Eh? I obviously...

Halfway through Megumin's words, she was carried to her room by Igarashi. Darkness was excitedly reminiscing with Chris and didn't pay much attention to the changes around her. Aqua, she was not good at observing at all. The guy had been half-lying on the sofa, drinking wine and eating snacks. Chrissy noticed it, but she pretended not to notice, because she was afraid that she would also fall into Igarashi's clutches.

But from the moment Chris moved into the mansion, it was like a sheep in a tiger's mouth.

Igarashi beat her too hard at night, and Megumin didn’t get up the next morning.

In the morning, Aqua broke into Igarashi's room without knocking. She glanced at Megumin sleeping on the bed, but she didn't care. She stared at her sitting at the table lazily drinking with a serious face. Juice's Igarashi.

Do you know about the Eucharist of Eris?

The Festival of Thanks to the Goddess Eris is a celebration to express joyful thanks for spending the year safely and to praise Eris, the goddess of luck.

It is said that it is a regular event held all over the world at this time of year.

Go and talk outside.

Glancing at the sleeping Megumin, Igarashi knew that she was tired. In order to prevent the sound of talking from disturbing her, he closed the door and took Aqua to the living room, where Darkness and Chrissy were chatting. Lan sat down on the sofa not far from them, and Aqua sat opposite him.

The Eris Festival, you know, it seems like you are going to dress up as the goddess Eris so that you can live safely in the year before the next festival, but... I heard that women are not the only ones who dress up as the goddess Eris. , I kind of don’t want to see it, a cross-dressing guy or something like that.”

Chris, who was chatting with Darkness, blushed when she heard the term Eris Festival.

Seeing that Igarashi seemed to show disgust, Aqua knocked on the table in agreement.

That's right! You don't want to see it, right? Besides, it's so unfair that there is an Eris Festival but no Aqua Festival! Let's end this year's Eris Festival and start the Aqua Festival instead!

Don’t talk about sacrifices, just be civilized.

Chrissy, who was drinking tea at the side, spit out the black tea in her mouth.

Aqua ignored Chris who was coughing and Darkness who was patting her back to help her breathe, and continued to speak loudly with emotion.

Also, for some reason, Eris seems to have a very good reputation! Although that child looks very virtuous, he is actually a very naughty type! He talks to himself and has a lot of things on his back. He thinks about everything. I try to solve the boring problems myself as much as possible. I helped the immature child clean up countless messes in the past, which is simply countless!

While Darkness was looking at Aqua wordlessly, Igarashi quietly leaned into Chris's ear.

Did you really ask her to help you many times?

...Only one time, but it was because I continued to complete the tasks assigned to me by my seniors. My own work was piling up unknowingly. When I was troubled by this, my seniors said with a proud face: It's really Yeah, there's nothing I can do about you, Eris can't do it without me!] Come and help me...

Is the stuffy jar thing a lie? After all, the goddess has been asking me to find the artifact, and she is also very active in looking for me every night...

Well... well...

Darkness ignored Igarashi and Chris who were whispering, and said to Aqua with a look of helplessness.

Really, Aqua, you are in bad luck just because you always say nonsense and belittle Eris-sama. The disaster you always suffer is undoubtedly a divine punishment from Eris-sama!

What are you talking about?! Then I was suddenly chased and bitten by a playing wild dog, the ice cream I just bought fell on the ground, and I didn't catch a single cabbage before, so the monster I defeated had no possibility of existing. Are these precious materials all the fault of Eris?! That girl Eris is so cute, why did she treat me like this!

Igarashi watched in amusement as Chris shook his head desperately with tears in his eyes. He opened his mouth to let Darkness, who admitted that it was neither true nor admitted, get out of the deadlock.

Okay, Aqua, stop the Eris Festival. Do you want to be an enemy of the world? The Eris Festival is held all over the world.

Hearing this, Aqua frowned, feeling that there were indeed too many ignorant people who believed in Eris in the world, and sighed.

Forget it, I'll leave it to my juniors, but Axel must hold the Eris Gratitude Festival!

There should be similar events in Alcanretia, the hot spring capital of the Aqua Cult, right? Isn't this enough? There's not much difference between holding it in one city and holding it in two cities, right?

Igarashi's repeated persuasion made Aqua furious.

Igarashi, you stingy guy! Hmm, Darkness will definitely disagree, so I'll solve it with Megumin and Chris! I'm going to hold an unprecedented and super gorgeous party in Axel. Aqua Festival!”


Chrissy let out the loudest scream of the day.

Seeing her reaction, Aqua glared at her.

What, do you have any objections? As a newcomer who has just joined the team, are you going to go against the wishes of my high priest, Aqua? long as senior is happy.

Chris agreed dumbfounded.

Chapter 695 Something suspicious

Help you make ice? Then should I help you make a stick?

Aqua, who threatened to hold an Aqua Festival and dragged Chris and Megumin with her, found Igarashi again and asked him to make ice for her.

What is a staff? I just feel that summer is about to enter and it is a bit hot, so I plan to sleep on the ice to cool off at night.

My profession is a swordsman master. I don't know magic. You still have to do this kind of thing...

You obviously know the thief's stealing skills! And you also used fire magic and water magic during your previous adventures. You can definitely use ice magic too, right?!

Aqua suddenly became smarter, and Igarashi was surprised and no longer refused.

Okay, I'll make the ice for you, but aren't you going to hold the Aqua Festival? Is this related to the Aqua Festival now?

It doesn't matter, but I have already thought of a plan. As long as the Axis believers who believe in me gather together, my lovely children will surely move others and hold a grand Aqua Festival!

Gathering Axis cultists in a city outside Alcanretia? Still want to impress others? Just those Axis cultists?

Thinking of the fact that even with resources like hot springs, Alcanretia's tourism industry was extremely mediocre because of the Axis cultists that normal people were uncomfortable with, Igarashi looked at Aqua with pity.

Then go ahead and implement it.

You are not a goddess, and you who are not loved may not understand this feeling, but isn't it a bit shameful to ask your followers to hold a celebration to praise you? So I hope someone will accompany me, and then mention it to my followers in an insinuating way. It’s about the celebration!”

Aqua scoffed at first, and then she showed a rare expression of consideration and thoughtfulness. Then she looked at Igarashi without saying a word, and she actually learned to make innuendoes.

You want me to accompany you? I don't! I said before that I don't want to get involved in this matter. You go find Megumin or Chris. Didn't you promise that they would help you before?

Kris ran off to who knows where this morning. I will punish her later. She is a new adventurer but she doesn't cooperate well with her seniors. Megumin said she has to meet an acquaintance today so she can't accompany me. Even if Even Darkness is going to see her father.

Then I'm going to meet an acquaintance today, Wiz or Yoyo, I'll go find them.

Don't go! I was the one who came first!

Seeing Aqua suddenly transforming into a Bai family, Igarashi opened his mouth, but finally compromised.

It was a small building on the outskirts of Axel.

This is it. Although it looks like a small church, this kind of place exudes the low-keyness of Axis believers. It feels very good.

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