It's not always possible to make money! Normally I can't sell things in Axel. Big sister, I've been with you for so long, and I'm not worse than this lich, right? Buy it for me. Buy it for me!”

In the end, Igarashi paid for Cecily.

At Eris's workplace, where the adventurer met Eris after his accidental death, Eris was talking to Aqua.

Senior, do you want to return to heaven?

No, I can't leave until I defeat the Demon King with Igarashi.

Hearing Aqua's excuse, Eris smiled softly.

But senior has never mentioned much about defeating the Demon King. I think that with Igarashi's ability, it shouldn't be too difficult to defeat the Demon King. If we add the people in the team and Princess Alice, victory is destined.

Aqua was stunned for a moment, showing an expression of realization, and then frowned in distress.

Now, Eris, should the Demon King really be conquered? Wiz is also a cadre of the Demon King's army, and even a lich. I would have killed him without hesitation, but Igarashi stopped me. Now I know that she didn't kill him at all. More than humans, are there people like her in the Demon King's army?

I have never met the Demon King, but there are indeed bad people in the Demon King's army who do evil, and there are also good people who are on the opposite side just because of their stance. So in addition to recovering the artifact, I will also try to distinguish the good and bad of the Demon King's army, Aqua-senpai , can you stay here forever? I will talk to Heaven and let you work with me to maintain the stability of this world.

Eris asked with expectation, but Aqua raised her head proudly.

No problem. Igarashi doesn't want to defeat the Demon King anyway, so I'll just stay here. As expected, Eris is an incompetent junior who can't live without me.

Well, why do I feel like senior stays here because of Igarashi.

What did you say? I can't hear you!

Chapter 702 Fireworks display is not romantic

Igarashi, I heard there is a fireworks display today, so I came to play with you.

The third night of the Thank You Festival was a fireworks display. In the afternoon, Princess Alice, Kureya and Rein who used teleportation magic came to Axel. When they saw Igarashi, Rein pulled his hair. The hood tried to reduce the sense of presence. She was still a little scared, but Kureia seemed a little happy. As for Alice, there was an undisguised smile of joy on her face.

Well, let's all join in when the time comes.

At that time? What should I do now? I also want to go to the festival! I heard in the royal capital that Axel held the Eris Thank-You Festival and the Aqua Thank-You Festival at the same time. It's really unbelievable. Doesn’t the Axis Cult always cause trouble? I originally thought that the two cults would fight, but I didn’t expect that it looked very peaceful. Igarashi, come with me to have a look!”

Come and see with me.

Igarashi heard this sentence many times yesterday and the day before yesterday. He accompanied each girl to a festival. Compared with entertainment, this festival was more commercial and full of stalls. There aren't many tricks yet, and Igarashi can memorize where each stall is.


If you want to have a harem, you can only treat girls with the attitude of never getting tired and always treating them like it's your first time.

Fortunately, Igarashi has such a heart and physical strength.

There are more and more people attending the festival, not just humans, but also dwarves, hybrid short-eared forest elves, and even orcs who are rarely seen in normal times. Oh, there are also red demons, lichs and goddesses.

As well as Infinite Dragon God and Happy Maiden.

The happy girl who had previously threatened to conquer Igarashi's small world was tortured by giant toads, jumping lizards, etc. before reaching the highest mountain where Igarashi released several terrifying angels with ulterior motives.

Although she learned a lot of natural magic from Igarashi, Anle Girl herself is not low in talent. Unfortunately, she has no actual combat experience and only has the physical strength of an ordinary person. She is completely unable to deal with such a gregarious monster. It was Ophis who rescued her, and then she cried and huddled in the hut made by Igarashi and didn't want to go out. She bluntly said that the outside world was too scary.

This time Igarashi asked her to come out and experience the beauty of the world, and also let Ophis come out.

There are so many beauties in the festival right now, whether they are goddesses, monster girls or ordinary humans, ladies, girls or lolita. However, under Igarashi's cover-up, either openly or covertly, it did not cause much commotion. sensation.

Time passed by, and after Igarashi waved his hand and said that he would reimburse everyone's expenses and gave each of them two million Eris first, Alice, Rein and the others seemed very happy, not because She was short of money, but was happy for Igarashi's attitude, while Aqua and the others seemed unscrupulous, buying and selling with the momentum of spending all their money, but Yunyun could only hesitate for a moment and looked at Igarashi speechlessly. She asked him if he was serious, but was dragged away by Megumin for a shopping spree.

The sky gradually darkened, and a large bonfire was lit in an open space intentionally left next to the festival. Colorful lights bloomed not far away in the night sky, and cheers could be heard from all around.

The fireworks display has begun.

Igarashi thought this would be a warm and romantic thing, watching fireworks with the girls, but he ended up running forward surrounded by girls.

what's the situation?

Of course I'm going to join the war!

Hey, isn't this a fireworks display? Join the war...

I am an adventurer (knight/princess). If we don't participate in the defensive battle, who will protect the festival?

Chris, who once again disguised herself as a goddess and turned into a thief, explained to Igarashi, who didn't know much about the customs of this world.

Every year at this season, the guild will issue insect repellent commissions. At night, attracted by the bonfires of the festival, the activated insect monsters in the nearby forest plains will fly towards the town. They will hover over the town, looking for attacks. Targets and attack opportunities, fireworks displays are essentially launching large-scale magic towards the swarms of insects flying in the sky. In this country, summer fireworks are a signal to launch war against the gathering insects.

As expected, we cannot treat this world with an ordinary mind.

In the presence of so many powerful characters, it is just a swarm of insects near the Novice Village. There are advanced magicians like Wiz, Lei Yin, and Youyou, and even the timid Anle girl who has mastered natural magic. Can't afford any big waves.

Why not say Huihui? She wanted to use explosion magic, but was suppressed by Darkness. Chris was watching from the side, planning to help when Darkness was unable to catch her.

What they want to do is destroy the insect swarm, not blow up the city.

The three senior magicians deliberately missed a lot of magic. Igarashi was a little strange at first, but when he heard the compliments coming from the festival from time to time, he realized that he and his team were here to guard the town, and the people in the town were watch fireworks.

Ophis also wanted to take action, but was stopped by Igarashi.

The battle that could have been resolved in one minute was delayed to half an hour, and it did not end until the magic power of Wiz, Lei Yin, and Youyou was exhausted.

In fact, the other adventurers' magic power had been exhausted more than ten minutes ago. Since then, it has been a one-man show for the three senior magicians. The celebration was because this year's fireworks display was unexpectedly exciting and lasted for a long time. , the cheers that broke out grew louder and louder.

Although there was no romantic feeling, the girls seemed quite happy.

The girl who didn't know magic wasn't watching from the sidelines, but was trying to stop the bugs that flew down from the sky and wanted to sneak up on the magician.

Seeing that everyone was so tired, Igarashi decided to go back to the mansion and have a real big sleep together... and then it was time to leave.

This world is not perfect, there is no complete world consciousness, and the goddess is weak enough. After confirming this, Igarashi took the initiative to collect the power of all phenomena. Now he has almost collected it, and he has reached the upper limit without affecting the world. .

It's not relying on the system, but Igarashi's own hands.

〇 Interlude, central court

Chapter 703: Equivalent to the World

Thirty thousand experience points, which is the power of all things, Igarashi took a deep breath, and was about to use it to strengthen his attributes, so that both of his attributes would reach one thousand points, when the system suddenly spoke.

Leave this world and strengthen it, otherwise the turmoil will have an impact on the world.

There is no previous prompt sound, and there is no title like host. The system no longer even makes mechanical electronic sounds, but produces normal sounds, exactly the same as Igarashi's.

Igarashi was not surprised by this. He nodded and left the beautiful mentally retarded world through the World Tunnel. Standing in the illusory passage, he looked around at the undercurrents and extremely deep surroundings, and then resolutely used up everything. Power.

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