The girl was scared. Even though Emilia's voice was softer, the girl was trembling with fear. This was almost the child's reaction when she was suddenly spoken to by a stranger.

Be good, don't cry. We will take you to find your parents.

Igarashi slightly let go of his personal suppression, and his words had great influence, which quickly made the originally scared girl feel relieved, and also made Parker, who had been hiding in Emilia's long hair during this period, It was creepy, and it slightly felt the horror of that person, like the gap between gods and mortals, heaven and earth, but Igarashi disappeared as soon as Parker began to doubt his perception.

Thank you both very much.

The girl who was comforted by Igarashi explained her mother's characteristics and the scope of her usual activities. Soon after, the mother who met the child was very happy and kept thanking Emilia and Igarashi.

You look like you're having so much fun.

After saying goodbye to the mother and daughter, Igarashi glanced at Emilia, who was standing next to him with a smile on her face, and reminded her not to forget that the things had not been recovered yet.

Fortunately, you kid is not bad at all.

Child? There's something wrong with your title.

Igarashi's words made Emilia narrow her blue-purple eyes slightly.

Don't judge my age by my appearance...because I'm half-elf.

Silver hair, half-elf, these are the characteristics of the witch who almost destroyed the world. Although the past of the witch has disappeared in the long history, these two rare characteristics are engraved in the hearts of almost everyone in this world, and most people see When visiting Emilia, hostility and panic will inevitably arise.

But Igarashi is not from this world, nor is he in this majority.

Let me return this sentence as it is, ah, of course the first half.

Before Igarashi spoke, Emilia's eyes flashed with complicated emotions, including despair, the disappointment she was used to, etc. But after listening to Igarashi's words clearly, she saw that his attitude had not changed much. Miliya blinked in surprise.

Um...I'm a half-elf, right?

Do you think I will be hostile to you who has similar characteristics because of the legend of Satella devouring the world?

The name Satella made Emilia stiffen. Igarashi glanced at Parker who poked his head out of Emilia's long hair and continued.

If Satella were a blond human, I don't know how people would react now. In this case, there would be too many targets for hostility.

There are a lot of blond hair in this world, and there are naturally more human beings. Igarashi’s joke made Emilia chuckle, and then she quickly restrained herself. She turned her back to Igarashi and squatted by the wall, holding her hands. Holding his head, he seemed distressed.

And Parker jumped out and hit Igarashi's face with a soft cat's paw, using a very light force.

This shouldn't be an attack, right?

Hearing Igarashi's words, Parker fiddled with his beard while making a sound from his throat.

Well, how should I put it, it's the embodiment of the unbearable and distraught feeling.

Emilia stood up, tangled the ends of her silver hair with her fingers, deliberately showing anger to cover up other emotions, and glared at Igarashi.

You guy, don't say that name casually.

Chapter 712 Innocence


Generally, only gods will hear the voices of believers who believe in them, and because there are too many such voices, most gods will choose to block them. Igarashi is not sure whether Satila is this type of existence, but he no longer Mention this name.

Why don't you ask the fruit stand owner about the specific location of the slum? Judging from Miss Emilia's noble appearance, it seems that she is a poor person who knows the specific location of the slum and even lives there, right?

The fruit stall owner Igarashi pointed to was a sturdy man with vertical scars on his face. He was being scolded by his wife, who was, well, the mother of the girl just now.

Benefactor, how can I help you? Just grab some fruit first.

The mother who recognized the person gave Igarashi and Emilia some apples. The girl they had met before ran over and took Emilia's hand, and the two started talking happily.

He obviously just wanted to give Emilia a hint, but now he ended up negotiating with someone by himself? Igarashi knew the location of the slums clearly. It was unnecessary. No, he didn't expect that Emilia would be restrained by a little girl.

Look, your earlier kindness has paid off. Isn't this the best proof?

Emilia, who was talking to the girl, cast a proud look at the depressed Igarashi.

It's not far from the main road, but it has a depressing atmosphere and poverty everywhere.

It's a silent road, the scent of humans and creatures is far away, and there is a slum in front of it.

What's wrong?

Seeing Igarashi looking at her from time to time, Emilia asked strangely.

Let's see how you react. Sure enough, you don't show any expression of rejection. It's very different from a normal rich lady.

What kind of young lady am I?

Emilia blushed slightly and said this, then stared at Igarashi.

It's you, you are a real noble, right? Although you are always joking, your temperament is not what ordinary people should have. Do you want to go in with me next?

Now I am a knight. Well, a knight who protects beautiful girls. I move forward bravely.

It's a pity that I don't have time for you to chat casually. I won't be able to hold on for another hour and I really have to rely on you.

Parker's intervention changed the atmosphere. He raised his head. At this time, most of the sky had turned orange and the sun was starting to set.

Whether you want to move forward or go back, decide quickly.

Of course I have to keep moving forward. If I miss it again, the badge may really go to a place where I can never find it again.

At this time, Emilia finally showed some anxiety.

The people in the slums have a very cold attitude towards Igarashi and Emilia. After all, they dress and behave like nobles, not like their kind. There is no aristocrat who has good intentions and comes to the slums to help the people. , after all, there is a mixed crowd here, and the poor people who think that the other party is just here for fun or looking for trouble, adopt an attitude of staying away.

Sorry, I've reached my limit.

After some time, Parker leaned weakly on Emilia's neck, his gray fur had a faint light, and his figure was blurry and about to disappear. It stared at Igarashi, waiting for him to express his stance.

Igarashi didn't keep Parker waiting.

I will protect Emilia, don't worry.

Liya, although you know this, I still want to tell you not to force yourself too hard. If anything happens, you have to call me out even if you use Ode.

I understand, I'm not a child, I will handle my own affairs properly.

That's not certain. After all, my daughter is a bit weird in this regard. So, please, Igarashi.

Parker looked at Emilia like a father looking at his children, and after asking Igarashi again, it disappeared and turned into particles of light.

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