Chapter 691 Go back

There is no psychological burden on you!

Chris has no mysophobia. Whether or not she has a psychological burden does not depend on the condition of her clothes, but on the guy in front of her who clearly has ulterior motives.

Igarashi’s expectant eyes filled Chris with a psychological burden.

Chris, put it on quickly! I suddenly feel that my stealing skills are going to be activated out of my control. Only this dress can stop it! Otherwise! Otherwise, your underwear...!

Seeing Chris hesitate, Igarashi fiercely grabbed his right hand with his left hand, as if he couldn't control himself.

This is a naked threat.

Although she had a lot of useless things to prevent theft, but remembering Igarashi’s previous mastery of theft skills, Chris finally chose to put on a dress in order to prevent her underwear from being stolen.

Igarashi didn't dare to peek, so he let her take out a piece of cloth and hang it up to make a simple dressing room, and change clothes in it.

Okay, okay...

Chris took the cloth away uncomfortably and walked out, looking at Igarashi with a nervous and expectant look.

She is worthy of being a goddess of the same caliber as Aqua. Not only does she have a goddess-level beauty like Aqua, but she also has a rare personality that matches her status as a goddess. As a thief, she looks heroic wearing that adventurous equipment. The goddess was very sacred in that priest-like costume. Now, wearing a black dress, she looked like an elf at night, like a princess.

However, Chrissy's figure is too restrained, and she looks a bit like a girl character without breast pads.

It looks good, Chris. Think about it, how nice it would be to wear this outfit when moving at night. The black color can blend into the darkness of the night. Even if someone sees you accidentally, they probably won't be able to spot you.

Before Igarashi could talk nonsense for long, he was interrupted by Chris angrily.

This kind of dress is not convenient for movement at all! It's fine for ordinary walking, but once you run or jump, this dress will restrict you. You just want me to wear this dress to show you in the future, right?!


Igarashi nodded honestly, leaving Chris speechless for a moment.

Now that you've seen it, are you satisfied?

Satisfied for now.

Hearing this, Chris put on the thieves' equipment again with quick movements, hesitated for a moment, wrapped the dress in cloth, and whispered with a red face.

Help me find the artifact, and I will show it to you next time.

Opening the window of the house, Chris disappeared into the city as dawn approached.

Although she has a restrained figure, Chris just now did make Igarashi have the urge to throw her down.

The reason why Igarashi let Chris leave so easily was because dawn meant that Aqua and the others would come to him.

Well, whether it’s Aqua, Darkness or Megumin who comes next, even if it’s Yunyun or Wiz, I’m going to push her down!

Anyway, from the previous relationship, the relationship has come naturally, and Aqua and I are already an old couple, and we have done a lot of intimate things with Megumin.

Sir Igarashi, thank you for your rescue last night.

It turned out to be Kureia.

There were faint dark circles under her eyes, and it looked like she hadn't slept well after returning, but she still came over early to thank her and bowed deeply to Igarashi.

Igarashi's conscience hurt a little again, and this remaining conscience almost hurt to death.

Shh, don't say anything, just keep it in your heart, in case someone hears it...

Kureya suddenly trembled and looked around cautiously, showing a grateful expression of thanks for the reminder, but before it lasted long, Aqua's unsteady voice sounded at the right time.

What did you hear? Why is Kureya here? Are you here to see Igarashi too?

No, no! I just happened to be passing by, yes, just passing by!

Kureya's hurried defense was really unconvincing. She was clearly talking to Igarashi just a moment ago, but Aqua actually believed it. She actually believed it!

Oh, let's go then, Igarashi. Is the wine you gave me last time really gone? I went to the palace to find high-end wine to drink, but it didn't taste as good as the one you gave me...

Aqua ignored Kureya and grabbed one of Igarashi's arms and started talking to him, showing an intimate gesture. Seeing this, Kureya left a little embarrassed and lonely.

It was obviously being teased by him, but in the end it looked like he was conquered by him.

Igarashi suspects that Kureya is a fake Lily.

Hey, I'm talking to you, do you hear me? Igarashi? Igarashi?!

Aqua was chirping on the side, which made Igarashi frown, and he broke away from Aqua's hand with a look of displeasure on his face.

Have you had a lot of fun in the palace these days? Do you know that I feel lonely sleeping alone in the villa? You don't have any idea, and you still ask me for a drink. Let me tell you, no, it doesn't exist!

Igarashi, who was either teasing Chris or teasing Kurea every night, was talking nonsense again, but Aqua couldn't tell it at all, and she became a little embarrassed.

Then, what you asked to do when you returned to Axel before, I will do it for you now.

That's the reward for the previous bottle of God's Wine. Why, do you want another bottle?

You really still have it?!

Aqua excitedly pulled Igarashi into the house. She and Igarashi did some comfortable things and drank wine. No matter how you think about it, it was all earned by herself, although sometimes he would make herself weird. It's just a little weird to change clothes and say special lines.

At this moment, Aqua had completely forgotten that Igarashi had lied to her about running out of wine.

Then Igarashi and Aqua spent the whole morning happily.

At noon, many people came.

Megumin, Yuyu, Wiz, and Darkness are the members of Igarashi's adventure team, as well as Princess Alice, the magician sister Rein, and the white-suited girl Kurea.

Are you really going back to Axel today?

Alice looked at Igarashi with tears in her eyes.

The members of the adventure team were looking forward to hearing a positive answer from Igarashi, and so was Rein, but she was just afraid of Igarashi.

Princess Alice wanted to see Igarashi shake his head, and so did Kureya, who had experienced too many things in one night.

Yes, but Alice, you can secretly ask Lei Yin to use teleportation magic to bring you here. If there is a chance, I will take you to experience the life of an adventurer.

Igarashi said this into Alice's ear, and he could clearly see the girl's white ears gradually turning red.

Originally, Kureya would have scolded such transgressive behavior, but now she was silent, while Rein did not dare to speak.

Igarashi smiled at his team (rear) friend (miya) and said.

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