Athena, and Igarashi.

The divine world is very large, much larger than the real world, and the stability of the space is also beyond imagination. The power that can destroy the world in the real world cannot make any big waves in the divine world. I feel two uninvited guests, the Greek gods. A voice came from Mount Olympus, the center of the system, like the power of heaven, with thunderous voice.

Even if the God Killer fully activates the power of God, it will be as indifferent to the God Realm as a breeze, but this sound changes the color of the sky and the earth. The clear sky is instantly covered by thunder clouds, and terrifying thunder is brewing in it.

Zeus, take action.

Athena didn't talk nonsense. She had merged with her true body and was the God-King. With terrifying power, she pressed towards Mount Olympus.

The changes here naturally attracted the attention of other pantheons, who secretly peeped here from a distant place. Each pantheon is a member of the Covenant, and they work together to fight against the will of the world, and the god king of the pantheon plays an extremely important role. Once any of the God Kings is damaged, the Great Law of the Covenant will be weakened, and the consequences will be unimaginable. Many gods will become nervous. Athena and the others know that, and Igarashi, this guy has already become famous in the God Realm. After all, His various actions in this world have had too great an impact.

Now that I have seen it with my own eyes and realized that the other party has many blessings from the gods, as well as the power that is higher than divine power that fills his body, the gods who originally wanted to prevent this dispute fell silent.

Nowadays, many gods are watching. As the leader of the Greek gods, Zeus will not and cannot avoid fighting.

Blue light shoots from the top of the mountain to the sky, forming the image of a human being. The one holding the thunder in his hand is Zeus.

Athena and Zeus were fighting fiercely in the distance, and the overflowing divine power and laws were constantly venting in the divine world, while Igarashi looked at Mount Olympus and felt the two unspoken auras of the God King and A look of hatred and a grin.

Poseidon, Hades, instead of trying to attack Athena unprepared, why not get past me first, and Apollo, although you are not gay in this world, you still don't have much courage.

The gods cannot be insulted, and Igarashi's provoking method was very successful. The sea, the underworld, and the sun surrounded Igarashi in three directions.

At such a close distance, the sun's brilliance is enough to evaporate the ocean and penetrate the darkness of the underworld. However, it is the God King who controls the ocean and the underworld. Instead, the sun's temperature is suppressed by the other two, and its power is greatly reduced.

Chapter 563 Stop!

Apollo, stand down.

On the boundless ocean, a god with a naked upper body and a trident holding a trident spoke. He had white hair and a white beard. He looked like an old man, but his strong body and the extremely rich and terrifying vitality could not be ignored.


Apollo opened his mouth and felt another cold and stern gaze looking at him from the underworld. He couldn't help but tremble. He didn't dare to be jealous of the two god kings. He just stared at Igarashi with hostile eyes and stepped aside, looking forward to it. Poseidon and Hades killed the blasphemers who overestimated their abilities.

But Igarashi didn't intend to let Apollo go. The Sword of Glory flew out on its own and shot towards Apollo.


Seeing Igarashi fighting against the two god kings on his own, he was still distracted. Poseidon and Hades, who were all covered in armor, snorted coldly. The ocean and the underworld moved towards Igarashi's place in two directions. Erosion, without the influence of the sun, the power of the two is even more terrifying. As long as Igarashi is pulled into his divine land, the divine king can use more terrifying methods. No, just now, it is enough Terrible, this is the attack of the God King with the power of heaven and earth.

Want to help?

In the onlookers' pantheon, the Persian military god Veleslana and the god-king worshiped by Semitic tribes, Mekar, were having a conversation. They didn't know each other without fighting. Their experience of fighting in this world made the two become friends. Friends of the Gods, they are fighting madmen. There has been no dispute in the God Realm for a long time because they have to fight against the great terror. It is not a happy thing for them. Now, seeing the battle after a long time, one of the participants is still their old man. An acquaintance, Mekar was a little eager to give it a try, while Veleslana's eyes flashed, and after staring at Igarashi for a long time, he shook his head.

He still has a lot of power that he has not used, and many pantheons are just watching now, because Athena has an old grudge with Zeus, and he has power that makes us care. If we participate, it may not be a good thing.

The sea is roaring, and the huge waves carry the power of destroying everything. Zeus, who controls the sky, is clearly fighting with Athena in the sky, but the celestial phenomena above the sea have still changed, changed by the ocean containing divine power.

The underworld is entangled in darkness. This is the home of the dead in mythology. As Hades, Hades can turn everything on the underworld into his own power.

But the huge wave was blasted in half by a punch, and the darkness of the underworld was directly dispelled, revealing the riddled land, and countless golden swords began to appear in the sky.

Veleslana, this is yours?!

The gods who understood this golden sword exclaimed. Originally, the battle at the god-king level would last for a long, long time, but it would be different if there was a golden sword. A long time ago, Veleslana relied on a piece of gold to cut off the godhead. The sword can defeat double-digit true gods with the power of a true god, and can even fight with the god king. The golden sword can be regarded as a famous power in the divine world.

...The master is better than the master. He has developed the golden sword to a level that I have not been able to reach.

Looking in astonishment at the golden sword that began to slash towards the ocean, the underworld, and the two gods above, Veleslana's voice sounded melancholy.

The golden sword can cut off the godhead, which means that the god cannot exercise the relevant divine power and is greatly weakened. However, the prerequisite for its use is to understand the other party's mythology.

As gods with extremely long lifespans, in this huge world of gods, although there are many gods coexisting, the number of gods is pitifully small compared to ordinary people in this world. They already understand each other very well and understand the true myths. .

But Igarashi was different. After all, he had never personally experienced those years. He didn't know what the real myth was. After spending more than a hundred days without even continuing to study the rules, Igarashi reversed the premise of using the golden sword and changed it from understanding The other person's myth is changed to the other person being a god.

The God King is also a god.

boom! ! !

The golden sword erupted with an unreasonable loud noise when it came into contact with the ocean and the underworld. If this was not the divine realm, just the divine power scattered after being defeated by the golden sword would be enough to cause catastrophe.

The brilliance of Poseidon and Pluto's divine power was about to flood Mount Olympus in the distance. After destroying countless golden swords, there were still broken blades piercing into the body.

Igarashi, stop, I promise never to interfere in the battle between Zeus and Athena.

Feeling the shackles that were about to wrap around his godhood, Poseidon quickly spoke. This was inconsistent with his original intention. The three brothers worked together to oust Athena from the throne of the gods, but in the end, Zeus alone enjoyed the victory. The three brothers They have long been at odds with each other. Poseidon originally wanted to let the many gods see Zeus struggling to fight Athena, and then he would take action at the right time to establish prestige and wait for an opportunity to seize the god throne of the gods. This was not the case with Fifty Poseidon. Lan fights for money, he is a fisherman, he should not be a snipe and a clam.

And Hades, the king of Hades, simply collected the underworld and returned to Mount Olympus to settle down. Compared to Poseidon, he gave up more face, but the loss he suffered was much smaller.

So best.

After all, the God-King class is the God-King class. One against two on the edge of Mount Olympus, the home ground of other gods. He was also distracted and alert to possible sneak attacks from other gods. Igarashi also suffered under the impact of the ocean and the underworld. The serious injury, if he didn't master the high-level laws, and Poseidon and Hades both mastered the intermediate laws, perhaps Igarashi himself would be the one who was unable to do so.


The gods who originally thought that the dust had settled suddenly heard a scream, but when they heard the sound, it turned out that Apodo was directly inserted into the chest by Igarashi's sword. The face with the appearance of a god lost its calmness and was full of panic.

Igarashi, you!...

Before Apollo finished speaking, he turned into a stream of light and escaped into the sky. Seeing this, the gods understood that Apollo had been seriously injured and was on the verge of death. He went to sleep with the law where he lived. An Apollo The loss is still bearable. If the god is not dead, even the god king cannot kill the true god. He can only seal it or seriously injure it and put it to sleep.


Veleslana, the only one who understood the power of the golden sword, fell silent. Holding the golden sword, he could cross unimaginable gaps, challenge the god king with the body of a true god, and even temporarily gain a slight advantage. The pair of golden swords How far can Igarashi, who has a higher mastery than himself and is already at the God-King level, achieve?

Although that sword is very different from the golden sword, the aura against the gods contained in it is even greater than the golden sword that just appeared. In Veleslana's eyes, that sword is the real sword that severs the godhead. , Apollo, is it really just sleeping...

Chapter 564 The so-called stalemate is just a joke

Zeus asked himself, he was already defeated.

Now, as the god king of the divine system, I have the entire Mount Olympus as my backing, my divine power is almost endless, and I have all kinds of powers at my fingertips. Mount Olympus is right behind me, and the sky is under my feet. Here is The home of the god Zeus.

But facing Athena, he was unable to attack for a long time. Perhaps, he would have to rely on the power of Mount Olympus to exhaust the opponent until his divine power was exhausted, regardless of face.

If it were an eternity ago, that would be fine, but now not only is Igarashi an uninvited guest, many gods are watching, and there are great terrors outside the God Realm. I don’t know what the consequences will be if I consume the power of my own gods to a large extent, not to mention that it should have been... Poseidon and Hades, who were helped by him, had already had a gap with him. Just now, because of Igarashi's obstruction, they made it clear that they would not take action again. The gods witnessed that they followed their words. This sentence cannot be violated.

If Athena and Igarashi join forces at this moment, Zeus knows that he will lose face. By then, his two brothers with ulterior motives will most likely even add insult to injury.

Athena, stop here. I am willing to share the position of God King of the God System with you.

Zeus relented. After becoming the King of Gods, he had too many worries, and he did not want the Greek pantheon that he had worked so hard to manage to fall from its dominance because of this battle.

Athena didn't know what Zeus was thinking, but in her opinion, she was defeated.

Metis, Medusa, and Athena are a trinity. She has never mastered the power of one god, but the integration of the three. Although Medusa's power is only at the level of a true god, Metis's power is that of a god-king. The level is correct, but he cannot defeat Zeus, and he has even begun to suffer from a lack of divine power.

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