At this time, Igarashi noticed that the temperature in the room was unusually high. Summer was coming soon, but the winter stove in the room was lit.

This is not a special play. I was asked by Darkness to help her practice for the Patience Tournament. She seems to be participating in the Patience Tournament held every summer in this city.

Yuyou finally organized her language and explained clearly to Igarashi.

Chapter 693 Check-in

Igarashi thinks that Darkness is being too kind to her because she still wants to participate in the Patience Tournament.

So in the following time, Igarashi asked Darkness to bring him tea and water in a sexy maid outfit. As expected, the other party stopped mentioning the patience conference. She blushed and covered her chest with one hand and made tea for Igarashi with the other.

Then when Igarashi asked her to serve him and take a bath, he blushed and ran away.

What? Sure enough, I haven’t reached the point of being shameless.

Igarashi once asked Aldap to die, and his adopted son inherited his property and status, but Axel's position as lord was still changed to Darkness's father.

Unexpectedly, because of Igarashi, Darkness' family has grown a little further.

She was obviously a more noble lady, but Darkness was still the same as before, and Igarashi had a headache.

But recently she only showed this side at home. When she went out to complete adventure missions, although she still rushed to the front, her main purpose became to protect her teammates... and her secondary purpose was still the same.

In the evening, Igarashi was about to continue training Darkness and satisfy her special hobby. He said that he would not sleep with Aqua again, and even prepared to drag Megumin along if she disturbed the situation. I planned to come in, but Chris came again.

She also left the royal capital and came to Axel.

The thief lady who broke into Igarashi's room through the window was holding a magic lighting crystal with windproof function in her hand, and she seemed to be prepared in all aspects.

Goddess, you miss me so much? Recently, you have been visiting me late at night every day.

Seeing that he could no longer take advantage of her, Igarashi was very unhappy. He bluntly exposed the other party's identity, which made Chrissy, who had always suspected that he knew her identity as a goddess, uncomfortable.

I'm not the goddess, I'm Chrissy.

Chrissy's eyes were wandering, and she scratched the scars on her face as if interrupting, while making some clumsy retorts. After a while, she felt that her various excuses were too pale, so she simply said.

How on earth did you find out?

I knew when I first met you that Igarashi certainly wouldn’t say that.

Because every time you are troubled, you subconsciously scratch the scars on your face. When you were a goddess, did you use makeup to cover up the scars?

Haha, you are indeed Mr. Igarashi.

Chrissy, who suddenly stood up, pretended not to hear Igarashi's last question, and started a one-man show like a prisoner whose crime was revealed by a detective.

Yes, as you might imagine, sometimes he is an adventurer, sometimes he is a righteous thief, sometimes he is Darkness's friend, but his true identity is...

You're in great spirits.

...You are surprisingly calm. Knowing that I am a goddess, you should be a little more excited!

Chris sat down again as she spoke, her face showing the seriousness she had when she was the goddess Eris, but then she remembered something and returned to the casual look she had as a thief.

In fact, the only difference between Chris and Eris is their hairstyle and whether the scars on their faces are obvious or not. Their appearance is only different through makeup. However, because their temperaments and personalities are so different, it is difficult to connect the two. Come together.

Speaking of which, the goddess Eris or the thief Chris, which one is the real you?

Igarashi stared at the beautiful girl in front of him and looked up and down. As a goddess, her gentleness and kindness did not seem to be fake. As a thief, her straightforwardness and cheerfulness seemed to be true. Is this a special skill of the goddess? Can you control your personality at will? Then why didn't that guy Aqua.

Chrissy showed a mischievous expression as if she was playing a prank.

Chris or Eris, which one do you like?

Children only do multiple-choice questions, and I like them all!

Uh...Yeah, I forgot that you are not a guy who can use common sense to judge. Originally, I thought you would be a little hesitant, something like a confession.

Chris, whose eyes were wandering back and forth, opened and closed the condiment bottle on the table, and she was confused.

You underestimate me. The cheerful thief and the healing goddess, I want them all! If you can switch between Chris and Eris every day, it won't be like being with two people. Is it the same in dating? It’s amazing, one person is a harem.”

Bad, bad!

Chris threw the condiment bottle over, and Igarashi took it easily.

Then Miss Chris comes to see me again, what do you want me to do? You don't want me to look for a certain artifact again, do you? I obviously want to stay home for a few days.

Facing Igarashi like this, Chrissy grinned.

That's not true, at least not this time. I want to have a room with you. Every time before, I had to go back to the sky at night, either find a hotel or sleep on a tree. I also want to feel normal. The ordinary daily life of an adventurer.”

Normal adventurers don't live in mansions.

Just tell me whether you agree or not!

Looking at the angry Chris, Igarashi nodded without hesitation.

I agree, of course I agree. You can choose whichever room you want to live in.

I also roughly guessed that you would agree. After all, he is a guy with ulterior motives. However, how should you tell your companions? You are not allowed to reveal my identity as a goddess.

This is simple.

Igarashi brought Chris to the living room, where the girls who had the habit of staying up late were still gathered here. He looked at the Yingying Yanyan in front of him, waved his hand, pointed at Chris beside him and introduced.

This is also my wing. Yes, he is our new partner and comrade. He will live here from today on. Well... maybe he won't live here sometimes.


Darkness's eyes widened with surprise.

You've joined our team too? That's great! I can continue to have adventures with you in the future!

When Darkness prayed in the church and found a partner, Eris came down to earth as a thief and became her best friend. The relationship between the two was extraordinary. When Chris had her underwear stolen by Igarashi, other people also had a relationship with her. It was a one-time acquaintance, and now that they saw her joining, most people had no objections, except...

Wait a minute, how can a newcomer join the team without passing the test of me, the vice-captain and the most powerful magician?

Hui Hui.

Chapter 694 Eris Festival?

Originally, it was extremely difficult for Megumin to find an adventure team, and she would not consider anything else. Now, her life is getting better and better in Igarashi's team, and she is naturally very happy. She would not have done anything like this in Igarashi's team. She objected when she made the decision, but this time, she was really unwilling. She didn't want any more girls to join the team. She felt like Igarashi was being divided again. She hadn't received much yet. Since the Red Devil, After Ri left, he barely spoke to Igarashi...

Igarashi easily saw what Megumin was thinking. Well, if the child is not good, just give him a spanking. Since Megumin is not a real child, Igarashi will also beat him in another way.

Since no one has any objections, it's settled.

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