Economic losses?

Jia'er shook her head.

The economic losses are secondary. Originally, due to the appearance of illusions and monsters, the population of the Central Court was not large. After this incident, the population was reduced to ten, and many of them were thugs... How should we deal with it? If we follow the regulations , at least they have to be expelled. If we continue to expel ordinary people, there will be no residents left in the Central Court.

Then are you still planning to let them go?

Igarashi opened the tactical terminal, carefully browsed the damage caused by the thugs, and shook his head expressionlessly.

Those who only engage in small-scale robberies or fights can be expelled. Those who burn down buildings on a large scale and kill people should all be put to death.


What? Jia'er, kindness shouldn't be used in this place. We are fighting life and death on the front line, but these ordinary people who are protected by us are causing trouble in the rear. To be honest, according to my character, they will be even worse.

Jia'er would not reject Igarashi's iron-bloodedness. From the moment she risked her life to fight the monster, she was no longer an innocent and ignorant girl. She had other things to consider.

In this case, it may be condemned by other countries in the world, and the corresponding aid will be reduced, which is not conducive to the reconstruction of the Central Court after the war.

Although the large black gates have disappeared, it does not mean that the black gates will never appear again. In the future, the black gates will not only appear in the central court. Let this sentence be made public directly. At the same time, it means that if any country has objections, the central court will not Will take action when it is attacked by alien monsters.

Originally, Jia'er would refute such unkind words, but the person speaking was Igarashi, so Jia'er felt some agreement in her heart and nodded.

As long as the people around him have no objections, everything else won't be a problem at all. If those guys don't know what to do, Igarashi doesn't mind teleporting there and using the rules.

Do you have any reaction to the weather in the Central Courtyard now?

Because I have seen all kinds of strange scenes in the black fog, no one is particularly concerned about the sudden snowfall. Teacher Sybil said that there may be similar changes in history. You may be able to find the answer by looking up the information. They went to the library; Mira and the others said they wanted to have some fun before the snow was heard, so they ran to the park in the central city; Tesla also pestered the aunt in the cafeteria to cook her food. As long as there is no emergency, The situation is that I won’t leave the cafeteria for the whole day.”

Everyone is quite relaxed.

There are also some who are not leisurely.

As Jia'er's words fell, Nayako rushed in with a frown and a tactical terminal.

Igarashi, there's something wrong with this thing of yours. It has such high performance but doesn't have any games. This is a waste!

Sister Nayako, please don't disturb brother Igarashi!

Zero followed Nayako closely, and couldn't help but sigh when he saw Nayako barging in anyway.

The black-tech tactical terminal has various functions, but it does not have games. It is originally designed to facilitate combat. How can it be possible to install games in it?

You go find the people in the technical department and ask them to install the game for you. They've been idle lately anyway.

It seems that Wenzi is also in the technical department when she is not fighting? She is a guy who rarely uses electrical appliances in Dongfang Ancient Street. Why would she go to the technical department for nothing? Could it be that she thinks that the Five Elements Formation inherited from her family is also within the research scope of the technical department.


Igarashi, who brought Nayako to the technical department, happened to see Wenzi standing at the door sneezing. Although the snow was not very cold, the temperature undoubtedly dropped a lot, but Wenzi was still wearing Her sleeveless cheongsam was indeed beautiful, but it was just out of fashion.

Our great chess saint Wenzi, is he going to catch a cold?

Igarashi's ridicule made Wenzi, who was originally a little pitiful, frown.

You guys really don't care about people at all!

Actually, I have already prepared your clothes.

Igarashi took out a black and white Hanfu from the countless inventory in his space bag and handed it to Wenzi.

Try it, I think it suits your style very well, but it is carefully prepared.

Um, thank you.

Wenzi took it at a loss and ran to her room.

Igarashi, who skillfully brushed up his favorability, glanced at Elubi, who seemed to be concentrating on her work. This little loli wearing a rabbit-eared hood was not the type to work selflessly and would appear at such a time. In the technical department, I simply learned that Igarashi was coming and wanted to show off.

But it is undeniable that Elubi's computer skills are indeed very strong. He was even nicknamed White Bird at the beginning, and he can even break through the ordinary firewall of the Central Court to call for monitoring. When there is no need to fight, Alubi is indeed the best in the technical department. Extremely appropriate.

Elubi, stop pretending. I said I would give you a vacation before, but you came here to seek your own death. Come on, I will give you a task to install a game into the tactical terminal.

Elubi was desperate when she heard that Igarashi was going to give her a mission, but then she heard that he was going to install a game in the tactical terminal.

It's simple. Give me permission and I can install the game in everyone's tactical terminal within ten minutes!

Hey, is it pretty awesome?

It's just so so. After all, I've done this before, my own tactical terminal...

Feeling that she had said too much, Elubi immediately covered her mouth and looked at Igarashi uneasily, fearing that he would punish her.

You and Nayako should have a good communication. This time you just need to install the game for her. If others want to do it, we will talk about it then.

Chapter 707 Goodbye Levitan

And you, Jia'er, I clearly promised to take a vacation, so don't always stay with me. Don't Tesla and the others have a good relationship with you? Come and have some fun with them.

Jia'er is not by her side to have a romantic relationship. The main reason is that she wants to serve as secretary and intermediary to report various situations in the central court to Igarashi, and then convey the corresponding results to others. Jia'er's The workload is huge, equivalent to the existing seven members of the central court. Obviously she was just an ordinary student, and Igarashi didn't want her to be so mature at this age.

Before Jia'er could say anything to refute, Igarashi disappeared directly. Seeing this, Jia'er shook her head helplessly and went to the cafeteria to find Tesla as she was told. In the technical department, Nayako was left with Ai Ruby plays online games.

Igarashi appeared in the sea area south of the Central Court. Here lurks a monster that has reached the world level according to the levels of the Central Court-Levilitan. Igarashi forced her to the depths of the ocean, but now everything Now, letting Levitan hide in the sea is not a good choice. Whether it is a human submarine or a passing ship, once her traces are discovered, the artifacts of the Central Court will inevitably have to attack her again.

I had promised to let her live before.

Igarashi did not dive into the sea, and used his soul power to directly pull Levitan out from the depths of the ocean. At this moment, the super-large black door in the central court had just disappeared. People were in shock. There were no other ships on the sea. They were as big as giant whales. , the appearance of Leviritan, filled with terrifying energy, did not cause any panic.

Levitan was still in a weak state and was dragged from the bottom of the sea to the surface like a rag doll by the terrifying force. She struggled in a panic, stirring up waves and even forming a tsunami. After seeing Igarashi clearly, she quickly used her unique The spiritual power speaks out.

You clearly said before that you wouldn't kill me.

The voice made by the giant whale-like Levitan was a childish female voice, and it sounded like crying, which was a little weird, but Igarashi was not surprised after hearing it once.

I'm not here to kill you, I'm just taking you to another place to stay in this sea. Although the area is quite vast, in order not to cause turmoil, you can only move around on the bottom of the sea. Don't you feel very restricted?

...If you want me to return to another world, please let me stay at the bottom of the sea. I feel that returning to another world will cause a bad change.

Levitan seems to be making excuses, but Igarashi knows that she is telling the truth. Illusion power is a relatively high-level energy, and it is also extremely violent. The creatures in this world are too weak to withstand large amounts of phantom power. Infusion, even the world-class monster Levitan will be damaged in another world, and the brain will be eroded by the violent illusion, leaving only the impulse of destruction. This is why some of the monsters emerging from the Black Gate are obviously powerful enough. Formed wisdom, but still only knows the reason for destroying everything.

It's my little world, where you can not only stay in the sea, but go wherever you want.

After Igarashi finished speaking, he took Levitan directly into his own little world without waiting for Levitan to say anything else.

You...are you a god?

The world changed in an instant. Leviritan hoped that this was just a teleportation, but she could not feel the existence of phantom power in the air. Instead, there were other forces more powerful than phantom power. There is no doubt that this is not the original world, nor is it the original world. It was not another world. Levitan looked at Igarashi in awe.

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