Igarashi took a closer look at Petra's appearance, which could undoubtedly be described as cute. Although he felt that she would not starve to death even if she begged, he still looked at the red-haired maid.

Ram, can you?

Ram is willing to obey Lord Igarashi. This is what Lord Roswaal ordered before.

Just food and shelter are a bit too miserable. Since you have decided to spend the best years of your life here, you have to pay your wages well. How about ten holy gold coins a month?

Petra was stunned when she heard Igarashi say words like the best years, and then her pale face turned red.

The currency exchange rate in this world is that ten copper coins are equivalent to one silver coin, and ten silver coins are equivalent to one gold coin. Holy gold coins are generally equivalent to two gold coins, but because of their scarcity, their real value is higher.

The remuneration offered by Igarashi was a casual estimate. Anyway, the sage would surrender. Now, the Lugnika Kingdom's treasury is open to him, and this holy gold coin is nothing at all.

The normal commission should be more than a dozen silver coins. This is already an extremely high price.

Ram looked down at Igarashi with an expressionless expression, while Petra waved her hands hurriedly.

No, there is no need for reward. Lord Igarashi has saved my life. If I ask for reward again, it is really...

Then it's decided to be ten gold coins. I'll pay for it. There's no need to bother Roswaal. Ram, as a senior, teach her well.

Igarashi, who was despised by Ram, waved his hand and set his own reward.

Rahm doesn't have such a generous remuneration.

Ram, who walked into the mansion with Petra, seemed to be talking to herself, but in fact he was telling it to Igarashi on purpose. As maids who had lived in the mansion for a long time and did not have much free time, she and Rem seemed to have no relationship. There is no definite salary, but if you want to buy something, Roswaal should have enough funds.

Ram mainly reminded Igarashi not to give such a generous treatment to a newcomer who had just arrived. She did not want him to return to Aram Village and spread the word, causing many job seekers to appear in the mansion.

Although the mansion is large, there are only a few people living there, so there is no need for too many servants.

Igarashi, who heard what Ram meant, spread his hands helplessly. He only agreed so easily because of Petra's cuteness. In the entire Alam village, there was no one among Petra's peers who could compete with her. Right? So if similar job applicants appear in the future, just reject them all.

Chapter 739 White Whale

Going to hunt down the white whale?

Igarashi's words made Emilia raise her head in confusion.

Yes, to defeat the white whale, you are a silver-haired half-elf. To inherit the throne requires a certain amount of merit to truly be considered logical. The white whale is a good prey, and it happened to appear in the kingdom.

Not to mention whether you can defeat the White Whale, Igarashi-you seem to really intend to make me the king?

At this moment, Emilia was full of shock, but also joy. It had nothing to do with the position of king, she was just happy because Igarashi was ready to help her.

Well, Crusch has good abilities, but her ideas are too radical. Someone should suppress her. In the future, she will be the Minister of the Interior. Anastasia is very talented in business and can be the Minister of Finance. As for Priscilla and Felt , as a mascot, and after passing the test of dreams, you have the temperament of a true king. I look forward to the day when you wear the crown.

It seems that the fate of our five king-chosen ones was decided by you in just a few words?

Emilia sighed helplessly, looked at Igarashi and reminded.

The white whale is not that easy to defeat, isn't it? Even with Parker's help, I don't want to face it, and for some reasons, the power Parker can exert now is limited.

Just leave it to me. You only need to be present to gain merit. By the way, you can also help Curio and Priscilla's people. They have already set off with their own troops, threatening to attack the White Whale, and Anata Sia also looks ready to take action, except for Felt, who has no motivation, everyone is very capable of action.


The White Whale is a good monster after all. With the power of Curio, Priscilla and Anastasia, it will take a lot of money to defeat it, and there is a high probability that the other party will escape. How about it? go?

Go, I want to work hard too!

Then let's do the same thing as before, let the others stay behind, and you and I will go there. There will be a barrier to protect me, so I don't have to worry too much.

Igarashi was very confident in the barrier he had set up, but Emilia was very nervous.

What if the white whale happens to fly over when we set off? Will it destroy the barrier?

The white whale has a huge size of tens of meters, but it does not swim in the sea, but flies in the air because it has a super large floating magic circle on its head.

The most it can do is crash into the barrier and die.

The three forces of Icurio, Priscilla, and Anastasia marched towards the location of the white whale.

They have regarded the White Whale as their prize. Although the White Whale has survived for a long time, there have been very few decent crusade, and there have been no such joint crusade by the three major forces. The White Whale stayed in one place for a long time. The whale is looking for death.

Sword Master Reinhardt did not come. As the strongest man in the kingdom, he needs to stay in the royal capital to frighten the enemy and protect the safety of the royal capital. In fact, with a combat power like his, he is not even allowed to go to the country's border. Then It will be regarded as launching a war and cause a backlash.

Reinhardt, who had the ability to break the rules, took the initiative to turn various regulations into shackles to restrict his actions.

Curio led a crusade of 250 people. Priscilla brought 50 guards. Anastasia, who lacked combat power, did not show up and only sent 30 members of her mercenary group. The leader is a demihuman named Ricardo Wilkin.

Igarashi and Emilia stood on a high mountain next to the marching army, overlooking the flow of people below. Emilia asked Igarashi.

Shall we join in?

Now is not the time. They are very majestic now. Although it is said to be a joint crusade, in fact, each of them wants to steal people's heads to add merit to themselves and their camp's existence. They really regard the white whale as meat on the chopping board. You see, There is an army of hundreds of people here, and we are only two people. We might have been looked down upon in the past.

Although Igarashi was talking about the army, Emilia heard the contempt in his words.


When the battle begins, we will take action based on the opportunity.

Igarashi once used a hundred-man team of death knights to defeat a large country with hundreds of thousands of troops in the world of the King of the Immortal.

In the face of absolute strength, numbers are meaningless. Although the White Whale is not a super powerful existence, the so-called elite soldiers who make up most of this expedition team, the cavalry riding earth dragons and ligers, are meaningless in front of the White Whale. s things.

The expedition soon encountered a beluga whale moving slowly through the air.

Everyone - attack!

Cursch issued an attack order loudly, but only the troops under her command attacked. The bows, arrows, magic stone cannons, and the magic emitted by the magician who condensed the magic power in a short period of time all tilted towards the white whale.

Priscilla led Al and other soldiers, but unfortunately they were all in close combat. At this time, they were helpless against the white whale in the sky. Although Priscilla was a very superb [Yang] attribute magician, she had no intention of using magic and was embarrassed. Despite her situation, she sat leisurely on the dragon carriage, looking up at the white whale that was dripping with blood due to the attack by Curio's troops.

As for Anastasia's mercenary group - the Iron Fangs, the three kitty orc siblings who master long-range attacks are accumulating magic power at this time, striving to kill the white whale with one blow and steal their achievements and dedicate them to Anastasia. .

The blood of the beluga fell to the ground like raindrops. The violent attack dispersed the clouds in the sky, allowing people to see the full picture of the beluga - a huge monster over fifty meters long, a monster the size of a white mountain.

This violent attack only caused some small wounds to appear on the body of the beluga. If calculated in proportion, it would be equivalent to a one-centimeter cut by a knife. This formed a rain of blood and gave the expedition team a feeling. The illusion of achieving great success and seriously injuring the white whale.

The same was true for Emilia. She smiled happily when she saw Wang Xuan's opponent making achievements.

Did you win?

It's still early. Let's get ready. It's time for us to take the field.

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