The palace is splendid and splendid, but usually there are palaces in this kind of era. You can't see anything, so just skip it.

A large family territory, blessed many times by the world, the red-haired man in white with extremely high combat power, Igarashi seemed to remember something.

Then, when he discovered a silver-haired beautiful girl whose race was half-elf, Igarashi determined the true name of this world.

He simply ran into his own little world of Sword of Glory.

Hey, Nayako, help me. The world I'm in now is a little troublesome. It seems that there were a lot of depressing things in the previous timeline. Please help me modify the fate line like you did last time at Devil High School. .”

Nayako was playing the game without raising her head, grabbing handfuls of snacks and throwing them into her mouth from time to time.

Actually, I modified it before you entered this world. I modified it perfectly according to your character. This is also the plea of ​​this world. Now it has put all its expectations on you and was destroyed casually. The world really has no face at all, well, dividing the power of the world into countless parts and giving it to so many people is purely self-inflicted.

Although her appearance is just that of a girl, Nayako has always been very reliable. Even when she eliminated the enemy, she knew how to restrain her power and not cause widespread damage. When Nayako used the word perfect to modify it, Igarashi knew that although she didn’t know the world What happened, but he didn't ask any more questions, and came out of the small world with peace of mind.

Then Igarashi, who was standing in the alley, saw three gangsters who were smiling at him.

The three people moved their positions and skillfully blocked the alley.


Igarashi said in a funny tone.

Seeing the other party being so polite, the three men nodded happily. Although the style of clothing was something they had never seen before, it was definitely not the kind of clothing worn by nobles. They were very relaxed.

Exactly, hand over the valuable things and save yourself the pain.

The three people looked at Igarashi with contempt and ridicule, showing all the bad thoughts in their hearts on their faces. Although they seemed to be human beings without special powers, they were not good people.

Igarashi flicked his finger lightly, and the wind brought by the huge power directly knocked out two of them. The remaining one took out a knife. Unfortunately, after he saw the strange method shown by Igarashi, he was all over the body. He was trembling, and he didn't feel safe at all holding the knife.

Igarashi used actual actions to prove that this guy had no illusions. He looked at the weapons stabbed by the opponent, caught them with his hands, and crushed them into powder with a slight exertion.

The remaining gangster simply gave up struggling and knelt down to beg for mercy.

Get out of my way, get out of my way! Guys over there, don't block the road!

Suddenly there was a cry as if someone was being cornered, even more exaggerated than the gangster begging for mercy now. A short girl rushed into the alley, with blond hair hanging down to her shoulders, red pupils, and slightly cute tiger fangs.

The little gangster felt that he was saved, because this girl was a fellow traveler. Although we couldn't see each other and had no contact with each other, he should at least do a favor for the sake of being a fellow traveler. Just create an opportunity for me to escape. The two fainted. Don't worry about the guy.

You seem to have seen something extraordinary?

The girl seemed to hear the little gangster's thoughts and murmured to herself under his excited gaze.

Ah ha, the guy who wanted to rob others was knocked down instead? If I weren't very busy right now, I would have stopped and watched it.

The girl who said this ran all the way through the alley without any intention of slowing down. She ran to the end of the alley, stepped on the only protruding wooden board, flexibly relied on the wall with her limbs, and disappeared into the building in an instant. above the object.

The young gangster's face that had just shown hope was suddenly shrouded in despair. Seeing this, Igarashi smiled slightly and pointed at the guy who was unconscious on the ground.

Both of your companions are unconscious. Do you want me to take action? I'm the type who doesn't know what's serious. If I hurt you...


The person who carries a knife is indeed a ruthless person. No, this guy can actually hit his head against the wall and knock himself out. Blood drips from his forehead. He is a bit more ruthless than a ruthless person. He is a werewolf.

That's it!...Eh? Hitting a wall by yourself?

The silver bell-like voice had just come out, but it changed its tone due to surprise, making it look very cute.

Another girl appeared at the entrance of the alley. Her waist-length silver hair was braided, and her beautiful blue-purple eyes were filled with surprise.

I can still forgive you now. After all, I was negligent in the first place, so please be noble and return what you stole.

Igarashi looked around, and after confirming that the blond dwarf just now was not there, he looked at the girl in front of him and pointed at himself.

Are you talking to me?

The girl nodded solemnly.

Please, that is a very important thing. I can give up everything else, but not this. Please return it to me honestly.

Igarashi was a little dumbfounded. Although his understanding of the world was still limited to some early plots, and his knowledge of some people was only limited to knowing their names, he clearly knew what the girl in front of him was talking about.

I'm a passerby, and these three guys are the guys who robbed me. If you're chasing the thieves, a little blond guy just ran past here.

With that said, Igarashi pointed to the dead end not far away, and then pointed to a building about ten meters away.

If you can fly over walls and climb over walls, and you're lucky, you might even be able to see her shadow.

When Igarashi said this, a cat-shaped elf appeared next to the silver-haired girl. The supposedly cute face was full of solemnity, and it stared at Igarashi closely.

Chapter 710 Emilia

Parker, what's wrong?

The silver-haired girl saw the cautious attitude shown by the cat-shaped elf and asked cautiously.

I can't feel any surface consciousness of this guy. Either he is a stone without thoughts and emotions, or he is so powerful that I cannot detect it.

Igarashi spread his hands innocently.

Aren't you going to chase the thief?

Yeah, Parker, hurry up...

The silver-haired girl received Igarashi's reminder and excitedly wanted to call the cat-shaped elf to leave quickly, but the elf named Parker shook his head.

If you can't catch up, as he said before, can you fly over the wall? Before, we were chasing her further and further away. During our conversation, the girl had already gone to nowhere.

Then we shouldn't give up, right?

Even so, judging from the girl's hesitant look, once Parker's tone becomes more forceful, she will simply change the target of her action and think of other ways.

Didn't he say he saw the thief? Why don't you ask him to assist you.

Parker said this in the girl's ear at a medium volume, which even an ordinary person could hear clearly. He wanted to see Igarashi's reaction, and even hoped that Igarashi would see that his daughter was so cute. On the face of it, he offered to help.

Igarashi pretended not to hear, and the girl herself was hesitant.

But if he gets involved in this matter...

Of course I think you are cute because of your stubbornness and kindness, but it would be too stupid to get lost because of your excessive stubbornness and kindness. I don't want my daughter to be a fool who only cares about others.

The girl still looked hesitant, but Kitty suddenly calmed down her expression and spoke in a serious voice.

Also, the sun is going down. I can't help you at night. If you encounter a will be much better to have someone to help you anyway, right?

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