Yi Yuan Nao suggested, finally coming out to play, probably no one wants to see Salute being restrained in place, right? Although there are no other people on the beach now, it would not be a happy thing if the salute was lost.

No, I'll take care of you and salute you.

Nogizaka Hatsuka and Igarashi spoke in unison, causing the others to widen their eyes slightly, surprised by the tacit understanding between the two.

Igarashi smiled, his attitude was very firm.

After all, I'm the only boy. Leave it to me to take care of the luggage.

As a bystander, you can take in all the beautiful scenery.

It's strange to say that logically, more mature women should wear mature swimsuits, but the reality is that the girls are all wearing three-point swimsuits, while Nogizaka Hatsuka and Ifukube Yahiro are wearing those that almost completely cover the upper body. A vest-style swimsuit, but it’s quite tempting.

I remember that when we were cleaning in the swimming pool, everyone wore gymnastics clothes outside, but now they can wear swimsuits openly. Well, this is a gratifying progress.

Chapter 560 If you are not drunk, everyone will get drunk.

Igarashi was lying lazily on the large plastic sheet spread on the beach. Although it was beyond the scope of human beings, it was a pleasure to enjoy all kinds of entertainment methods once in a while.

With half-closed eyes, Igarashi caught a glimpse of two mature figures pushing each other beside him. When he took a closer look, it was Yahiro Ifukube and Hatsuka Nogizaka. Through their few words, Igarashi already understood each other's intentions. .

Here, your beer. When I saw the beer hidden in such a hidden way, I was thinking that none of them drank. It is indeed a masterpiece of the two of you.

He took out two bottles of canned beer from the small refrigerator and handed them to Ifukube Yahiro and Nogizaka Hatsuka. Igarashi was also a little helpless. These two guys liked drinking very much, but both the amount of alcohol and the quality of the wine were terrible. After three bottles of bottled beer with a low alcohol content like this, they will become drunk.


Nogizaka Hatsuka is extremely embarrassed now. Once again, Igarashi discovered her disgraceful place, but Ifukube Yahiro didn't care at all. She picked up the beer and drank it. After all, she had already reached the point of showing off her shamelessness. The highest level of my shortcomings, letting high school students cook for me every night, opening a store without makeup, etc.

Speaking of which, why do you like drinking? To pursue that feeling of being tipsy?

Except for a long time ago, when his mood changed drastically and he killed many people, Igarashi drank like crazy once. After that, he hasn’t touched ordinary alcohol for a long, long time. After all, it’s impossible for Igarashi’s current physical condition. Being drunk by ordinary wine, I can only simply taste the bitterness and sweetness that are not very beautiful. However, if the wine god of the underground city world brewed the divine wine, it would be the best in the world.

Ahaha, you don't understand.

Both Ifukube Yahiro and Nogizaka Hatsuka smiled triumphantly and acted as if children should not ask adults questions.

Do you want to drink to drown your sorrows? You two have quite a lot of sorrows.

Igarashi's seemingly casual words made the two of them move for a moment, and then he raised his head and raised the beer can and drank heavily at himself, in a rather crazy posture.

Lan-chan is still young. When you reach our age, you will understand. Oh, no, as a man, he is still in his prime even at our age.

With just one can of beer, the two of them seemed to be drunk.

Please, you are only in your twenties, so don't act like you are old-fashioned.

Igarashi seemed to be comforting, but also seemed to be mocking.

Please, you are only a teenager, so don't act like you are very mature.

Then Ifukube Yahiro retorted with similar words. Igarashi, who is always eighteen years old, naturally would not have any objection to this. He knew clearly in his heart that these two mature elder sisters looked at the group of young girls full of youthful vitality. Playing in the distance, sighing that time makes people grow old.

Lan-chan, are you serious about what you said last time about supporting me? Although I probably won't get married in this life, it seems good to have a little boyfriend.

Ifukube Yahiro's eyes were misty, but Igarashi could see that she was not completely drunk. She asked this question seriously.

Of course, I am not targeting anyone, I am saying that everyone present is my wings!


Igarashi received two punches on the head, and Yahiro Ifukube and Hatsuka Nogizaka took action together.

You don't learn well at a young age, so you just think half-heartedly. Although, with your capital, you are indeed very popular with girls, so this is the most annoying thing.

It seemed that he was stupid after being drunk, or it was an unintentional accident. Yahiro Ifukube kissed the side of Igarashi gently, and Hatsuka Nogizaka next to him also followed the same example. After the kiss, he quickly retreated to the distance. Shilan was relatively far away, lying on the plastic sheet, burping contentedly and starting to fall asleep.

Lan-kun, go play, I'll watch from here.

Nao Yihara, who had been paying attention to this place for a long time and even saw the scene of Igarashi being kissed by two people, ran over and spoke casually. In fact, she was not the only one who saw this scene. , seeing Igarashi wanting to refuse, Igaon Nao said with a smile.

If you don't go, other girls will be jealous, and you'll keep blaming others.

Hey, I'm obviously looking at my luggage! Okay, please, Nao.

Well, go quickly.

If you look closely, the girls with water droplets on their bodies deeply embody the truth that women are made of water. Whether it is the usually lively Tenjo Meei, or Nagisa Kazuha who plays the role of big sister to teach others from time to time, also Or Kuranasa, who was serious to others but hesitant to Igarashi, now had a softer temperament.

This beach used to be a good tourist attraction, but Igarashi did not hide his whereabouts. The God Killer was coming to visit, and people in the magic world were afraid that someone without the foresight would anger him, so they designated this beach early. No one is allowed to approach the restricted area. Igarashi can even feel that there are several ships a few kilometers away from the sea, and there are many guys with powerful spells standing on them. It seems that even the sea area is blocked.

Well, this is the benefit that strength brings.

As soon as Igarashi arrived at the beach, he was attacked with sea water and splashed in his face.

The ones who overestimated their ability to attack were the goddess Meei, Nagisa Ichiyo, and Kuranagasue who were also eager to try. This bad guy always makes him blush, and now is the time to take revenge.

Even if Igarashi didn't exert much force, the waves stirred up were enough to deal with three people, but the girls were determined to fight to the end, and they didn't give up until Igarashi was kicked deeper into the sea by them all.

Then Nagisa Ichiha, who had been holding on, the pampered eldest lady with poor physical strength, showed a weak look. It seemed that she had no strength to swim back to the shore.

Hey, big bad guy, don't you have extraordinary power? I have no strength, please think of a way.

Obviously I am the victim, and you have always been the one who committed violence. How can the victim see the other person being tired and asking for help?

Igarashi's words made the eldest lady blush. She secretly glanced at the goddess Meei and Kuranagasuo next to her. She found that they were also a little tired and didn't notice this, so she continued to whisper.

If you dare to talk nonsense again, I'll beat you. Come on, help me!

Yes, yes, I will control the flow of the sea water and send everyone ashore.

Seeing that everyone was a little tired, although compared to the eldest lady, Ameimei and Kurunaga might still have the strength to swim back, they would definitely be exhausted after landing, so Igarashi decided to use the least obvious method .

The goddess Meei and Nagisa Kazuyo were curious, and Kuronaga was a little surprised. The girls and Igarashi returned to the shore and saw Ifukube Yahiro and Nogizaka Hatsuka trying to persuade Iga Nao to drink too. Funny scene with beer.

Come on, have a drink, the wine is delicious~

Sister Yaxun, Miss Chujia, please wake up, everyone is back!

Chapter 561 Hug left and right

Come with pleasure and return with pleasure.

The girls were indeed tired from playing. As soon as they got on the train back, Nogizaka Hatsuka and Ifukube Yahiro fell into a drunken sleep. Ameimei also made a cute noise because she got up at three o'clock in the morning and spent a lot of energy at the beach. Breathing.

Everyone spoke little and showed tired expressions. This feeling of fatigue was also very comfortable.

The goddess Meei shook her head in confusion, and Igarashi simply lent her his shoulder. The girl's thin breathing made Igarashi's shoulder become a little warm. When he saw the hidden meaning in the eyes of Kuranagi who was sitting on the other side of him, Envious, Igarashi gently shook his free shoulder and motioned for Kuronaga to come over.

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