Sure enough, one cannot naively think that the Axis Order will open a store honestly.

He held Cecily's clothes with one hand. Although she yelled indecent from time to time in an attempt to call the guards, the guards saw from a distance that it was someone from the Axis Order asking for help, and the indecent person had always been famous. After that, the adventurer Igarashi turned a blind eye, only thinking that it was the Axis Cult who was framing good people again.

Igarashi's other free hand caught Aqua who was deceiving the child.

You two, you are very clever when it comes to deception. Are you holding an Aqua Festival or are you here to defraud money? Did you say that the festival can bring happiness?

I'm very happy.

Aqua looked serious. As the goddess of water and the object of Aqua's sacrifice, she was very happy.

Igarashi opened his mouth, but had nothing to say.

Okay, it’s a thank you offering after all.

Come here, Igarashi, there is absolutely no tricks here, and it is the most profitable store at the moment!

Seeing that Igarashi did not refute her, Aqua happily pulled Igarashi to a store. There were indeed many people gathered here.

A certain thief was sitting in front of the shop with his eyes blank. When he saw Igarashi, he waved weakly.

Because I saw that Chris was very idle and wandering around, I dragged her over to check out the store!

The store was holding a lottery, and Chris held three lottery tickets in her hand. Two of the three lottery tickets had the word win written on them. If she won the lottery, she would get double the return of her principal.

Such a high probability of winning draws people here.

A customer paid and then took one of the three lottery tickets in Chris's hand.

Damn! Did you miss again? I doubt there is any possibility of winning. Show me the remaining two lots.

Then the guest saw the word win written on the two lottery tickets that Chris handed over.

There are obviously no traces of magic or deception, so why do I always lose? No, I have to win at least once! Do it again! Lady Luck Eris, please let me win, otherwise I will change my faith. Kusis taught!”

Eh, eh?!

Hearing the other party's low prayer, Chris became anxious, but the guest had already drawn lots.

...Damn it! I hate Lord Eris the most!

Don't, don't!

The guest who still didn't win threw the lottery away, and Chris screamed with tears in his eyes.

After seeing the customer who had drawn dozens of times without winning the prize leave, all the other onlookers also ran away. There must be some unknown trick in this store, otherwise how could it be possible that two-thirds of the winning rate could be achieved in one go? Never got it.

That's great! It seems that it's valuable to bring you here to help! Not only did you look after the store, but you also made the Eris believers change their beliefs!

Aqua patted Chris on the shoulder appreciatively.


Chris looked at Igarashi with tears in her eyes.

As the goddess of luck, it was absolutely impossible for her to lose against ordinary people in this game of probability. She was very sad to see her followers abandon her.

In this way, if you lose the believers who only think about you in the face of profit, you will lose them. It will be fine.

After touching Chrissy's head, Igarashi looked at Aqua who was beside him with a surprised look on his face and smiled.

Why, didn't you realize that Chris is the goddess Eris before? She keeps calling you senior.

Chapter 701 Good Guys and Bad Guys

Eh? Uh...Eris?

Chris glared at Igarashi angrily, then lowered her head in front of Aqua.

Yes, Aqua-senpai, I didn't expect to meet you in this world.

Cecily and Wiz were stunned. Wiz, as a cadre of the Lich and the Demon King's army and an enemy of the goddess's camp, subconsciously took a step back, suddenly attracting Chrissy's meaningful gaze. , frightened, she couldn't help but hide behind Igarashi. She seemed to have forgotten her teleportation magic, and now she always relies on Igarashi when in danger.

Chris directly used her own power and disappeared together with Aqua, presumably returning to the empty temple to reminisce about the past, while Igarashi looked at Wiz.

By the way, Wiz, is the Demon King that uncle who is always shirtless and tries to talk to me every time I go to the Adventurer's Guild? I feel like his magic power is indeed quite high, but well, it's not like that at all. The bad guy, the goddess is not like the goddess, the devil is not like the devil, the princess who is supposed to be weak is stronger than all the heroes, the red demons who seem to be the strongest race are all suffering from chuunibyou, this world is too real.

While Igarashi was talking, Cecily kept retreating. She felt that she had heard too many things she shouldn't have heard. If she continued to stay here, she might be killed or silenced.

Cecilia, didn't you say you wanted to serve Aqua? Why are you running away? I think the Axis branch outside Axel City is too simple. You might as well live in my house. Don't worry, I will I’ll give you a separate room.”

Igarashi will not let Cecily escape, after all, she is a beautiful big sister.

Sister, do I have any other choice?

Cecily gave a forced smile.

Yes, how about you and Wiz live together, but she is a lich and may not be very compatible with you. Are you good at fighting?

Igarashi had a feeling that once Cecily wanted to live with Wiz, Wiz would take action. This would undoubtedly be a discredit to the poor, weak and helpless shop owner, but she did not speak and let Igarashi Lan is talking nonsense.

I'd better serve the goddess. I want to live with Aqua!

Cecily had the illusion that as long as she was with Aqua, Igarashi would not dare to do anything. Now it was only because Aqua-sama and the hateful goddess Eris had left that Igarashi dared to threaten her. , little did he know that Igarashi had already done whatever he wanted to Aqua.

Aqua and Eris are seniors, not rivals. In the future, the Axis Cult should pay attention and don't always think about causing trouble, otherwise they won't make Eris angry... I forgot to mention that, compared to Ah Kuya, Eris’s combat power is a little higher.”

In fact, the goddess in this world has almost no attack power against people other than demons, and can only use some auxiliary things such as healing magic. However, after all, Eris is still a thief, and she specially learned some thief skills, which is better than just a thief. Aqua who learned the banquet skill is much more powerful.


But Cecily, who didn't know the reality of the goddess and was afraid that the goddess would destroy the world in her anger, trembled and became honest.

Igarashi, who had already browsed through most of the Aqua Festival, walked towards the larger Eris Festival next to him, looked at Wiz and asked.

Is there anything you want to buy? I promised to reimburse your expenses before.

I want to eat, but I feel like I'm going to starve to death.

It is rare for a lich to live to this point.

The items at the Eris Festival are much more normal. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are of high quality and low price. Unlike the Axis Cult who cheated and defrauded people, the Eris Cult and the guys from the commercial street simply wanted to celebrate. Becoming more grand, selling things regardless of profit or even losing money, the other is knowing the principle of small profits but quick turnover, and selling things cheaper than usual in this festival with a lot of traffic.

While Igarashi kept buying food for Wiz, there was a long silence. Cecily, who was originally extremely resistant to the Eris Order, also gave up.

Igarashi, big sister, I want to eat too, can you buy it for me?

I bought it for Wiz because it was the condition for me to bring her out, and she has no money. Cecily, I think you are obviously good at cheating money. Where is your money?

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