Igarashi is completely immune.

At this moment, the lustful priest has become Igarashi's die-hard loyalist under the power of the law.

What's the purpose of attacking me?

Gluttony felt that the white whale was dead and wanted to come and see the killed pet. Of course that was not my purpose. I knew that my hands were very small and I couldn't take many things. I just followed him out of curiosity. But if someone harmed me, I have the right to fight back, but if I had known it was Lord Igarashi before, I would never have resisted, I’m very sorry.”

Although Archbishop Lust was affected by the law, his personality and way of speaking were still the same. He described the fact that he suddenly appeared in front of a moving dragon carriage and was about to be hit by the dragon carriage that could not stop suddenly as a violation of his rights, which was quite impressive. .


Yes, the Priest of Gluttony - Rai Badenkaitos, he went to find the place where the pets died to see if he could find the person who killed the pets to use as food rations.

Chapter 743 Return to the world

He was a very short boy with dark brown hair that reached his knees. Under his dirty hair was a body in tattered clothes. His bare hands and feet were covered in mud and dirt, giving him a pitiful image.

But it was such a poor man who had launched a one-sided killing, killing all the elite knights guarding Curxiu within a minute.

In addition to mud and dirt, there were also blood stains on the opponent's hands and feet.

It's good to come and use it in person like this. I just wanted to see the pets that were killed, and I found one or two people, and the result was a bumper harvest. It's great, very good. My hunger has not been satisfied for a long time!

Except for the unresponsive knight who fell to the ground, Wilhelm, who had previously performed well in the battle against the White Whale, was now lying on the ground covered in blood. His ups and downs chest and rapid breathing proved that he was not dead yet, but just lost. He lost his ability to move, but looking at the blood that was constantly flowing out and his gradually weakening breathing, if he left it alone, he would bleed to death in a short time. Phyllis squatted next to him to treat him, while Cruxiu held her special Weapons, guarded vigilantly in front.

You came here because the white whale was defeated? To avenge that monster?

After defeating the White Whale, a team of men was lost. Now facing the guy who called himself the Priest of Gluttony, almost all of his subordinates were wiped out. For the first time, Crusch felt the abomination of the Witch Cult firsthand. She who had always been calm, at this moment There was a huge rage in his heart.

Ah, please don't get me wrong. What I'm interested in is not the dead beluga, but the guy who killed the beluga. Apart from you, my companions went in another direction to chase others.

The Gluttony Archbishop exposed his extremely sharp teeth and shook his head excitedly.

Love! Sense of justice! Hatred! Perseverance! Sense of accomplishment! The sense of satisfaction when these things are boiled and passed through the throat after a long time of accumulation! Is there any better food in the world? None! Gluttony! Gluttony! My heart , my stomach is so happy!”

He was saying some unintelligible and incomprehensible words.

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