Let's go back to Axel.

Chapter 692 Food Review

Under Wiz's teleportation magic, the group returned to Axel instantly and were treated like heroes.

The Igarashi Adventure Team's exploits in expelling the Demon King's Army cadres many times have spread, and they were even received by Princess Alice, making them a very famous team.

Their team is a super team that has expelled the cadres of the Demon King's Army many times. At first, I was worried that they would be destroyed one day. It is obvious that the team is full of problematic guys.

Isn't it right? Captain seems to be fine.

If the captain has no problem, how can he recruit such players? But this is probably why these guys can do things that we can't do.

I want to marry the boss Igarashi! Then I will be kept!

Well, these are not normal words. I thought there would be some normal praise.

A group of people who are always going out recently are enjoying life in Axel City.

Igarashi went to the small world to take a look. After the girl got Ophis' snake, she slept for many days, and finally evolved to the point where she could move freely. Then she continued to challenge Ophis, and was beaten as a matter of course.

After all the sneak attacks and other methods were used to no avail, the happy girl realized it.

I'm going to find magic and weapons that can defeat the devil!

The happy girl made such a declaration and left the boundaries of the small world, escaped from Ophis who was constantly expanding her territory, and went to explore the world.

With Ophis' ability, it is not difficult to find happy girls. She often goes to water the happy girls on the road.

The water was still seawater. When Igarashi first designed the small world, all lakes and oceans were filled with seawater.

Because there is a lot of sea water and too little fresh water such as lakes and rivers.

I don’t know how many times I saw the happy girl being controlled by Ophis, crying and being baptized by the sea water. Igarashi discovered his conscience and used the magic of summoning water to create a freshwater lake, and told Ophis that he wanted to give the happy girl to the girl in the future. If you water, use the water here.

And the others in the team...

Hey! Who is cooking this? Go tell the chef and tell him that Megumin, the great magician who destroyed the Mobile Fortress Destroyer and expelled the Demon King's army leaders, is here!

Remember to tell him that the high priest, Ms. Aqua, also asked him to come over!

Aqua, who is getting richer and richer, and Megumin are looking for delicious food in restaurants in Axel City like a daily patrol.

Soon after, a guy who looked like a chef came to them.

Please, do you have any comments, guest? Is there anything you don't like?

Being called out suddenly, the ordinary chef looked timidly at the expressions of the two famous adventurers.

No, this dish is delicious, so I want to say thank you. There are not many dishes that my God's Tongue, who has been enjoying delicious food in the capital recently, can give a good review.

Many, thank you for the compliment!

Facing the confused chef who lowered his head to thank him, Aqua gracefully took out a tissue and wiped her mouth while speaking.

Wine is used to enhance the flavor of this stew, right? The astringent taste is red wine, and the brand should be...that's right! It's Romanée-Conti aged for thirty years! Right?

Roman what?...

The chef was confused about the term Aqua said, hesitated for a moment, and decided to tell the truth.

I used the vinegar I just bought at a special price.

Aqua, who wiped her mouth gracefully, paused and returned to her original position.

...Yeah, it's amazing how cheap vinegar can bring out such a flavor.

Thank you for the compliment.

Knowing that they were not looking for trouble, the chef, who was relieved for the time being, bowed to the two adventurers.

Facing such a chef, Megumin raised the half-eaten meat in her hand.

As the high priest said, the stew is indeed very delicious, but in my opinion, this very soft meat, yes, it is like the impact of my explosive magic, the destructive power that destroys everything, perfect! What, you can Do you understand? Chef.

I don't understand at all.

Really, you are indeed a foolish mortal. My most powerful magician, Megumin, will give this store three stars for the time being.

I also give this store three stars.

Finally dealt with it.

The chef quietly wiped the cold sweat on his head. Recently, word has spread in the town that there are a few guys in the adventurer team reviewing restaurants and there is also a set of star ratings. They are meaningless and meaningless, but they are very effective. It's generous, as long as you try your best to answer their questions, there will be tips.

This is a thank you gift for the delicious food. Take the change as a tip. Remember, this is a gift from the great magician.

Megumin wore the same cloak and walked out of the store with her head held high.

And Aqua also left gracefully.

Miss Darkness...is this really okay?

It's okay, tie it tight and use force! I want it again, again!

Igarashi, who came out of the small world, was shocked when he heard such a conversation, and then saw Darkness wrapped in a quilt, and Yunyun who was tying a rope to her body with a hesitant expression.

It's not winter now, it's late spring, and summer is about to begin.


Igarashi closed the door without saying a word.

Don't close the door! Don't get me wrong, it's not like that!

Youyou rushed out with tears in her eyes, still holding the rope in her hand.

Okay, okay, I understand, I didn't see anything, you continue.

This is the one, Darkness...

When Yuyou caught Igarashi, she tried her best to keep him.

Well, I didn't expect to join in the shameful play, but even if Igarashi sees it, I won't give in!

Miss Darkness, please don't speak now.

Yuyou rarely showed an angry expression in front of Igarashi.

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