Boss Megumin reluctantly walked out, but after leaving Igarashi's sight, she obviously felt a lot more relaxed, and even her steps became a little brisker.


When Igarashi pushed open the Wiz Magic Tools Shop, he received an extremely excited welcome from the shop owner. When the Lich shop owner saw that it was Igarashi, he felt depressed again, and it took him a while to regain his energy.

It's Mr. Igarashi, are you going on a mission again? I just happened to have a new batch of goods recently, and I'm a little strapped for money... You came just in time!

Igarashi feels that this magic item shop is more like a collection house than a store, collecting all kinds of things that Wiz likes. After all, they can't be sold at all. Wiz can already be regarded as a woman who likes to buy collections, not As a store owner who normally purchases goods, this actually feels more reliable.

Mission? I'm sorry, no. This time I'm here to ask you to attend the celebration. How about I take care of all the expenses during the period? Of course, don't even think about buying goods or anything like that.

Thank you, thank you very much!

Seeing Wiz's grateful face, almost crying with joy as he thanked himself, Igarashi was silent for a while and asked.

Why do you still insist on opening a shop? You were once a top adventurer, then became a lich, and now you have been a shopkeeper for a long time. Do you not consider changing your profession?

Change your career?

Wiz blinked, looking confused.

“For example, how about being my family’s mascot?”

Under the influence of Aqua and Igarashi, Wiz also knew that mascots are creatures that make a living by being cute, she said innocently.

I still want to continue opening the store, but if you want to see me, Igarashi, I can also go to you.

Forget it, let's go to the celebration together.


There are so many people in the Axel business district now. A huge banner hangs at the entrance, with the words Thanksgiving for the goddess Eris written on it, and the words Thanksgiving for the goddess Aqua are crowded together, which is very uncomfortable. conspicuous.

If people didn't still have expectations for the goddess Aqua, expecting her to be a kind and beautiful goddess like Eris, ordinary people would never do it based on the impressions brought to them by the Axis cultists. Participating in the Aqua Festival.

Stalls and shops are densely packed everywhere in the commercial street. Guys who are usually adventurers now turn into stall owners in order to make money. Some businessmen even heard that Axel was going to hold two festivals at the same time. Came to sell something.

The extremely lively area is the area in charge of the Eris Cult, and the area in charge of the Axis Cult...

It's not okay to sell this kind of stuff without permission! Why are you, the Axis Order, so good at causing trouble?

What does this kind of thing mean? This is a store carefully planned by Aqua-sama. How dare you make irresponsible remarks about it?!

Cecily was arguing with the soldiers patrolling the festival. Igarashi, who was passing by with Wiz, wanted to avoid it, but was discovered by Cecily.

Ah, Mr. Igarashi! You came just in time. Listen to me, this guy is looking for trouble to stop us from doing business!

I'm not looking for trouble, this kind of thing can't be sold at all!

The guard was yelling for himself. Igarashi glanced at the stall. There were a lot of tadpoles in the full water basin. They were no ordinary tadpoles. They were almost as big as a fist. Just looking at them made them feel numb.

Aqua-sama said this. When it comes to festivals, it means fishing for goldfish. Big sister, I don't know much about fishing for goldfish, but I still tried my best to restore this scene, because wild goldfish are really hard to find, so I just You can use tadpoles instead of opening a store...

If I'm not mistaken, this is the baby of a giant toad, right? Is this something you can raise casually?

Igarashi said this, but he had to admit that if it were on other occasions, these tadpoles would be quite useful. If they were artificially bred, the meat of giant toads would barely be considered good in their own little world. Okay, I don’t know where Cecily caught so many.

Don't treat it as a goldfish fishing product. I'll buy them all.

According to the normal price of the monster cub, Igarashi paid the money to Cecily. The beautiful big sister in question originally had some objections, but unfortunately when Igarashi seemed to have unintentionally said something about Aqua After the threats, Cecily became honest.

Mr. Igarashi, what are you going to do with these monster babies?

The soldier on the side asked a little uneasily. There were probably dozens of tadpoles in this large basin. If Igarashi left them in the city, it would undoubtedly be a disaster. There might be a large number of them in a short time. of people are missing - eaten by giant toads.

After visiting the festival today, I will take them out of the city and release them. Do you feel at ease? You can check with the guards guarding the city later.

Yes, I understand, thank you for your hard work, Igarashi-sama! These Axis cultists...

Halfway through his words, the guard glanced at Cecily next to him and left with a sigh.

Chapter 700 Lady Luck

Hey! What do you mean?!

Cecily opened her teeth and wanted to chase her, but Igarashi held her back by temporarily passing the water basin to Wiz, so that her hands were free.

Cecilia, are you really stupid or do you think it's just fun? You casually treat the monster baby as a fish for goldfish. Even Aqua can't do such a thing, right?

Uh...don't Mr. Igarashi like fishing for goldfish?

Aqua should have told you what exactly fishing for goldfish is like, right? This time it's obviously a contest between the Axis Cult and the Aqua Cult. If this continues, do you want to admit defeat on purpose?

Igarashi's words made Cecily sneer with inexplicable pride.

Do you think this is the only stall that the Axis Cult can boast of? For this festival, all the Axis cultists in the city came together and came up with many creative ideas!

Where Cecily pointed, there were more than thirty stalls, and there seemed to be quite a few customers.

It is unbelievable that there are other Axis cultists in Axel City. However, after all, the top leaders of the Axis cult already know that Aqua is the goddess. It is understandable that they specially sent some outstanding priests here for this purpose. .

Would you like to bake a skewer of Kraken? This is roasted using Kraken's cubs. It is a very rare Kraken! It's very delicious!


Kraken is a famous high-level sea monster. Although most adventurers have never seen it, they have heard of its reputation. Although it is incredible that Kraken's cubs are used as barbecue ingredients, it is better to buy one and try it, although it is expensive. Quite a bit.

Isn't this just an ordinary squid? It tastes the same as squid?

After finishing a bunch of what Axis cultists call Kraken roast, the adventurer couldn't help but question.

What are you talking about? Have you ever eaten real Kraken? The Axis Order can guarantee that this is undoubtedly Kraken!

Come, come, come and see the wonderful cabin! Now we are showing the rare hybrid species in the world captured by the brave Axis cultists and born from fish and mermaids! Ah! Guests, please don't stay in the cabin Crazy, are you so surprised?

Stop talking nonsense! Give your money back, you bastard! Isn't this just a slightly bigger fish?!

As I said, this is a mixture of fish and mermaid!

Why don't you come and play shooting? If you hit the center of your eyebrow accurately, you will get a luxurious prize.

Hey, your shooting doll looks too much like Lord Eris in the church picture, right? You guys should stop blaspheming Lord Eris!

Geez, did you encounter the obstruction of the Eris cultists on the first day of the festival... Guards, come here! Arrest the Eris cultists here quickly!

Igarashi felt as if he had arrived at the scene of a large-scale fraud gang committing a crime, and there were mobs deliberately provoking trouble.

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