Hearing this, Igarashi couldn't help it.

Hey, hey, you seem to have exposed very important information, aren't you afraid that I am a bad person?

I think with your strength, you won't be able to wait for me to sneak attack when I get off work. Even if I misjudge, you are just an ordinary person, then Emilia's strength is enough to deal with you. By the way, I can show up The average time is from nine in the morning to five in the afternoon. In addition, I have to go back to the crystal stone where I am staying to store the energy during the sunrise. Now I have almost used up the energy.

Although he said that he would not regard Igarashi as an enemy, the magic power in Parker's body was still surging, and he was always alert to Igarashi's possible attacks.

Let me do you a favor. I'll tell you her features. If she appears in front of you, I will point them out. Is this enough?

Igarashi could easily find the blond dwarf, Felute, with his soul power, but he didn't do so. He needed to wait for a while and then tell Felute a truth.

People should not be too greedy.

I really can't give you a thank you gift.

Emilia said this while accepting Igarashi's help.

Her name was revealed in Parker's words.

She has shoulder-length blond hair, red eyes, and is very short, barely reaching my chest.

Igarashi described it in enough detail, and then Emilia stood leaning against the wall, her little lips trembling as if she was talking.

She is talking to the elf.

Parker appeared next to Igarashi, but he took the initiative to introduce him.

Looking at your clothes, you are not from the royal capital or even this country, right? That's right. If there is a person like you, he shouldn't be unknown.

I seem to have done nothing, why are you praising me so much?

Igarashi doesn't think Parker's ability can see through his true strength.

Elven warlocks use elven magic by signing a contract with the elves. It's all done voluntarily by both parties. But I have a feeling that you can force a contract with the elves. What's even weirder is that even though I have this feeling, I It’s hard to have a bad feeling towards you, you’re... very weird.”

Ahaha, that's really weird.

While Igarashi was talking to Parker, a faint hazy light gradually appeared around Emilia, like fireflies. Countless dream-like light points surrounded her, and it seemed to have become a transcendent realm. Only A sacred place that only those who are allowed can enter.

Igarashi watched quietly from the side, and Parker suddenly spoke.

I thought you would interrupt the conversation between Liya and the elf rashly.

Those little things are called micro elves? It's quite interesting. As for this kind of state where you can tell that you are fully immersed in it, generally speaking, you shouldn't interrupt it casually.

Well, although the micro elves are still unformed elves, if they are ordinary elf warlocks, they will explode if they are interrupted~

Emilia, who finished talking to the elf, looked at Igarashi who was talking to Parker in a good mood with a gainful smile.

It's really rare for people to talk to Parker so easily. What's also rare is your clothes. What's your name and where do they come from?

Igarashi, I was in the central courtyard before.

Central Court? I've never heard of the name, but it sounds like it's very powerful.

Emilia looked at Igarashi carefully from top to bottom again.

You seem to be exercising, Igarashi... Your family background is very prominent, right?

Family background? This kind of thing has little to do with myself.

Igarashi waved his hand, but the girl quickly grabbed him and observed him carefully.

The same goes for your fingers. Although the muscles are tight, they don't look like they were produced by doing manual labor. The workmanship of this piece of clothing I haven't seen before is also very fine. Everything is the basis for you to live a high-class life. How about it? I guessed it right. ?”

The girl showed a boastful smile, with a contradictory temperament of purity and coquettishness.

Roughly the same.

Well, if you don't want to talk, I won't ask.

Igarashi's answer seemed perfunctory, and Emilia whispered softly with a slightly lowered face, and then her face regained its vitality.

I already know where the thief is, follow me.

Chapter 711 Kindness

Emilia only knew the general direction. Under Igarashi's perception, the direction she was heading was indeed the slums, a gathering place for poor people and thieves. It was also the place where Felt hid and lived.

But midway, he hesitated because of a fork in the road.

Emilia is a beautiful girl, and her exquisite clothes make her charm more obvious, attracting the attention of many people on the street. However, it is not kindness or obsession, but hesitation and hostility.

Emilia simply ignored this, as if she was used to it.

The silver-haired half-elf once nearly destroyed the world, but Emilia, who has the same characteristics, inherited people's hatred of the demons who destroyed the world.

Hey, Igarashi.

Emilia stopped walking, and just when Igarashi thought she was finally going to ask her for help, Emilia continued.

Look at that child, is he lost?

Igarashi has determined that Emilia is the kind of hopelessly good person who still has the heart to pay attention to a lost child after important things have been stolen.

So, do you want to help her? During the time we were talking and even helping the child, the thief may have run further and further away, and even sold the stolen goods or handed them over to others.

In front of his sight, there was a girl standing on the other side of the road. She was about ten years old. Her shoulder-level brown hair looked adorable. She had a cute face that could share her joy with those around her when she smiled, but at this moment His eyes were filled with uneasiness, as if he was about to cry.

It's possible, but...

This is not a deserted street. If she left it alone, the girl would soon encounter kind-hearted people or patrolling guards, but Emilia——

But the kid is crying, right?


It doesn't matter if you can't cooperate with me. Igarashi, thank you for accompanying me here. I will find a way on my own later. I can't leave that child alone no matter what.

Emilia's words were not so much a rejection of Igarashi for not showing mercy to girls, but more like she was saying this to prevent Igarashi from being embarrassed by her willfulness. Emilia seemed to understand She knew that her kindness was sometimes not a wise choice, but she still did it.

Emilia trotted across the road and approached the girl. She looked at the girl who was about to cry. She looked up when she felt someone was there. She looked at those eyes with hope. Emilia smiled and spoke with gentleness. The voice spoke.

Sorry, I'm not the person you're looking for.

Emilia knelt down and said this. The girl's eyes widened in surprise, and she was a little timid when faced with the stranger who suddenly spoke to her. However, because of Emilia's gentleness, she was not timid enough to run away.

I may be a little nosy, but where are your parents? Aren't they with you?

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