That's right to understand. There are currently no humans in this world. They are all monsters. You can act as you like, but be careful not to hurt the humanoid beings, and don't provoke the Seraph on the mountain. There is also a border called Orpheus. Lolita, you can't beat these.

Levitan panicked. Originally, the only guy she couldn't beat was Igarashi, but now there seemed to be a lot more. Although she didn't know who Ophis was referring to, she could see the mountain Igarashi was pointing to. It was clear that there was more than one energy body with wings there. It was obviously night, but the dense flames and sacred light there illuminated the sky.

Um...will they attack me?

Don't worry, if you don't take the initiative to provoke me, you will be very safe.

Igarashi appeared in the air with Levitan, which was very obvious. The other monsters who lacked intelligence did not react much, but Ophis appeared next to Igarashi, holding the Anle Girl in his hand.

new friend?

Ophis, the Infinite Dragon God, could tell at a glance that Leviritan had considerable wisdom.

Well, if you have time, you can teach her how to transform into a human form.

Igarashi just said casually. After all, Levitan and the Infinite Dragon God are two completely different beings, and their strength is also very different. The only thing they have in common is that their bodies are very large. He doesn't have much hope. Ophis nodded seriously.

Levilitan, this is Ophis, the one I said you can't beat on the border. She is much stronger than the angels on the mountain. Study hard and don't be as naughty as this guy.

As Igarashi said, he pointed at Anle Girl, who was still holding her collar by Ophis and was swinging helplessly in the air, and retorted dissatisfiedly.

What is this guy called? I have a name, call me Anle-chan! How about I named it myself, doesn't it sound good?

Why not call it euthanasia?

Igarashi sighed and said as if coaxing a child.

It sounds nice.

Also, tell me about Ophis! Look at that mountain, it's shiny and interesting. Why doesn't she let me go?

The happy girl refers to the mountain with the Seraph. Because her combat power is not high, her eyesight is not as good as Leviritan's and she cannot see clearly what is on the mountain.

It's right not to let you go. Please be honest.

Originally, Igarashi wanted to go to another world, condense a black core and place it in a corner of his own small world, so that he could produce almost unlimited monsters. However, thinking of the tyranny of illusion, he finally chose to give up. I don’t want the ecological circle that I have finally formed in my own little world to be destroyed by illusory power.

After chatting with the happy girl for a while, and looking at Levitan who meekly let Ophis ride on her, Igarashi left the small world.

He planned to hold a celebration to make everyone in the central courtyard happy.

Chapter 708 Nayako moves into the small world

Treasures from all worlds are stored in Igarashi's space bag. As long as he thinks it is valuable, even the most common herbs will be put in it. This time, he took out some of the inventory, such as... Healing potions that heal various injuries, extremely high defense, various bonus equipment, and even beautiful crystal stones that only serve as decorative lighting were all taken as prizes by Igarashi.

Fighting, playing chess, racing, divination, shooting, singing, and even the Big Eater Competition. Although Igarashi has no restrictions on participating in the celebration, even ordinary people in the Central Court can participate, but there are people with special skills. With the artifact users, ordinary people are destined to be unable to get a good ranking, and the projects designated by Igarashi involve almost all artifact users.

This is just another way for him to give gifts.

After the celebration started, the artifact users had a lot of fun. They were not too obsessed with winning in the so-called competition. It was more like performing a sword dance than An and Jia'er, who kept letting their opponents win during the chess game. Wenzi, Tesla who races while participating in the Big Eater Competition, Amusa who divines everyone's fate, Flora who sings for everyone, and Seham who does not care about human feelings at all and goes all out in the shooting competition. , she was not a person who was good at dealing with people and sophistication, and everyone was accustomed to this.

The atmosphere of the celebration reached its climax after Igarashi brought out a large table of delicacies that he had spent several hours making. This amount could feed hundreds of people, even ordinary people working in the central courtyard. You can eat and drink enough.

after an hour.

Hey, they all got gifts. I didn't. Where's mine?

The eldest lady of the Golden Umbrella, Rei drank some wine, which was Igarashi's high-end stuff mixed with the wine of God. She looked drunk and was questioning Igarashi.

I'll give you God's gift, okay?

The word God woke up the artifact users who were immersed in the joyful atmosphere, and a certain person quietly came to the central court from the upper world again, restrained all his failures, and even wore a mask and pretended to be an ordinary person to participate The celebrating girl shuddered and subconsciously covered her buttocks.

It's something I transformed. It will protect you.

Seeing the reaction of the disguised girl god, Igarashi chuckled. Didn't she realize that all the ordinary people had left at this moment, and only the artifact users were left?

Biting his finger, Igarashi flicked a drop of blood into the air, and then the blood suddenly exploded, splashing onto the backs of the artifact users present, penetrating through their clothes, and turning into simple and mysterious divine inscriptions on their backs. It was a gift from God and then quickly disappeared.

It's not just women. This time, Igarashi made an exception and gave Yan Hua and other male artifacts the gift of God, because they also risked their lives to stand on Ding's side when they were in the most danger.

God's gift does not improve immediately, but gives possibility and protection. Although the artifact users present felt some changes in their backs, they were in a public place and no one took off their clothes to observe the situation. They planned to go back to their rooms at night. Time to take a look.

After the guests and hosts had enjoyed themselves, they dispersed.

As a result, when Igarashi returned to the room, he found Jia'er, Wenzi, and Rei standing at the door. Igarashi tacitly understood this.

Although Ann, Antoneva, and Olussia, who had already had a close relationship before, deliberately did not come, there were enough people at the moment, so it was a big sleeper.

During this period, the girl god appeared at the door. Is this a hint? Igarashi directly captured her and found out that her name was Serafim, and then the two established a close relationship.

Are you leaving next?

In the past few days, Nayako, who had tortured everyone including Erubi in the game, looked at Igarashi happily.

Well, let's go together?

When he leaves, time in this world will stop passing again. Igarashi, who has actually confirmed this, is relieved.

I heard that the little world in your Sword of Glory has changed a lot? Take me to see it.

Nayako's appearance is just that of a girl, and she doesn't seem to be older than a happy girl. As long as she thinks about it, others can't see anything unusual about Nayako, and they don't feel any similarity with the Infinite Dragon God Orpheus from Nayako. A coercive and happy girl, she arrogantly asked Nayako to recognize her as her eldest sister, but Nayako pushed her to the ground and gave her a blast, and then she became honest.

Nayako, who scanned the entire world in a short period of time, pointed at the group of buildings and looked at Igarashi curiously.

There are also buildings like buildings here. I remember you built them when we were in the devil high school world. Why don't you let some ordinary people in?

If some people who have nothing to do with me are let in, and I am too lazy to take care of them, it will be a bit tragic for them to live in a world full of dangerous monsters. As for the girl who is close to me... After all, she is just a person. The imperfect little world is not a suitable place for them to live for a long time, and it will be very dangerous if my sword of glory breaks again.

Actually, with your current level...well, I will stay here for a while.

Nayako opened a hole in the small world and connected it to an unknown space. She kept taking out various snacks and drinks from it until it piled up into a small mountain before she stopped with unfulfilled interest. Then she easily passed through Igarashi's room. The barrier set up in the building complex, I randomly picked a room to stay in.

From now on, this will be my territory, Nayako-sama. Well, it will be the most terrifying forbidden land in the future, a place more terrifying than the Sea of ​​Behemoths, the Mountain of Angels and the World Border.

The Sea of ​​Behemoths refers to the sea area where Leviritan lives, the Mountain of Angels refers to the highest peak where Seraph is located, and the border of the world refers to the place where Orpheus is located. These are the names given by the Anle girl. She is every I went to all the places, and then provoked the owner there. Igarashi had said in advance not to harm humanoid creatures, so Levitan, who saw that the girl was a plant, gave her a gentler sea bath. , Seraph directly knocked her away. As for Orpheus, she did not make any attack on the girl, but the most terrifying thing was that she poured the sea water with good intentions.

And Igarashi stepped into the world passage.

①① Re: Life in a Different World from Zero

Chapter 709 Silver-haired Girl

Igarashi came to a different world. It was not a modern world, but a simple road paved with stones. There were carriages driving on it, and there were mutants with dog ears and cats. It was completely an old Western style building, full of classical magic. era.

These things alone were not enough for Igarashi to identify which world this was. He tentatively released his soul power, and after making sure that it would not cause any chain reactions, he spread it out like a carpet, trying to find something. Something recognizable.

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