At the moment, the Archbishop of Sin was lying on the ground, mumbling all kinds of weird words while gnawing his fingers. His entire right hand was chewed to pieces with blood. It was protected by a barrier. The villagers standing in the courtyard of the mansion were licking their fingers from five to five seconds. Shilan came back to his senses from the devastating annihilation of the witch cultists, and looked at Petichius' self-harm, with fear and rejection in his eyes, and some children even fainted from fear on the spot.

You are a talent. Are you telling me that the law is not omnipotent in this way...

Igarashi put his hand on Petichius' head speechlessly and began to use magic to repair his crazy mind and soul, hoping to get a satisfactory answer after this.

Emilia saw that Igarashi seemed to be in control of the situation, and now she cautiously came to his side and looked at Petichius warily.

Igarashi, what are you doing? Do you need help?

This is a lunatic. I'll cure him first, find out who's behind it, and then eliminate him.

Petichius, who almost lost his mind and was as crazy as a beast, gradually changed under Igarashi's treatment. He first saw Beatrice not far away and was stunned. Then he heard Emily With Ya's voice, he turned his head sharply. When he saw the silver-haired girl, his pupils shrank, he looked up and down, and then asked Igarashi.

My lord, may I ask who she is?

Petichius, who had regained his senses, now spoke extremely normally.

Emilia, is she your target?

Emilia? It's Emilia. How long has it been...

Petichius took out a book from his arms, which looked like a magic book and a magic tool, and handed it to Igarashi.

This is the Gospel. I have been acting according to its instructions before. It can be regarded as the master. Of course, because I became a madman, my actions will deviate from the instructions of the Gospel. The culprit is is me!

Watching Igarashi take the gospel and finally take a look at his disciple, Beatrice, and Emilia, who he had taken care of for a long time and was like a daughter, it seemed as if his wish had been fulfilled. Us entered self-destruction, and the attacks of the body can be ignored. As long as the soul does not die, he can be reincarnated with the prepared body. Petichius shed tears and destroyed his body and soul. The whole person Turned into dust and annihilated.

how come?

At close range, Emilia knew clearly that Petichius was not killed by Igarashi, but committed suicide. He seemed to tell all the things before committing suicide. This strange scene made her let out a small shock. Huh, then remembering the way Igarashi was able to create dreams for herself, Emilia buried the scene in front of her in her heart without asking specifically.

Igarashi, who had no intention of letting Petichius live, quietly looked at everything in front of him, then opened the gospel and saw a line of words.

Sorry, Petichius's actions were beyond my expectations. I just asked him to confirm Emilia's status.

This line of text appeared for a few seconds, then disappeared quickly, and then the entire gospel began to spontaneously combust. Naturally, Igarashi had the ability to stop it, but he found that this gospel may have other effects on Petichius, but for others , it was just a communication tool. Igarashi, who found it worthless, let it burn, and then opened the barrier with a wave of his hand.

Lord Igarashi, thank you for killing the Witch Cultist.

The twin maids ran to Igarashi, looked around, and found that all the witch cultists were wiped out. They showed relief, bowed deeply in front of Igarashi, and thanked them in unison.

You're not hurt, are you?

No, the barrier appeared just in time.

The villagers of Alam Village, who had escaped the disaster thanks to the protection of the barrier, were also surrounding Igarashi at this time. Although they could not be said to be worshiping, they all looked grateful.

You should go back and rebuild your home quickly. These witch cultists have destroyed half of your village.

Igarashi smiled and said words that were no less than a thunderbolt to these villagers. The moved tears they shed dried up in an instant. They looked at Igarashi with a stiff expression, hoping that the other person was telling a joke.

If you are so nervous, just go back and take a look. If you help each other, it will be easy to get through this crisis.

The villagers of Alam Village left. Although several people hesitated to speak around Igarashi, as if they wanted to express their gratitude, they found that words alone were too pale. This was a real life-saving grace. It is not something that can be repaid with just a word of thanks. After several hesitations, they bowed their heads deeply and finally left. Maybe in the future, they will find opportunities to repay the favor.

How did those villagers get here?

Igarashi looked at the twin maids and asked. He had no other intention, just pure curiosity.

It was Lady Beatrice who sensed something unusual and asked us to do our best to protect the nearby residents. Because we know each other and the villagers are willing to believe us, everyone came here soon.

Hearing this, Igarashi looked at Beatrice. She was still standing in the distance, as if she didn't want to join in the fun. It was only then that she walked over here, pointing at the barrier that had disappeared again, and staring at Igarashi closely. .

This barrier... is magic that I have never seen before, and its strength is beyond imagination. Although I only attacked tentatively before, the witch cultists outside used their full strength, but the barrier did not move at all. Igarashi, you Who is it? A being with your level of strength shouldn't be unknown.

Chapter 738 Job Seekers

I'm from another world.

Igarashi thought that his truth would not convince Beatrice. To be honest, it was not the first time that he encountered something that no one believed. However, Beatrice nodded seriously.

Is the other world... the other side of the waterfall? That's it.

The edge of this world is the Great Falls. The divine dragon Bolkenika, who is believed in by the Kin-Dragon Kingdom and revered by people all over the world, lives there. Very few people have been to the Great Falls, and no one has ever walked through it. , the inaccessible place has a mysterious charm, which always makes people have all kinds of daydreams. People think that the other side of the waterfall is a different world.

What is another world like?

There are all kinds, but people all look like this. They don't have three heads and six arms. Although they don't have protection, they usually have special powers.

Special power?

Such as magic sword skills and technology, well, you can think of them as magic tools.

After easily dealing with the questions from the curious Emilia and the twin maids, Igarashi sat in the courtyard of the mansion, drinking the black tea made by Rem as he did before, watching Emilia chatting with the elves.

Although there was an attack by the Witch Cult and Igarashi revealed his powerful power, except for some changes in the way Beatrice looked at him, life was indeed as usual.

Please! Please let me be the maid of the mansion!

There was a sound at the door of the mansion. Igarashi heard the sound and walked over. He saw a girl with short orange hair bowing deeply towards Ram.

This girl Igarashi has met before, she is a villager in Alam Village.


Although Ram was still wearing a maid uniform at this moment, he rarely showed majesty and looked at the girl in front of him with eyes full of scrutiny. The mansion had just been attacked by the witch cultists, and Aram Village had also been destroyed a lot. It should be It was also very confusing. It was really suspicious that the girl in front of me came to the mansion instead of rebuilding Alam Village properly.

Ram will not have too much sympathy because the name of Alam Village is similar to his own. Even the villagers may be witch cultists. The monsters that cast a spell on him before are not related to the children in the village. Playing and looking cute puppies.

At this time, Ram had a feeling of horror. He had taken the villagers to take refuge in the barrier. If there were witch cultists among them, and they would sneak attack while everyone was unprepared, except for Lady Beatrice, he and Rem would all There's no way to escape it.

As soon as he thought about this, Ram's eyes became more and more fierce.

I'm Petra Wright, I...

Petra seemed to be still thinking about her words. When she saw Ram's eyes, she trembled, but in desperation she told the truth.

I'm afraid, if it weren't for your kindness, if Lord Igarashi hadn't eliminated the witch cultists, everyone in the village would have died. I want to be a maid and get shelter. It doesn't matter even if I don't get a salary, as long as you give me food and shelter. , I will definitely be able to complete my work well!

There should be no more Witch Cult attacks in the future...

Igarashi came over and wanted to say something, but when he saw tears gathering in the girl's eyes for a moment because of fear, he changed his mind.

Then why not go to the Royal Capital? The Royal Capital is more prosperous than here, and there will be no witch cultists who will attack the Royal Capital without any thought.

People like me will starve to death if we go to the king, right?

Petra's face turned pale, and she felt that Igarashi was going to say rejection next.

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