Perhaps because he was really tired, Kuranagi, who had always been shy, blushed and put his head on Igarashi's shoulder, making Igarashi achieve a kind of hug.

After getting off the tram, it was completely dark. The small town of Omu Ran was not economically developed after all, and even the lights on the road were far away. If these girls, who were either drunk or exhausted, were allowed to go back, there would be no hope. Produce twists and turns.

Arianna and Kallen are acquaintances of mine, let them take you back.

In addition to Tsukimiyama Butler, who is Nagisa Kazuyo's driver, there are two other cars parked outside the station. They belong to Erica and Liliana. After such a long time, they finally bought a car. After all, there are You can't buy things in Okuzan, so you have to walk a long way to the city, and Arianna and Kallen are the maids of Erica and Liliana respectively.


Having a car in Okuzome is a surprising thing. Although the price of ordinary vehicles is not unaffordable, Okuzome has no place to learn to drive. He looked at the two people in front of him, dressed in maid outfits, walking towards his group. The girls who saluted Yingying, even the girls who didn't know Igarashi had extraordinary powers, began to feel that Igarashi was no longer an ordinary person.

Then Ei, Yahiro, and Ichiyo will all take Mr. Tsukimiyama's car, while Nao, Sue, and Hatsuka will be left to me.

Naturally, this was not assigned randomly by Igarashi. Due to the relationship between Tiannu Meei and Nagisa Kazuha, they must ride in the same car. And now that Ei is already living with Ifukube Yahiro, naturally she cannot leave Yahiro alone. If Tsukimi If Shan has any objections, Igarashi doesn't mind using the law to get him to correct his mentality.

What do you mean, Miss?

Wearing sunglasses, Tsukimiyama seemed to look at Igarashi carefully, and then asked Nagisa Kazuyo, his attitude was very respectful and old-fashioned.

Well, that's it, Ying, I'll leave it to you, Miss Yaxun.

Looking at Miss Yahiro who smelled of alcohol, Nagisa Kazuyo was a little helpless. Even though she was an adult, she still had to be taken care of by Ying. However, for Ying, this was something that made her happy.

The Nagisa family's black car drove away, and with the remaining group of people, Igarashi discovered that except for Iga Nao's home which was very close to his own home, the homes of Kuronagasuo and Nogizaka Hatsuka were in two other directions. No matter how you divide it, it seems to take a lot of time.

Ariana was asked to send Nogizaka Hatsuka back, and Kallen was asked to send Iga Nao back, but Igarashi and Kuranagi stood there. This weird scene made Iga Nao blink. After all, she was Igashi. Arashi's neighbor, Igarashi's unreasonable abilities displayed from time to time, had already made her guess, but she didn't say much. However, the drunk Nogizaka Hatsuka could not pay attention to the surrounding environment.

Lan, Lanjun, you...

Everyone had left. It was an extremely quiet night and there was no light. If it weren't for Igarashi standing next to him, Kuranagasao would have been trembling with fear. Now, he was shy. Why should he be alone? Just stay by yourself. If he wants to do something, should you resist?

Sui, I want to take this opportunity to tell you something.

Igarashi's words made the girl blush a little bit more, and she couldn't help but fantasize about what might happen next. Shyness and lack of physical strength made the girl unable to stand steadily.

He quickly stabilized Kuranagi who was weak on the soles of his feet. Looking at the girl's eyes closed and looking forward to it, Igarashi kissed her flatly and then picked up the girl in a princess hug.

Besides the fact that I like you, the other thing is that I have extraordinary power.

As Igarashi's words fell, the surrounding scene changed drastically. Kuronaga rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and finally confirmed that he had arrived at the door of his home in an instant.

The girl widened her eyes, looked at her surroundings, and saw that she looked cute. Igarashi smiled and pinched Kuragasue's cheek.

Keep it a secret from me.


Although it was hard to accept this unreasonable thing, Kuranagi nodded extremely seriously, as if she was determined to keep the secret secret. It seemed that she felt that once exposed, Igarashi would be captured by scientists and sliced ​​for study.

But in fact, the immediate superiors of the scientists are still people from the magic world. If the magic world wants to do whatever they want, they can arrest the scientists and slice them up for study.

How about going to meet your aunt?

No, no need! Go back quickly.

Kuranagi's face turned red. Although his mother would be very happy to know that he had someone he liked, but on such a night, being sent home alone by Igarashi, just by imagining it a little, Kuranagi was sure that his mother would definitely treat him. Cast an ambiguous look.

All right.

Seeing Igarashi's disappointed look, Kuranagi couldn't bear it. He opened his mouth and was about to change his words when the other party reached out and ravaged his head, messing up his short hair.

I'm tired from playing today. Good news.

It wasn't until Kuronaga opened the door and a woman greeted her that she used teleportation magic again to return to his home. When he saw the figure sitting alone in the living room, Igarashi froze.

Qiong, I'm back.


With a soft snort, Qiong returned to his room with resentment and shyness in his eyes. He seemed to be fine except for being a little angry, but Igarashi did not forget his agreement with her.

Tonight, eat the dome.

Chapter 562 The battle between gods begins!

Three months have passed. Igarashi no longer arranges anything for the magic world. He just enjoys his daily life quietly in the small town of Omu Ran. Although he has had to fight with her from time to time since the martial arts king moved here, It takes some training, but overall, it’s just daily life.

Igarashi ate all the girls who deserved to be eaten, from eight to 800 million years old, and he did not let go of any beautiful women he had crossed paths with.

As for the golden sword specifically aimed at gods, Igarashi has also studied it to the extreme, so...

Are you going to the God Realm?

Athena looked at Igarashi who was caressing the Sword of Glory in a daze, her eyes flashing.

Do you know how to get to the God Realm?

Just open a door. Although there will be various restrictions imposed by the will of the world from the God Realm to the present world, if you go back, it will be smooth. However, the energy of the God Realm is too abundant and advanced. Don't think about bringing those women with you. If the children go over, they will be strangled to death.”

Okay, I'm going to meet someone first, and then we'll go to the God Realm together.

Igarashi opened the passage between the real world and the underworld, and glanced at Yuhuo, who had given up on unlocking the seal and entered his own slumber. He seemed to want to rely on time to erase the seal. After all, time has almost no bottom line for gods. Consumables are as useful as snake oil.

But this is the seal set by Igarashi using the law. Unless one day there is a peerless strong man who obliterates the advanced law, or the will of the world that is in a stalemate with the gods of the gods takes action, otherwise Yu Husband will not be able to come out in this life.

Hmph, what are you doing here?

The girl-like Pandora is losing her temper at Igarashi. As the only man in the world who can come to this ritual place without losing his memory, the relationship between Igarashi and Pandora will naturally not be simple. After all, Igarashi has not let go. No one else, but this place is not in the real world after all. Igarashi does not come here every day. As a true god, Pandora can observe all kinds of things in the real world. She can also observe Igarashi without deliberately concealing it, and look at the people she likes and the people she likes. Naturally, I feel very uncomfortable when other women kiss me.

Ahem, although I really want to say something else to comfort you, this time I am here for business. I am going to the God Realm.

Pandora pouted, deep down she was a little happy that Igarashi came here to tell her.

Go, go, I will take care of your girls in this world, but there is Luo Hao who has almost exceeded the upper limit of God-killer, Anshela who is vaguely about to become a true god, and a girl who obviously did not kill and disobeyed, but reached the level of killing. Saint Raphael who is a god, well, there are many others, just these confidantes of yours are enough to rule the earth.

Moreover, there is the protection of God's gift, which is why Igarashi can rest assured in this world where disobedient gods often appear. Looking around the almost empty environment, Igarashi sighed.

Wait until I come back, and then follow me to live in this world, okay?

As a complete true god, Pandora is alone in this ritual place. It is a restriction, a restriction from the will of the world. How can she go to the world at will as Igarashi said, but looking into the other person's eyes, Pandora revealed that she is different from her. A gorgeous smile that doesn’t match the appearance.

Well, I'll wait for you.

The only two people who came to the God Realm were Igarashi and Athena. Although Ansheela and the others also wanted to come, the combat power of the true god level was vulnerable to the god king level, not to mention that they had only touched the threshold of the true god. , were naturally rejected by Igarashi.

What floats in the air between the real world and the underworld is the power of mantra, and in the God Realm, everywhere is filled with the breath of divine power and laws. As long as you can bear it, the efficiency of practicing here will be very high, but Igarashi and Athens Na is not here to practice.

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