Mount Olympus chose Zeus, and the Greek pantheon with Zeus was now one of the overlords of the divine world.

...The God King of the Divine System is no longer needed.

Athena sighed quietly, but her obsession dissipated. Her era had passed. The former subordinate gods were demoted to the earth mother goddess and dragon and snake to survive in the secluded world. Even Mount Olympus was no longer there. Admitting herself, looking at Zeus with a look of surprise on his face, Athena flashed and appeared next to Igarashi.

Restore the tampered myth to its original state, and that's the end of it.

The god king of the pantheon can tamper with the myths within the pantheon to weaken and downgrade the gods, just like giving Athena's Medusa personality the fate of being killed by heroes. From then on, Athena will be partially restrained by the Hero of Steel. , of course, this restraint has no effect under the huge power gap.


It seems that the God King who has been addicted to the love between men and women and has survived in the God Realm for hundreds of millions of years has such obvious flaws in the lower world for only a hundred days. Seeing the intimate posture of Athena and Igarashi, Zeus secretly smiled in his heart and labeled the lower realm as a fallen place, but with a calm expression on his face, he corrected the myth that he had distorted with the help of Mount Olympus.

In the Nether World, several hidden places erupted with extremely strong auras and were expelled from the God Realm. The Earth Mother Goddess who slept here returned to their peak after many years and became gods. They were limited by the will of the world but had no divine power. , can only exist as disobedient people, but this has made them cry with joy, and they are ready to find their former god-king-Athena.

My business has been completed.

The complete Athena stood next to Igarashi, taking one last look at Mount Olympus, which she once ruled. The only remaining memory disappeared, and she turned to look at Igarashi intently. After that, Igarashi still has We will give full support to any plan.

Can you open the Covenant Law?



The few words Igarashi exchanged with Athena made many gods who were secretly relieved to see that no god king was seriously injured and that the covenant law was not weakened became nervous again. The covenant law is to unite all the forces of the gods to fight against the will of the world. The fundamentals must not be lost.

Stop! Igarashi, although the power you control makes us respect you, you can't overstep it again. The covenant law must not be opened!

The gods let out a roar that could be heard for thousands of miles. If that great terror took this opportunity to invade, the God Realm would suffer unbearable losses.

You underestimate the will of the world.

Igarashi's sighing made the gods angry, but at the same time he understood a little. Yes, the great terror should not be some evil god, one who could take the entire divine world as his opponent and confront the world's most peak power. It is the world itself.

Underestimating? We ignored each other's positions and united with hundreds of true gods and dozens of god kings to form the Great Law of the Covenant. This is already the most cautious posture of the world's will against the great terror outside the divine world. The Great Sage Master Qitian The four disciples worked together to open the Great Covenant, causing the God Realm to lose a God King, and also weakening this divine art for two hundred years. This must never happen again.

Are there only a few hundred true gods in the God Realm?

Igarashi was a little surprised, but when he thought of Neon, one of the pinnacles of the eight million gods, Yuhuo's posture was inconsistent with the gods, and he understood.

Then I'll prove it to you.

Igarashi stood on the edge of the Covenant Dafa and glanced at the gods who appeared here with wary faces. He shook his head slightly to stop the Monkey King and other gods who had some connections with him, including the Great Sage who seemed to want to help, as well as Athens around him. Na, said towards the outside of the God Realm.

The will of the world, I have a way to change this deadlock. You don't want the strength of the world to stop here, right? To prove it, I have the goodwill of a world, and I have helped that world solve big troubles. Is that enough?

The faces of the gods who were originally surging with divine power showed panic, and the great terror outside the divine world descended.

The Great Covenant Barrier, which has high hopes from the entire God Realm and gathers the power of the gods, has no resistance and is silently broken into a large hole. A noble will appears there, which can make the true gods lose their resistance. , the noble will that can suppress the God King.

Why? Such a powerful covenant was broken so easily? The gods began to tremble. They discovered that even though they treated the great terror with the most caution, they still underestimated it. The so-called stalemate was just a joke.

what way?

The way to communicate the noble will is not through words, but this sentence appeared in Igarashi's mind. If he hadn't felt that the system had its own laws and the power of everything began to shine, Igarashi even felt that what he had experienced Everything will be seen through by the will of the world.

The will of the world in this world is stronger than the one that destroyed the world.

Chapter 565 Transaction

In the dungeon world, the story of gods descending from heaven to become humans and sealing divine power to the lower world not only did not cause damage, but attracted the people of the lower world to become adventurers, out of protection and left alone for the will of the world to watch, Igarashi hopes to use this to convince the world Will and let it change its attitude towards the divine world.

As long as they are in this world, they are all subjects of the will of the world, and gods are no exception.

Therefore, even if the gods regard themselves as enemies, the world's will, which lacks subjective wisdom, will let it go and maintain the status quo, lest the unrestricted gods destroy the world at will and cause irreparable losses.

The so-called supreme masterpiece of the God Realm connects many divine courts to form an iron wall. The entire God Realm will bear the attack launched anywhere outside the God Realm. It can be broken by the will of the world in an instant.

...The gods in your memory have reasons why they have to go to the lower world.

Seemingly seeing the existence of the dungeon, and seeming to see the disaster before the gods came to the world, the will of the world began to talk to Igarashi.

Gods and humans are two kinds of life. Gods will not be too merciful to humans, and the balance cannot be broken. In this world, gods are still only allowed to go to the level of gods of disobedience. Igarashi, this experience of yours is very good. So, what do you need in exchange?

Although the methods currently displayed by Igarashi are not worth mentioning to the will of the world, like the alliance law, they cannot pose a threat to the will of the world itself, but it still follows the principle of equivalent exchange and asks Igarashi what he wants. Although he was asking, the will of the world seemed to already know what Igarashi needed, and a ball of all-encompassing power appeared in front of Igarashi.

Is this what you want?

The power of this mass is 40,000 points. If all of it is used to strengthen it, even the three brothers of Zeus with the backing of Mount Olympus, Igarashi is confident that they can easily defeat them. However, when he first came The purpose of this world is no longer Igarashi’s only pursuit.

Can a complete Athena live in this world?

Even if the will of the world will reduce the power of all things, Igarashi has to mention that he does not want everything to go back to the starting point, and God King Athena continues to live in the God Realm.

Athena...Okay, I have seen her attitude towards the world, but, Igarashi, remember, don't destroy the continental plate, don't massacre human beings.

Wanted massacre?

One billion people, that's the limit right now.


One billion? It really deserves to be an existence of this level in the world. Such a large number can be said casually. Even in the battle for the unification of the continent in the world of the King of the Undead, the number of people who died in many alien races and even humans did not reach this limit. After all, the death of less than half of the people is enough to make the opponent surrender, and in this world, because the God of Disobedience often wreaks havoc and is also affected by the aftermath of various battles, the total number of people is less than 5 billion, unless Igarashi really destroys the continental plate. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to reach this limit.

What's more, with the cooperation of laws, if there is really a blind eye, killing is not the only option, and Igarashi agreed without hesitation.

The lofty will dissipated, and the power of all things that even the God King could not see integrated into Igarashi's body. At the same time, there was also more kindness in the world.

The Great Terror, the Will of the World...

The gods then returned to normal. For such a long time, they had all been suppressed by huge fear. That was death, which was the final destination that haunted countless mortal lives. Gods who lacked the concept of death actually felt their own death just now. At the end of the road, the fear that could swallow them all made the gods stare at the gap in the covenant law, Igarashi's conversation with the will of the world.

Although I only heard Igarashi's words, the gods already understood that this was not only a strong man who could fight against the two god kings with one person, but also a being favored by the great terror. The gods, who were originally furious, took refuge at this time. They generally fled to their respective divine courts.

Those left behind were the masters and disciples of the Monkey King, Mekar, Veleslana, and Athena, who had been by Igarashi's side.

what happened?

The one who couldn't wait to ask was the Monkey King. He was the king of gods who had directly faced Tianwei, and he was also the being who best understood the world's powerful will. Seeing the unscathed Igarashi, he couldn't help but widen his eyes. You know, it even did this just now. Well, prepare to fight with the sky again and be sealed for a hundred years.

A deal has been made. Although the gods still cannot freely travel to the present world, if they proclaim themselves to be disobedient gods, they may be much more relaxed. However, they must be careful not to cause too many casualties. As for the covenant law, it is of no use anymore. .”

From the beginning, this was of no use. All the gods knew this cruel fact at this time. Igarashi just expressed it a little implicitly.

Hahaha, this couldn't be better.

Several gods who understood the terrible will of the world laughed stiffly. Although the divine world is good, the current world is also very interesting. What's more, they have lived in the divine world for too long.

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