Rays of divine light escaped, and Igarashi's words were not concealed. Other gods also knew the news, but the vast majority of gods did not want to go to the present world.

The present world is a place of depravity, and those who are not self-proclaimed will become the prey of the God-killer who can be wiped out by themselves at their peak, and may also cause the dissatisfaction of the great terror, etc. There are many reasons for the gods to decide to maintain the status quo. In addition to removing the Apart from the great covenant that the gods cannot escape from, there is no point in resisting without meaning and costing a lot.


Until only Igarashi and herself were left here, Athena spoke softly. As the goddess of wisdom, she knew from a few words that Igarashi negotiated terms for herself and the will of the world. To be honest, the queen who once ruled the Greek pantheon I was startled just now, and my whole body was tense.

Hey, you really can't escape now.

Igarashi grinned, but he could still see the momentum of suppressing the two god kings and bargaining with the will of the world.

I will not escape.

Then, although you can go to this world completely, you must restrain your divine power. Those ordinary little girls will be frightened by you.

Looking at the softly smiling goddess in front of him, Igarashi felt filled with a sense of accomplishment. He took Athena's hand, came to the passage between the divine world and the real world, and walked into it.

Chapter 566 Enemies of the World

So, what on earth am I doing?

After listening to Igarashi's description, Pandora was crestfallen. The gods thought that the God-killer ritual was a means for the world's will to weaken the gods. Yes, the God-killer can indeed usurp power, and usurp power that only has low-level laws. This is very important for mastering the intermediate level. For the gods of laws, it's not painful, just like a bank being robbed by gangsters, but they only took a sack of dimes.

Since the Great Terror thinks this is effective, then let it be, and it can still incarnate and lose its temper in this world. The gods used to be secretly happy and cooperated with each other's performances. They even felt that they could control the ritual of killing gods. After all, he is also a god. If given the chance, he might be able to use the God Killer to disgust the will of the world.

Although before that, until the King of the End was sent to cleanse the God-Slayer, the opportunity never appeared.

But now, Pandora discovered that all this was the wishful thinking of the gods, and the will of the world seemed not to care about these things from the very beginning. Even the Great Law of the Covenant could not form an obstacle, so there was no need to weaken the gods.

It's adding fun to reality. With the appearance of God Killer, it's colorful, isn't it?

Igarashi's comfort didn't have much effect, and she glared at him angrily. Pandora rolled on the floor of the ceremony place, and then sat up with a pitiful look.

It's so boring! I don't want to stay here anymore. Igarashi, take me to the present world. You, who can bargain with the will of the world, can definitely do it, right?

Then just be obedient and let me seal your power to the level of a god of disobedience.

Although the attitude of the world's will towards him seems to be quite friendly, even if he directly brings the true god-level Pandora to Omu Ran, nothing may happen. However, compared to the goddess of wisdom and the more stable Athena, Pandora's character is more like that of a small child. My child, when she comes to this world, will definitely be lawless. When the time comes, no one can stop the true god-level power except Igarashi and Athena. It is better to seal her away.

come on.

Pandora's look of getting everything she asked for made Igarashi narrow his eyes. The seal can actually be completed in an instant. After all, there is a big difference between the true god level and the god king level, but Igarashi doesn't mind taking this opportunity to do something he loves.

Now Igarashi's physical and mental strength are 500 points, 40,000 points of all-powerful power, and 400 points of attributes can be strengthened. Back in the collapse of the world, the World Will once said that only when the attributes reach 1,000 points can the world be established. Will is the opponent. Although we have the goodwill of the two worlds now, we may not be enemies of the will of the world in the future. Originally, the will of collapse was a sharp weapon against the world, but now we see that even the will of the world is stronger. In terms of weakness, Igarashi feels that his own strength is the most important.

The power to control all things surged, and Igarashi was planning to use all the power of all things to strengthen his physique, but the system that had been silent for a long time suddenly spoke up.

...A physique of one thousand points will have the same power as the world, and the level of life will also change. However, it is recommended that the host strengthens both physique and spirit at the same time. Otherwise, unnecessary attention will be attracted in advance.

The system doesn't even have the symbolic ding, but Igarashi has long discovered some problems. The most obvious point is that the reward brought by the physique is the power to defeat ten thousand laws with one force, and Super physical defense, vitality and even five senses, but mentally, in addition to improving Igarashi's memory and understanding to a limit, it can only improve the pure mental power. Mental power, this is not a profound power, even It cannot be as scary as physical force.

Physique is the body, but the opposite of the body is the soul.

If this level was not reached before, why is it not reached now? The true god has a soul, and a trace of the soul is entrusted to the law. The law is immortal and the spirit is immortal.

The system will not harm him. Igarashi senses this and is willing to believe it.

Unnecessary stares?

Withdrawing his divergent thoughts, Igarashi focused on the last sentence of the system.

The will of the world exists to protect the world and resist enemies from outside the world.

Igarashi's originally relaxed heart suddenly tightened, and the words MMP rose in his heart. The will of the world is so strong, and there are still enemies? Originally, Igarashi asked himself that in many worlds, besides the will of the world, he should have few opponents, but in the end, there are still people at the same level as the will of the world?

What is it? Is it possible that I will encounter it when I travel across the world?

Located outside the world, living in chaos, and opposing the order camp, are the outer gods. Although there are other existences, the outer gods are the most representative, and there is a possibility of encountering them.

Outer God, why does this title sound familiar?

Igarashi shook his head not to think about this troublesome matter. His stage for a long time has been in the world, and the opponent of the world's will is not what he should consider now.

If you strengthen your attributes to a thousand points, will you be noticed by outside gods? Got it.

He simply strengthened his physique and spirit to 700 points. Although the sudden increase in power made Igarashi a little intoxicated, he was still slightly nervous. He originally wanted to continue enjoying his daily life for a while, but now he has become Become urgent.

In the dungeon world, Uranus, the king of gods who was suspected to be the avatar of the world's will, once said that the power of all things is the highest power of the order camp. If the so-called outer gods noticed him, wouldn't they likely come to punish him directly? Own?

Igarashi began to think about whether he should temporarily store the power of all things in the future, and then strengthen it when it reaches a certain level, so as not to attract strong enemies in advance.

Is it okay to travel to the next world in one month? Are there any risks?

The cautious posture of the system made Igarashi feel the terror of the outer gods more clearly. Before, he had always thought that it was 100% safe to travel through the world, but Igarashi suddenly felt a little panicked.

Theoretically not.

Theoretically, although many theories have not been overturned for a long time, as long as it is said that most situations are unstable, this is a flag!

〇⑨ At Devil’s High School with Nayako

Chapter 567 The War between Gods and Demons

Dragon, an extremely huge red dragon flying in the cracks of dimensions, is the guardian of the dimension, the dragon among dragons that controls the dream, the true Red Dragon God Emperor - the Great Red.

Guard the world in the dimensional rift and prevent all invaders from coming.

Then, the Great Red saw the space tunnel across the world and the people walking on it. She was supposed to control the power of dreams and the authority of half the world to stop outsiders, and she felt the kindness of the two worlds that the other person carried. , and the force that was undoubtedly the Order camp, hesitated for a moment, and finally let it go.

From ancient times to the present, it is called the universe, and the four directions are called the universe. Think of each world as a star, then the chaos that carries them is the universe. And in this universe, there is a place where darkness is crawling, and a pair of eyes are opened there. .

The goodwill of the two worlds, and the power of order? It seems that he is the future god of order, huh? He actually has the power of chaos hidden in him? Interesting.

Darkness began to creep into that world.

This is a battlefield, a battlefield between angels shining with pure holy light and demons using magic. There is also a third party, the fallen angels, but compared to the angels and demons, the fallen angels are slightly weaker. The home of the battle, In angels and demons.

Except for the explosions caused by the conflict between holy light and magic power, and the occasional death cry, there was no other noise on the battlefield. The leader of the angels - God, the leader of the demons - the Demon King, the leader of the fallen angels - - Governor, they are in a stalemate. The power of God is too terrifying. The demon kings and the fallen angel governor must join forces to barely support themselves.


Uninvited guests appeared on the battlefield of the three parties. Two giant red and silver dragons fell from the sky to the center of the battlefield. All the beings present tightened their hearts. These were the two heavenly dragons. Their combat power was higher than that of the Demon King and the Fallen Angel Governor. Regardless of whether they were Whichever way you turn, the situation of the battle will change.

The Red Dragon Emperor Ddraig breathed flames that burned everything, and the White Dragon Emperor Albion released infinitely reducing poison. They did not fall to any camp on the battlefield, and they did not even care about the surrounding environment. They were fighting each other.

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