
Nogizaka Hatsuka tried to say hello, but unfortunately she didn't get a response from the other party, or was simply ignored. This would have been enough to make people angry, but Nogizaka Hatsuka had a strange sense of taking it for granted, as if she was giving a question mark to the queen. How dare you ask for a reply from the other party.

Ahem, she is my family's mascot. You don't have to pay too much attention to her. Come on, you have worked hard cleaning the room. Here are some snacks for you.

After a slight pause, Igarashi continued.

Last time I went to Miss Chujia's house, my aunt also gave me a lot of snacks. These snacks are similar to the ones last time. I think they should be in line with Miss Chujia's taste.

The word mascot made Nogizaka Hatsuka stunned. She didn't expect Igarashi to say this somewhat funny term with a serious face. The maid lady didn't take it seriously either. She thought the other party was joking. What Igarashi said next , the understanding of herself reflected in those words made Nogizaka Hatsuka slightly uncomfortable.

She was suddenly a little lucky that Qiong was in her room and did not come out, otherwise her series of ugly behaviors would be really embarrassing.

Is this Ogi Ran?

Not far from the town, a beautiful woman in Hanfu appeared here. Although she didn’t know much about the place names of Neon, the aura of the two disobedient gods was too obvious for the Godslayer. Luo Hao When the leader was still at the beach, he felt the undisguised aura of his mortal enemy.

They are indeed unusual compatriots.

The Godslayers are very sensitive to the aura of the God of Disobedience, and the Godslayers can also detect each other. Luo Hao felt the two curses belonging to the Disobedience, as thick as the ocean, but could not Feel the spell that belongs to the Godslayer.

If all the intelligence hadn't confirmed that Igarashi was in Omuran, Luo Hao would have thought that this was a town where the God of Disobedience was wreaking havoc.

No, it would be too peaceful.

Walking on the road of Omu Ran in silence, Luo Hao looked up at the sky. Luo Hao was now a little dissatisfied. He did not conceal his spell power, but the other party did not show up for a long time. Was he waiting for him to visit? What a person. A junior who lacks etiquette.

Chapter 541 You have not reached the peak of martial arts

Erica, Liliana, Seiakiuin Ena and Banriya Yuri, four girls who either reached the level of a great knight or a great magician came to the leader Luo Hao.

Master, it's a great honor for you to come here.

Although the words were quite respectful, the etiquette was just a slight bow of the head, which was extremely disrespectful to the leader Luo Hao who was kneeling on the ground in humiliation to everyone he met.

Where is your king?

Leader Luo Hao was suppressing her anger for the first time in a long time. She planned to vent her anger on Igarashi for all the unpleasant things she encountered along the way.

Wang was chatting and laughing with an ordinary person named Nogizaka Hatsuka and eating snacks at home.

The girls muttered slightly darkly in their hearts, obviously they were no worse than that clumsy maid, and they would do anything for the king as long as he wanted.

His thoughts were changing, but his face remained unchanged.

The king is busy now, please take a rest for the martial arts king.

Hmph, wait? In that case, I will tell my rude compatriot what etiquette should be upheld among kings.

As Leader Luo Hao's words fell, a sea of ​​surging spell power began to surge. The martial arts king raised her fist and stood at the pinnacle of martial arts. As the supreme martial arts master, she did not have any special weapons. Her weapons were those she had refined over time. The physical body can achieve the destructive power of power with just a few gestures.


Terrifying sonic booms sounded along with Luo Hao's movements. Faced with this unstoppable attack, all four of Erica used their most powerful forbidden techniques. However, it was like they only had a small lifebuoy in front of the huge waves. The victims are generally just struggling in a pitiful and insignificant way.

Leader Luo Hao originally planned to use this blow to destroy the buildings in this town to announce his arrival, but Erica and the other girls joined in without fear of death. Leader Luo Hao was slightly impressed by their spirit of not fearing life and death. He was a little surprised, but he didn't intend to stop there.

However, the leader's attack was ineffective.

What defused the attack was a flash of light, sword light.

Its force was like a rainbow, shooting down from the sky, killing the fist force of Leader Luo Hao, and killing the loud noise that was about to spread around.

Not only the martial arts king, but also the girls were very surprised, but there were slight differences.

Leader Luo Hao was surprised by the power of this sword light. He could feel a strong sense of crisis from it, but the girls had never known that there was something in the sky before.

But there is no doubt that this attack, which is suspected to be from the opponent's sword, is comparable to his own full blow, perhaps even more. This power is enough to temporarily calm the martial arts king.

Where is your king? Lead the way.

Seeing the girls looking at each other hesitantly, Leader Luo Hao added impatiently.

Since he can protect you, he naturally knows that I'm coming, and he's already prepared for it. Why don't you lead the way?

Erica then led the martial arts king forward in the town.

Perhaps it was dispersed by magic or spells. No ordinary people were encountered along the way, and the group arrived at the door of Igarashi's house unimpeded.

At this time, Igarashi had successfully entertained Nogizaka Hatsuka in this short period of time, and watched the maid lady leave.

King of martial arts, leader of Luo Hao, I have long admired my name, I am Igarashi.

Looking at the beautiful girl in Hanfu in front of her, Igarashi cupped her hands. This courtesy made Master Luo Hao's eyes flash, but the two figures appearing behind Igarashi made her tense up and her fighting spirit surged.

The Serpent of Disobedience and the Ancient Earth Goddess.

I am Athena.

Athena did not mean to hide her information, and directly said her name, but Ansheira beside her remained silent. The God Slayer and the God of Disobedience were mortal enemies, and she was almost killed. Ansela, who was killed by the God-killer, was full of hostility towards the leader Luo Hao, who was also a God-killer.

As for Igarashi, in Anshela's eyes, he is not a God-killer. No, even if he is a God-killer, he is his savior and a special existence.

Carefully looking at the two disobedient gods Athena and Ansheira, he found that they were not subject to any seals or restrictions and were both in peak condition. Moreover, the warrior's intuition told Luo Hao that Athena alone needed all her strength. A mortal enemy.

Taking a deep breath to suppress the fighting spirit in his heart because of seeing the God of Disobedience, Leader Luo Hao looked at Igarashi again. This already famous God-killer could not be defeated by his appearance or by his magical power. A guy who senses the strength of his opponent.

A god-slayer should not associate with a disobedient god.

Who made this rule? Why didn't I know?

Facing the accusations from Leader Luo Hao, Igarashi didn't care. Although the other party was a beautiful girl, she expected to kill Athena and Ansheira, which didn't exist.

Leader Luo Hao was stunned. He only had the will to fight against the God of Disobedience like a natural enemy and had forgotten what happened in the god-killing ritual place in the underworld. However, he didn’t know how to answer. After a slight silence , the spell power in his body gradually stirred up.

I am Luo Hao, a person who stands at the pinnacle of martial arts, an existence named Igarashi. Come on, let me see your power.

This is the doorstep of Igarashi's home, but Luo Hao doesn't care about the occasion and wants to fight him. With the destructive power of the God Killer, the turmoil caused is too great.

With a gentle click, Igarashi's finger touched the forehead of the leader Luo Hao, instantly confining the other party's power, spell power, and mobility. He looked at those beautiful eyes filled with shock and smiled.

The pinnacle of martial arts? You are only the number one martial artist in this world, and you are still far from the pinnacle. Then, Master Luo Hao, can you honor me and come to my house as a guest? I should also come across the ocean to this little Omu Ran. It’s only right to show your friendship as a landlord.”

Words like this world don't sound too big of a problem to ordinary people, but those who are interested can't help but have a lot of guesses. Having almost invincible fighting power, he was suppressed by the opponent with a wave of his hand. This is very important to the leader Luo Hao. It was quite a shock. After taking a deep breath to calm down, the sweet voice of Master Luo Hao sounded.

It's really unreasonably powerful. So, can you untie me? Since I've lost, I will naturally not make any more attacks.

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