Igarashi shook his head.


The white whale opened its mouth, and the countless pits and pits on its body opened its mouth together, making a discordant sound that seemed like it should not exist in the world. While attacking the nerves of all living things, a large amount of [fog] was released. .

Chapter 740 Destroying the Beluga Whale

After receiving a series of attacks, the white whale finally regards the tiny existence on the ground as its enemy.

The beluga whale flies through the air with its huge body, and the discordant sound is released from its open mouth.

The roar emitted from its mouth originally had the destructive power to shake the earth, but the sounds emitted from these jagged mouths were distorted and distorted as if they were rubbing against the wind, which was unpleasant.

It's not an impact on the eardrum, but an unpleasant feeling as if a needle is prodding the brain.

Wilhelm stepped on the back of the giant blade of the leader of the mercenary group, Ricardo, and flew into the air with the latter's full swing. Finally, he stepped on the back of the white whale, and waved the sharp sword at the white whale. After cutting through the beluga's skin and creating a deep blood mark, it ended immediately, and Wilhelm quickly grabbed the spare sword at his waist and continued to attack.

A small team in the expedition was shrouded in the fog of disappearance, and all traces of its existence were quickly wiped away. All Wilhelm's weapons were also used up. The white whale was scarred, but it did not enter a state of serious injury that was close to death. The attack instead It gradually became scary, no matter what, the white mist became more and more. At this time, the expedition team under Curxiu, Anastasia's mercenary group, and the guards brought by Priscilla finally felt the bone erosion. Out of fear, they began to retreat, and Kurxiu, who used strange sword skills to carry out ultra-long-range attacks in the distance, also showed a solemn expression.

Priscilla still had the same arrogant look. Even when she saw Wilhelm falling back to the ground covered in blood, Igarashi and Emilia suddenly appeared on the back of the white whale, her expression did not change much.

After Emilia tilted countless ice crystals at the beluga, a symbolic attack, Igarashi simply sent her to the ground and to Priscilla's side.

Among the people on the ground, the one Igarashi had the most contact with was Priscilla, and Priscilla was also the strongest among the conquest army.

Emilia has a huge amount of magic power in her body. Igarashi can see it, but she doesn't seem to know how to use it, so she can just paddle aside.

Igarashi wanted to just slap the white whale to death, but suddenly felt that this would be a bit sorry for the people on the ground who used all kinds of brilliant tricks and risked their lives to fight, so he pretended to chant for a while, and the sky was filled with countless dark red Covered in flames, it condensed into a phoenix and flew towards the white whale.

At the last moment, the white whale was divided into three, three identical ones, even the scars were retained. Then the [fog] began to become thicker, and the white whale seemed to want to escape by this means.

But the flame phoenix was bigger than the three beluga whales put together. The blazing flames ignited the gray sky that was originally filled with white mist, fanning the firebird with huge flame wings that made people on the ground extremely fearful, fearing that they would be implicated. Three beluga whales were swallowed up in an instant, and then, after the beluga whale's last scream, both the firebird and the beluga whale disappeared, leaving only a red sky and a much higher temperature, proving everything just now Not an illusion.

Oh oh oh!

After a long silence, the people who finally understood the situation before them and confirmed that the beluga whales had been completely wiped out cheered.

And Igarashi flashed and appeared next to Emilia.

The merit is achieved.

...Although various things before have shown me that you are very powerful, it seems now that I still underestimated you.

Emilia's face looked a little uncomfortable. Igarashi was startled, and then realized that the magic he just used casually consumed all the magic contained in the air. For magicians, elves and warlocks, they often need to come into contact with magic. For my existence, it was almost as if gravity suddenly increased, which was very uncomfortable.

Secretly using the rules to speed up the generation of magic power, Igarashi said with a serious face as he saw Emilia's expression improving.

Then please overestimate me as much as possible in the future.

I have always thought that you are very powerful, so compared to Emilia who doesn't want to believe in you, I am more interested in you. Please switch to me!

It doesn't exist, Priscilla. How about you come to my side? Well, just join me. Emilia is very obedient to me and will be very well-behaved even if she becomes a king in the future.

Priscilla tried to persuade Igarashi for an unknown number of times, but Igarashi remained unmoved and launched a counter-persuasion, while Emilia's white face beside her turned slightly red.

If it's something too extreme, I'll object too, right?

Igarashi, thank you for your help. You are the greatest contributor to the expedition against the White Whale. I will publicize your achievements. In addition, because of your presence, the losses of the expedition team have been minimized. Thank you very much!

Seeing that the white whale was wiped out, most people collapsed on the ground, thankful that they were not dead. Crusch came to Igarashi and bowed to thank him. Following her were Felix and Wilhelm, who also bowed deeply. .

It's nothing, it's easy.


Igarashi spoke so lightly of the White Whale, the monster that had been ravaging the continent for many years, that the usually serious Kuroshu opened his mouth speechlessly, not knowing what to say for a while, and the cat girl Felik behind her Si came to about half a meter in front of Igarashi and looked up and down with an extremely serious attitude.

I heard Master Wil describe you before, and I thought you looked very powerful, but I never saw that you contained magic power. Meow, are you an elf warlock who doesn't store magic power yourself, but relies on elves to control the magic power in the air? ?”

Felix's question seemed natural and unobtrusive, and she even kept a certain distance from Igarashi politely. Previously, Wilhelm reminded her of Igarashi's power, but now she saw it with her own eyes, Felix She was deeply touched and tried her best to put on a friendly gesture, but she was really curious. If it was just a powerful magic power or having countless blessings, Igarashi didn't seem to be one of the two. Felix was really curious.

Me? I don't have an elf, I'm just a very powerful magician. Who says that a magician can't command the magic in the air like an elf? I am, am I not? You have learned a lot, right? Kitten Girl.

Chapter 741 Together

Felix wanted to refute very much. She wanted to bring out the various theories of magicians and elf warlocks, and tell the guy in front of her that it was impossible for magicians to do things like elves, and there was no relevant protection. However, she had just reached the height of Hundreds of meters away, it could swallow three white whales at the same time, and the overwhelming flaming phoenix made it hard to believe that it was a magic that a magician could use with the magic power stored in his body.

It can be used almost instantly. That kind of magic can't be released within a few seconds of chanting. This guy Igarashi is definitely fooling people.

But the guy in front of him is not someone Felix can refute casually. If he angers the other person, he will use the same magic to hit the people in the Crusch camp, and everyone will be finished.

The white whale should have been exterminated, right?

Facing Igarashi's teasing, Felix had a stiff smile on her face. She tried to change the topic, and this topic suited Curio's mind. With a touch of melancholy in the eyes of this beauty in men's clothing, she glanced at After cleaning the battlefield, the subordinates looked at the wounded, then looked at Igarashi.

Beluga whales have been swimming in the skies around the world for four hundred years, and have been feared by people for four hundred years. There is no such conclusive evidence as a corpse. Just saying that we have killed them may not necessarily convince everyone. Now beluga whales It’s a pity that there are no bones left. I don’t think anyone who hasn’t seen it with their own eyes will really feel at ease.”

Then let them continue to be on tenterhooks. I'm not killing the white whale just for them.

Igarashi spread his hands nonchalantly, while Crusch frowned. She has the protection of wind vision and can use things invisible to the eyes as judgment materials to determine whether the other party is lying. However, facing Igarashi At that time, she did not receive any feedback from Feng from the beginning. Even if Igarashi sometimes said things like a joke, Crusch couldn't help but doubt her ability. Could it be that under certain circumstances, her ability would fail? ?

No matter what, I will send out the news as the head of the Carlsten family and try to be as convincing as possible. Igarashi, even when Emilia and I have a decisive battle in the future, I will be friendly to you.

After saying this, Curio walked back with Felix and Wilhelm to express condolences to his subordinates.

Wilhelm doesn't seem to have pure hatred for White Whale. Perhaps now that Naiko has changed the fate of the world, what happens to Wilhelm is different.

Anastasia's Iron Fang mercenary group, its leader Ricardo, and the three kitty orc siblings also came over to thank them. Although the opponent's combat power was also elite in this world, Igarashi was not very interested. , on the other hand, Mimi, the sister of the Kitty Orcs, has just reached Igarashi’s waist and has two cat ears. She is a cute creature. However, the relationship between Igarashi and her is not yet enough to treat her like a cat. It was a pity to see her leave after solemnly thanking her.

Huh, okay, let's go back.

Igarashi motioned for Emilia to leave together. Although many people were cleaning the battlefield and healing the wounded, the leaders did not do it themselves. As the biggest contributor to the defeat of the White Whale, Igarashi would not attack those groups here again. The favor of an unknown passerby was a waste of time. He wanted to drive the dragon chariot back with Emilia.

The reason why Igarashi mastered the teleportation magic and used a dragon cart is that Igarashi knew that the icing on the cake is not as good as providing help when the time is right. If he had arrived early or even eliminated the white whale in advance, everyone including Crusch would probably feel that Igarashi It's about grabbing people's heads. There may be more other thoughts than gratitude. After White Whale showed enough strength to Kuroshu and his party, Igarashi took action out of pure gratitude.

You can't talk about this kind of thing to Emilia, otherwise she, who is kind-hearted by nature, will inevitably give Igarashi some advice. A lie must be covered up with more lies. Maybe Igarashi will not be able to do it in front of Emilia in the future. Use long-distance teleportation magic.

Al, you can go back with your own guards, together with Igarashi.

Before Emilia responded, Priscilla first ordered Al in a very normal tone, who was still dressed as before in the royal capital, and then stood next to Igarashi in an extremely natural manner. Seeing this, Igarashi Senseless.

What are you going to do? Are you really planning to...

I haven't paid you back what I owe you. This time I will naturally repay the bet. I will also take a close look at Emilia's strengths to outdo me.

Priscilla who said this narrowed her eyes when she saw Igarashi didn't move.

What, do you want to refuse? I don't mean any harm. Even so, if you refuse, it will do more harm than good, right?

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