These words naturally caused the people who had not left the hall to widen their eyes. They could not associate Priscilla, who was so arrogant and difficult to touch, with these words, and Priscilla still looked like her temptation failed. Everyone There was a big change in the way Igarashi looked at him, a feeling of admiration as if he were looking up at a mountain.

Are you losing face by saying this in public? Priscilla.

Igarashi looked at Priscilla in surprise. She, who even tended to use elegant words when swearing, would openly state that a part of her body was hers. Could she also do such a self-destructive thing?

It's just the opinion of a bunch of fools. Don't worry about it. Igarashi, what's your answer?

Have you guessed my answer? Well, if you could change your attitude and throw yourself into my arms while crying, maybe I would accept it?

Oh, I hope you will change this stupid idea in the future.

Priscilla snorted coldly, turned around and left without looking back, while Felut, who had been watching quietly for a while, was eager to give it a try.

If I cry and shout into your arms, will you become my follower? The kind who will do whatever I order you to do unconditionally?

Felt is not a face-saving person, not to mention that she already has a good impression of Igarashi.

It's a beautiful thought.

Igarashi rolled his eyes and looked up and down at Felt, who was wearing a golden dress and looked like a wealthy lady.

I haven't seen you for a while. You have changed a lot. The people in the palace have taught you well.

Because those old guys said that after I show my royal demeanor, I will be qualified to let Lord Rom live a good life.

Whispering in front of Igarashi, Felt called the members of the Sage Association who were farther and farther away as old guys. Felt looked at Igarashi expectantly and continued.

Are you a prosecutor? A very big one? Can you take me out of the palace? It's so boring here!

Wouldn't all the previous efforts be wasted if we escape now?

It's okay. This dress of mine seems to be worth hundreds of holy gold coins. If I sell it and give the money to Lord Rom, I can rest assured and enjoy life from now on.

What about the parentage you agreed to investigate?

I have been raised by Lord Rom since I was a child. I don't care what the relationship between those dead guys in the royal family has to do with me!

Felt said a series of words very softly. Except for Emilia, who was standing next to Igarashi, and Reinhardt who was further away, no one else knew about it. Liya's character has been recognized by Felt. She doesn't think Emilia will spread any bad words because of this. Felt has no interest in the throne. A thief who has always made a living by stealing things and collecting information, How can a country be governed well?

You should mention it to the people from the Wise Society. If you are just moving in the royal capital, they will probably not stop you. As for the dress... you should be honest and ask the servant who takes care of you that you need some money. It’s better not to sell it.”

After comforting Felt, Igarashi looked at Emilia beside him and twitched the corner of his mouth.

What about you, do you have anything to ask me?


Emilia shook her head slightly and looked at Igarashi, with a much more beautiful smile on her face than before.

Thank you.

Chapter 736 The Archbishop of Sin—Sloth

Although there are currently many people interested in Igarashi gathered in the royal capital, Emilia has no reason to stay in the royal capital for a long time, even if the official publicity of what happened at the king's election meeting shows that the silver-haired Emilia is One of the five shrine maidens chosen by Shenron, the common people in the royal capital still looked at Emilia with a kind of respectful distance.

Considering that it would be too abrupt to cover the entire royal capital with laws to change the views of all civilians, Igarashi, who did not want Emilia to be wronged for staying in the royal capital, set out on the return journey with her, and then asked the sage to come down Here's a rule: no disrespect to the Dragon Miko.

Driving the dragon car, which was not as luxurious as Priscilla, but far superior in practicality and speed of the earth dragon, it took less than half a day to return from the royal capital to Roswaal's mansion. It's just the time, of course, it's far worse than Igarashi's teleportation magic.

I heard that [fog] appeared a little further away. It was brought by the famous monster called White Whale. Although ordinary contact with the fog will not cause any harm until the opponent intentionally attacks, it is said that it is swallowed by the fog. , something terrible will happen. Everyone will avoid the fog and the white whale. The nearby passage is blocked. According to its route, in a few days, the king will reach Mezas Territory, that is, Roswaal. The route to the territory will be blocked.

More than ten years ago, a expedition team was organized to hunt down the beluga whale, and the result is evident from the fact that the beluga whale is still alive today.

Although there are powerful great spirits like Beatrice in the mansion, and their combat prowess is quite outstanding, the twin maids Rem and Ram who lost their horns should be absolutely infallible, but Igarashi is still in the mansion. A barrier has been placed near the mansion. This is a barrier set up by someone who is equal to the person and the world. It can make the mansion a dreamland and never be captured, even if Reinhardt and the Jealousy Witch join forces.

When Igarashi arrived with Emilia, the barrier that had been laid was already in place. Surrounding the barrier was a group of black shadows that seemed to blend into the scenery. They were people wearing cloaks, but they exuded... The intimidating aura - the aura of the Jealousy Witch, headed by a guy whose body was so thin that he only had bones and skin, and whose dark green hair was dry and lifeless, gave the viewer the impression of being unhygienic and weak.

If you don't look at those eyes that are blooming with a weird and crazy look.

In the courtyard of the mansion within the barrier, nearby villages gathered. The villagers of Alam Village all had panic and despair on their faces. Protecting them were Ram, Rem, and Beatrice.

I am the Archbishop of Sin of the Witch Cult—Petichius in charge of [Sloth].

Petichius gnawed his fingers, not like a child chewing and playing with them, but like a beast that knew no pain, chewing his fingers to pieces.

There was some doubt in Beatrice's eyes. She felt that the guy in front of her looked familiar. However, after searching her memory carefully, there seemed to be no such person.

In fact, Petichius once existed as an elf, and he was Beatrice's teacher. However, due to a battle, he used the [Sloth] factor that he could not fully grasp, and went berserk and killed important people with his own hands. His appearance changed drastically and he became a madman.

Now this madman originally had the mission of testing whether Emilia was qualified to be the vessel for the resurrection of the Jealous Witch, but he came to attack the mansion. It was clear that Emilia had not been in the mansion before.

Igarashi, we...?

Standing in the distance, Emilia, who had not yet been discovered by the Witch Cult, spoke to Igarashi in a very low voice. She was a little panicked now. She had seen the Sin Archbishop in her dreams before. He was very powerful. The entire kingdom , there are very few people who can be his opponent, Emilia seems to be at a loss at this moment, she is afraid that the people around her will be in danger.

There is no need to hide. Since they want to die, let them get their wish.

Igarashi was not aware of Petichius's past. He walked straight towards the mansion and was soon discovered by the Witch Cult. Before Archbishop Sloth gave the order, several Witch Cults rushed towards Igarashi. , however, in the process of taking action, it turned into ashes and was annihilated.

For today's Igarashi, gods can no longer be opponents, let alone humans.

During the trial, the element of uneasiness appeared! What is this! What is this? What is this?! Is this a reward for my diligence?

Petichius seemed to be madly uttering frantic words, and many invisible hands appeared in the air that even the twin sisters and Emilia could not see. Dozens of black hands were densely covered in the air, moving toward the five stars. Shilan caught him.

But they were all destroyed in an instant, and Petichius was also suppressed by the invisible force and unable to move. Even at first, this force almost crushed him into flesh. At the last moment, he greatly restrained his strength, and it was only It just made Petichius unable to move.

Igarashi, be careful...?!

Beatrice, who was within the barrier, exclaimed. Although she could not directly see the invisible hand, she could detect Petichius's attack by sensing the flow of magic in the air. Then the next moment, Beatrice I was shocked to see Igarashi walking in front of Petichius with invincibility, and all the other witch cultists turned into ashes.

The reason why Beatrice made no other moves was because of the barrier that enveloped the mansion. She found helplessly that not only had the witch cultists and Sin Archbishops who had been surrounding the mansion for half a day launched various attacks unable to break this barrier, but Even she, who should be playing a role protected by the barrier, has no way to cross the barrier. So far, she can only stare at the witch cultists outside the barrier.

Even now, I still encounter such low-class people all the time, which makes me a little troubled.

Igarashi, who had classified all characters below the level of gods as inferior, looked down at Petichius and asked with a smile.

Tell me, who sent you here? I want to eliminate the roots.

Chapter 737 Who are you?

Igarashi used the law when he spoke. No matter what kind of loyalty he had, no matter what kind of ironclad he was, as long as he was captured by the law, Petichius would truthfully answer any question Igarashi had——

That's how it should be.

Ah, what a sweet trial! Have all my diligent efforts finally paid off today? God, is this the real God, right?

Originally, Igarashi thought that anyone who was weaker than him, whether it was a human, a god, or even an animal, would obey all his orders. However, Petichius broke Igarashi's belief. You know, this madman, he clearly heard Igarashi's question, but he is still talking nonsense. Maybe at this moment, his thinking is no longer able to have a rational and normal conversation?

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