The system dissipated at this moment, and Igarashi felt himself becoming whole.

Why can physical improvement bring about various impacts, while mental improvement can only enhance memory and understanding, as well as the less mysterious mental power?

Because Igarashi's soul is not complete, one corner is missing, and that corner is the system.

This seems to contain a paradox of time, which is difficult to understand at Igarashi's current level. He only felt that his mental power began to evolve into soul power, and then other aspects were undergoing drastic changes and he fell into a deep sleep.

Dang Dang! Chaos, Nayako, who always sneaks up to you with a smile, appears!

In this sea that carries countless worlds, a group of darkness quickly approaches Igarashi from a distance, and then turns into a silver-haired girl. It is Naiko who previously said she would stay in the world of demon high school.

The moment she appeared, the illusory passage surrounding Igarashi surged in power as if facing a powerful enemy, and the burst of light instantly lit up the extremely dark sea of ​​​​world except where the world is.

Alright, alright, I'm not here to cause trouble, I'm here to protect Igarashi.

Nayako turned a blind eye to this terrifying power, waved his hand with a smile, and sat next to him. During this period, there seemed to be an unknown existence peeking here. After seeing the illusory passage and Nayako, he silently Hidden.

In this world that lacks the concept of time, Igarashi didn't know how long it took before he opened his eyes again. Before he felt the changes in his body, he caught a glimpse of Naiko, who was idly playing with the computer next to him.

After looking around in shock and confirming that this was the boundary sea, Igarashi couldn't help but ask.

Nayako, I'm very surprised to meet you here, but how do you play the game? Is there electricity here?

If there is no electricity, just use your strength to create electricity. It's just a small trick. You will be able to do it in a while.

The concept of time of the evil god who has lived for countless years should not be taken too seriously. Igarashi tried his best to feel it. Except that he felt that his status had been improved to an unimaginable level, he didn't have much real feeling. However, his soul power seemed to be very powerful. Not only It has all the functions of mental power, and can also affect people's emotions, but Igarashi already has a more useful law, so he is not overjoyed.

Why, can't you stay in the devil's high school world anymore?

Unaware that it was Nayako who was guarding her while Igarashi was sleeping, he was teasing her casually, just like before, and Nayako didn't say anything about it. Regarding what Igarashi said about the Devil High School, He said with a dissatisfied face.

After you left, that abominable True Red Dragon God Emperor urged me to leave in various ways all day long. Flowers bloomed on the cement floor, forming a farewell pattern, and other messy things. I was so annoyed that I couldn't leave in less than ten days. , time stopped passing in that world.”

Now Igarashi knows that the time in the world he has experienced has stopped passing, not because the power of the system forced the world to stop time, but because he is similar to a contract and has the power of all things. He is the highest ranking person in the order camp and can make the world Nearly endless evolution, in a way that stops time.

Are you coming with me next...?


Nayako nodded vigorously.

Then come with me to the Central Court. The name of that world... is the Eternal City of Seven Days? Hehe, a girl god who controlled part of the world's power forced me to flee, but I have always remembered it in my heart. , with my status that is almost equal to that of the world, plus you, I have to push her to the ground and beat her to cry...

Just as Igarashi said this, he suddenly saw Nayako ready to move, subconsciously took a step back, and asked uncertainly.

Are you eager to help me get revenge and beat that god to tears, or do you want to imitate that guy and fuck me?

Although Igarashi's current dual attributes have reached one thousand, and his status is equal to that of the world, he still cannot see the level of Nayako's combat power. There is no doubt that Nayako is still stronger than him, and Igarashi is a little panicked. .

Calmly taking back the Holy Sword of Physics in her hand, Nayako had a flawless smile on her face.

Ah? What are you talking about? I don't want to say anything, but I also want to see your embarrassment. Let's go and beat the guy you're talking about to tears.

At Igarashi's current level, even if he cannot see the inner world through the brilliance of the world's exterior, the world he has experienced can still be found again by following the traces. He took Nayako to search in the sea of ​​​​the world, and then Found the eternal capital of 7 days.

In this world? I'm not bragging. This is the kind of person that I, Nayako-sama, can crush. I can make a hole with just one fist. Come on, go in, and I'll avenge you.

Nayako looked at it carefully, and then waved his fist proudly, looking excited and wanting to hit someone.

No, I'll do it, you just watch.

Igarashi feels that Nayako will destroy the world.

Compared to other worlds, this world does seem weaker because there is a guy who likes to mess around and is constantly resetting the world, keeping it in the same place.

Igarashi and Nayako passed through the barrier of the world and entered it.

After resetting the world, offer sacrifices. One is the bond with all your friends. The other is the seven days you have spent. The third is absolute humility to the gods. If you can remember these and pay the price, Miracles will happen naturally.

Standing in front of Igarashi was the girl god from before. She was also stopped in time and continued to speak at this moment.

Chapter 704 I promised to beat you to tears

Igarashi glanced at the artifact users present with some nostalgia. They were all girls with whom he had a deep bond. Let's talk about old times later. What we have to do now... Igarashi looked at the expressionless girl in front of him. The god showed a smile full of malice.

I promised to make you cry!

Snap, snap, snap.

Before the artifact users had time to wonder why a silver-haired girl suddenly appeared, they saw the terrifying power of the god who threatened to reset the world. Facing the menacing Igarashi who wanted to reach out and stop him, the artifact users thought that what was coming next What kind of earth-shattering battle would it be? I was even mentally prepared for Igarashi to be defeated and for the world to be reset or destroyed. God just appeared strangely, and even Igarashi didn't notice it, right? Plus that contained... Without the terrifying momentum...

Thinking like this, before the artifact users could feel sad, they saw the god's hand being slapped away by Igarashi. Then, like a powerless little girl, the god was pushed to the ground and spanked by Igarashi. .


The astonished girl god wanted to use her power to reset the world. No, she wanted to give Igarashi a hard lesson before resetting the world. However, she found that her power seemed to be suppressed by a higher-level existence and there was no response. , only by manipulating the power of the world can she have the ability to reset the world. The girl god, whose physical fitness is not much higher than that of ordinary people, was beaten by Igarashi until she screamed in pain.

Does it hurt? You're such a god, I can't even use 1% of my strength. I'll beat you until you cry.

Why are you so much stronger?!

For the girl god, in her perception a second ago, Igarashi could only pose a threat to her. But now, before Igarashi acted, he was like an ordinary person. The power of the girl god was suppressed. Finally, Igarashi's momentum became as terrifying as the abyss, and the girl god felt that she was an ordinary person who stood on the edge of the cliff and almost fell into the abyss.

Hmm... let me think about it, didn't I say half a minute ago that I would make you cry when we meet again? I am the kind of person who sticks to my word.

Igarashi's hands kept moving, spanking her butt at a fixed frequency and with a force that would make her feel unbearable pain but not too seriously injured according to the girl's body.

Two minutes later, Igarashi, who was wondering why the girl god didn't respond. His strength shouldn't make her faint from pain, heard a low sob.

She actually cried.

Igarashi was extremely unhappy with the girl god who tried to reset the world, made all his efforts in vain, and forced him to leave, but it was definitely not hatred. The girl god never thought of killing him, and even said before that once If she dies, she will resurrect herself. When Igarashi used up his lifespan to purify the black core, the girl god was also watching with vigilance. It seemed that Igarashi had the intention to help immediately when his lifespan was exhausted.

So when he saw the girl god crying, he subconsciously stopped.

Without Igarashi's suppression, the girl with tears in her eyes turned around and glared at him fiercely, then disappeared quickly without saying a word.

But Igarashi knew that the girl god had gone to the world above.

An alien world full of monsters and violent illusions surrounds the central court world, and the place where the girl god goes is above the alien world. Using some means, the girl god should be able to observe everything in the lower world.

When Igarashi left, the last black core was purified, and the largest black gate between the central court and the other world disappeared. But now there are still some small black gates in the sky, and monsters come out of them from time to time, guarding them. Other nearby artifact users are wiped out, and the number of monsters seems to be endless. Once the artifact user excessively uses magic power, it will turn into a living corpse. If this continues, the situation will develop into a bad place.

Igarashi raised his hand high and held it in the air. Many black doors in the sky closed strangely. Before, it was a scene of world destruction, but now everything is calm. If it weren't for the illusory power in the air, there would be some riots. The artifact used They may even doubt whether everything in front of them is true or false.

Igarashi, how can you be so strong? Can you turn me into a human... are you a god?

An came close to Igarashi and looked up and down. His face, which was still stained with tears, was full of curiosity and excitement at the moment.

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