And the other artifact users on the side, Antoineva, Jiaer and the others, after carefully observing Nayako and confirming that she was not the artifact user who had been transformed into a living corpse by Hero, they also felt relieved, with pairs of eyes filled with surprise. Staring at Igarashi, the guy who saved the world.

Although the method is a bit speechless, it's like spanking a god or something.

Well, after going through all kinds of things, now you have no problem treating me as a very powerful god.

Igarashi's eyes swept over the Yingying Yanyan in front of him, An, Antoineva, Jia'er, Flora, Ling, Wenzi, etc. Behind them, there were more artifact users who committed their lives to In the hands of Igarashi, he follows Hiro and the rebellious artifact user who was transformed into a living corpse and his combat power increased after taking refuge in Hiro, and even later faced the gods.

Igarashi smiled.

Whether we face Hero or the gods, our Central Court wins.

Oh oh oh!

The Black Gate disappeared in the sky, and now Igarashi's declaration of victory made the artifact users look relaxed. At this time, the artifact user who was responsible for exterminating all the monsters that emerged from the small black gate not far away, his face Purple crystals began to appear on it.

The central court has no measures to cure the reanimation caused by excessive use of magic power, but can only slow down the death process.

The artifact user also noticed something strange about himself and smiled palely.

And Igarashi shrugged.

Being alive was really a headache for me in the past, but now.

Igarashi just invoked the law from a distance, and the illusionary power that had been raging violently in the artifact user's body calmed down and became as docile as a harmless pet.

Even the illusion, which should have no reason and wisdom, simply succumbed to the law.

Chapter 705 Return to the Central Court

Igarashi found helplessly that he had been away from the Central Court for a long time and was full of memories. He had many things to say and wanted to reminisce with the artifact users, but to the artifact users and even other people in the world, there was nothing at all. Time has passed, and Igarashi has been here. He fought against Hiro with them before, and then defeated the gods in a strange way. Until now, Igarashi has not left.

So when they saw the overly strong emotions in Igarashi's eyes when he looked at them, Ann, Antoneva and the others felt strange, but they responded with gentle smiles.

Use my ark to teleport back to the central court?


If the artifact user overuses his illusion power, he will turn into a living corpse. However, with Igarashi's almost endless energy supplement and the suppression of the law, the originally violent illusion power has become more honest now. Not only the artifact user's body There are some inside, and some scattered in the air, even in those areas where the illusion is the most terrifying.

Wow, this is the Central Court? It's very technological!

After being teleported by Antoneva's ark, what appeared in front of Nayako was an alloy building that was not as square as the traditional concept. She seemed very excited, which caused many artifact users to widen their eyes in surprise. In this world, There are still people who don’t know about the Central Court?

Nayako rushed towards the central courtyard with extremely fast movements. The other artifact users tried to stop them, but of course they couldn't. Then Igarashi took out the tactical terminal that had been in his space bag for some time and announced the news. After telling everyone that Nayako is a trustworthy partner and that any area can be opened to her, she also entered the central court with many artifact users.

All the black gates have been cleared, and the black cores have been purified by me. Although small black gates will appear from time to time in the future, but with everyone here, those monsters will not make any big waves. Next, everyone will take a few days off. , Don’t worry, I will stay at my post well, and if there is any emergency, I will handle it in time.”


Most of the artifact users ran away happily. The ones who stayed behind were the girls who had a closer relationship with Igarashi or who had the overall situation in mind.

Igarashi had the ability to completely block the connection between the other world and the central court, and prevent the possibility of the black gate and monsters from appearing again, but he did not do so.

What is the significance of the existence of the artifact?

Most people, even the artifact users themselves, believe that they live to resist the invasion of other worlds, and act according to this creed. Once the world falls into complete comfort, they will be at a loss what to do.

Igarashi, what are your plans next?

An looked at Igarashi expectantly. She was the most excited. Not only had the black core been purified and the gods defeated, but even the race she had been wandering about had been changed by Igarashi and became a real human being. She then wanted to be with Igarashi every minute of every second.

Next? Next is Christmas, let's celebrate the holiday.

There should not be huge weather changes in the central courtyard. The only possible weather changes are caused by the surge of phantom power. Before the Black Gate came, the world was peaceful and there were various festivals. But after the Black Gate came, Everything has changed, almost all entertainment items have disappeared, and everything is based on fighting against alien invasions.

Igarashi pointed out the window. It was snowing outside. It was the celestial phenomenon that Igarashi had changed with his own power. It was white but not cold snow.


An and Jiaer were both stunned. They wanted to pull out the calendar and tell Igarashi that it was not winter now. After seeing the weird weather outside and the snowflakes gradually accumulating on the ground, they had nothing to say.

Well, let's have some fun together.

After a long absence, Antoneva smiled easily. She finally put down all her burdens and looked at Igarashi with bright eyes. He was really the savior, the savior who created miracles.

Hey, Igarashi, where is your tactical terminal? Give me one too! It looks very powerful. I found that its performance is even better than my computer.

Naiko, who had already walked around the central courtyard, ran back. She looked like a very immature girl, about the same age as Zero, which made the maternal artifact users take great care of her. She found that she was relying on being cute. Lord Evil God, who can live a very comfortable life, is determined to make a living by being cute in this world.

Your name is Nayako, right? You're very cute. I'll give you this spare tactical terminal. I've already set up your identity for you.

Antoneva touched Naiyako's head and took out a brand new tactical terminal from her pocket.

As the artifact user responsible for many affairs of the central court, Antoneva can not only give tactical terminals, but also set up new identities without cumbersome procedures such as review. She saw the close relationship between Nayako and Igarashi, and gave Nayako a new identity. The identity authority set by Ako was very high, but because he was worried that Nayako would be ignorant and give random orders or tamper with information, he also restricted some key things.

Thank you sister, the eldest sister is also very beautiful and gentle!

Nayako acted cute under Igarashi's astonished gaze, and then Flora took her to her room, talking and laughing.

Where did you find this girl? She looks so confused. You shouldn't keep her imprisoned at home forever, right?

Wenzi questioned Igarashi with a smile that had not yet dissipated on her face, and the eyes of the other artifact users looking at Igarashi became very deep.

They actually think that Igarashi can imprison the evil god, and they also think that the evil god who can destroy the world is cute and ignorant.

The fate is so wonderful.

Igarashi, who had nothing to say, made some nonsense and received several eye rolls.

Seeing Amusa playing with the tarot cards there, she seemed to want to use divination to find out, so Igarashi said quickly.

Amusa, don't divulge Naiko casually. If you are really curious, divination in front of her.

What are the consequences for mortals who want to explore evil gods? I'm afraid the sanity value will drop.

She's... very powerful?

Well, if you want to divine her, your sacred tarot cards may be directly scrapped, and you may also be injured. Tell her in advance, she may let you see interesting things.

What Igarashi said was terrifying, and Emusa was scared.

Chapter 706 Daily Life in the Central Court

The next day, Igarashi left his room proudly, while Ann was still sleeping. After she became a human, she became a little crazy.

In Igarashi's dedicated office, Jia'er was already waiting there, sorting out files.

Lord Commander, the traitor Hero and all the artifacts under his command were killed, and the giant black gate appeared and disappeared over the central court, causing turmoil. Some ordinary people carried out riots before despair, burning, killing and looting. The central court The court suffered a great loss.”

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